Crazy question?

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Member in memoriam
Sep 17, 2007
Eastern KS
SO, this is sorta hunting related, or not.

Every year, we see huge flocks of Starlings & Blackbirds migrating north in the spring, and south in the fall.
It's like clockwork.

I have seen huge flights or flocks? while duck hunting that strung out from horizon to horizon, further then you could see without binoculars.

This spring, I saw them going north as usual.

But, they never came back this fall, for the first time I can remember???

Anyone have a clue what happened to them?

I have just now started to notice them in the past three days or so. I think they are just running late this year. I hope that doesn't mean that winter will run long this year.
Well, thats interesting.

I still have not seen a big flock of them migrating this fall at all here 30 - 40 miles west of Kansas City.

What general part of Kansas are you in if you don't mind me asking?

Not far from you. About 20 miles north to Topeka. My trees were full of them this afternoon. I was home with sick kids today. I have only seen a couple big flocks so far.

We were heading to Riley, KS Thursday for a wrestling meet. Saw a huge flock along 24
hwy just east of Wamego. You could see them from two miles out like a huge dark cloud.
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Come to think of it, I also have not seen any flocks this fall, and we already had over 6" of snow last week!

I'm in Vermont.
They are showing up here in TX now but not in the numbers that they usually do. Didn't reallly think about it 'till you mentioned it. Hmmmm. Might get interesting this year.
They just started leaving here in flocks about a week or so ago. They are running really late this year. Usually means we are in for one hell of a winter.
Thanks for bringing this up - Minnesota is freezing over - in - up - solid this weekend and I realize I have not seen a dozen ducks all year total...
Starlings have been going through NC, at least one of the places I hunt, quite regularly for about two weeks. As have some smaller and louder bird. The smaller one by the thousands, the starlings seem to be in smaller groups.
DANG... Global Warming...
We have had big flocks of sandhill cranes just start flying over the house this week, flying south.
at the ranch

A few years ago before my "ranch-owning-buddy" lost his race against cancer we used to hang at his ranch and pound the back birds daily. They would MIGRATE in the morning and evening from the tree lined-canals to the steer-lined mangers to rob grain at feeding time. We would both go through a couple hunded 20 gauge shells a day. He had this crazy old stock dog with one ear and one eye that was every bit as good a retriever as my black lab! Fun times.
Fine with me!
Kill'm all and let god sort'm out.

I just can't help but wonder why they aren't crapping all over my new truck this fall??

i remember as a kid in the late 50s and early 60s duck hunting with my dad around Squaw Creek in northwest missouri...the redwing blackbirds would blacken the sky.....
lowerunit411 wrote:

i remember as a kid in the late 50s and early 60s duck hunting with my dad around Squaw Creek in northwest missouri...the redwing blackbirds would blacken the sky

Yeah, early to mid 60's South East Kansas, covered in RedWing BB's and Starlings certain times of the year. Hard to imagine so many birds unless you see it for yourself.
Yes, in retrospect it was amazing....the sky would be black with lucky to have lived in such a time and in such a great place.
Thats what has been missing; I knew it was something! I haven't seen any flocks or roosts around here either yet this year, just a couple of small flocks here and there. On the other hand, the crows seem a lot more plentiful this year; large flocks.
Here in lower part of lowere MI we havent even gotten snow to stick yet and the ground isnt even frozen. It was a snowless rifle deer season.

I saw 3 giant flocks on the way into work today...they're comin....

Some corn is still up too.
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