daniel defense torture test

Daniel Defense torture test, true or fake?

  • It's True.

    Votes: 34 63.0%
  • It's Fake.

    Votes: 12 22.2%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 8 14.8%

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Apr 13, 2007
United States of America

to be honest, i think it's fake, the torture test was too staged, plus too many errors :neener:

the first thing that give them away was

1.the dirt test... with the dust cover closed...

2. water test... they drop it in the water "with a camara" attached to the rifle and when they pull it out there is no camara, plus stall a long time to drain all the water out...

birdshots at 25 yards... came on , shot a slug or 00buck

drop test... from a 30 feet and heli into grass....? came on you can do it better than that.... plus they cut the scene in every test.

plus... at the time of the explotion there was no rifle in the steel target just a sling

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drop test.... the rifle have a camara attached to the right side of the forearm


but when he pick it up the camara is gone....


same happen with the heli drop test.

the rifle have a camara...


then when he pick it up the camara is gone again....
Not sure....

Not sure and don't really care. My rifles won't ever go through that so makes no difference to me. But fun to watch.
Considering I know people involved in this I can tell you it is real.
Also if you watch TacTV they show a longer version without the cuts that explains more.

to be honest, i think it's fake, the torture test was too staged, plus too many errors

the first thing that give them away was

1.the dirt test... with the dust cover closed...

If you listen to Larry he even tells you that they only did that because if they didn't then people would complain.

2. water test... they drop it in the water "with a camara" attached to the rifle and when they pull it out there is no camara, plus stall a long time to drain all the water out...

They took the camera off most times before it was shot. And it would be flat out irresponsible to shoot any weapon with water in the barrel.

birdshots at 25 yards... came on , shot a slug or 00buck

This was to simulate shrapnel from explosions in combat. In fact that was really the entire point of these tests to simulate combat situations.

drop test... from a 30 feet and heli into grass....? came on you can do it better than that.... plus they cut the scene in every test.

Actually there were 2 drops from the Heli. The 1st one they didn't track the gun with the camera and had to reshoot. And I am sorry. These show a LOT. Dirt and grass are not that soft when you hit them at velocity

plus... at the time of the explotion there was no rifle in the steel target just a sling

Errr. What? The image is washed out due to the explosion but if you look carefully at the photo you posted you can see ever so slightly where part of the gun are in front of the pole. Also from the way the sling hangs you can tell there is a gun on it.

Not sure what your agenda is but I take issue with you essentially calling someone of his standing a Liar. Especially when your evidence is as sketchy as it is.

ETA: Maye you just really are wondering. However you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching the full test on TacTV. It will actually show a lot of what you are asking about.
Not sure what your agenda is but I take issue with you essentially calling someone of his standing a Liar. Especially when your evidence is as sketchy as it is.

ETA: Maye you just really are wondering. However you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching the full test on TacTV. It will actually show a lot of what you are asking about.

i dont have an agenda, and i dont care how standing a person is, when they post "fake stuff" that make them liers in my eyes those test were all fake, the only one that seems true is the "birdshots". in my eyes those are fake and i have done my fair amount of video/film editing/shooting in high school and college years so i know how those scene cut works.

ETA: it is a good video, and the shooting (scenes) angels are great, with good camara and slow speed added.... but the content is fake. just like a movie.
What I don't get is why the OP finds the torture test so hard to believe. The AR15 is a battle rifle and Daniel Defense is one of the better brands out there.
You are claiming it is fake stuff but have offered no proof of it. And no the stills you offered are not proof.

What I don't get is why the OP finds the torture test so hard to believe. The AR15 is a battle rifle and Daniel Defense is one of the better brands out there.

Because once people get something stuck in their head they have trouble letting go. That isn't a jab at the OP it is just human nature. Something convinced him that this was fake and he is stretching to try to show it.
It's a start. The real testing starts with comps and classes. Word will get out that they're good stuff, if they are. So far every DD product I own is excellent. I'm especially liking my DD Lite 14" rail.

But what do I know I'm just a copier repair man that loves to watch Spongebob Squarepants.

it's a start. The real testing starts with comps and classes. Word will get out that they're good stuff, if they are. So far every dd product i own is excellent. I'm especially liking my dd lite 14" rail.

they have been holding up really well locally. I did the math on mine last weekend and i am at about 6000 rounds with no cleaning or pm. About little over half of that has been suppressed. Other have been run much harder. But you are correct. The true test is how they hold up over time in classes, etc.

but what do i know i'm just a copier repair man that loves to watch spongebob squarepants.

best line ever. I was amused at all the crying over that line. Sad that dd decided to edit it. And it was printer repair man. Not copier. :p
kwelz, do me a favor and take a closer look at this.

when they buried the rifle they wanted "to get as much dirt inside the gun and action as possible ,yet the dust cover was closed, and they place it facing down. dirt will not go up, the action is sealed from dust/dirt and the muzzle is taped...

does that look like a dirt test do you? not to me....
Larry Vickers posts over on M4C... he has stated that things were shot twice to remove cameras...

Larry Vickers is a guy that has lived off of his reputation. He has been nothing but honest throughout his career with everything he has done... He has expressed his discontent with products time after time... he is known in the industry a the guy you send your product to in order to see if it actually holds its metal. You think he wuld fake a video for DD?

Granted they could have found harder tests for the rifle that would have made it fail... but honestly I don't think I ever put an issued weapon through what he put that DD and aimpoint through.

That video strikes me as an advertisement for aimpoint as well as DD
i know DD are great weapons... the part that bothers me is the way they edited the video to make it look from a great weapon to a super weapon.....
when they post "fake stuff" that make them liers in my eyes
Just a piece of advice - it's not particularly High Road to call somebody a liar based solely upon your impressions of a cut video.

Complain about the video all you want, but let's not drop our standards to a level not suitable for THR.
that is my point, it's just advertisement... no real test done.... but they make sure it "look" like the ultimate test.

And our point is that you are wrong. So you are not happy with how they did the dirt test? Ok great. it was still run over multiple times, shot, dropped from multiple heights and had an explosive go off just a few feet from it. What do you want them to do? Take a sledge hammer to it?
Just a piece of advice - it's not particularly High Road to call somebody a liar based solely upon your impressions of a cut video.

Complain about the video all you want, but let's not drop our standards to a level not suitable for THR.
so... how i'm suppose to call by "THR" standard a person who ad. a product based on fake facts...?

^ that smiley is the only way to adequately describe what I am feeling.

You claim it is fake but when presented the facts you choose to ignore them. There was 1 gun run through all of this. It survived. It still worked. Although the rail now presses against the barrel and has thrown off Zero by a bit.

They actually had a second carbine on hand in case they needed it for the later tests. (and yes they would have told people they were switching) However they never needed to switch.

The Carbine survived the following.
  • Dirt Nap (even Larry said this was a gimmie test)
  • Submersion into swampy dirty water and then fired without cleaning. (Yes they allowed it to drain. Nobody is stupid enough to do otherwise)
  • Being shot with a shotgun to replicate shrapnel from a nearby IED going off.
  • Being ran over by a Truck at slow speed
  • Being ran over by a truck at high speed
  • Being dropped off the back of a moving jeep and then ran over by another truck
  • Having a large explosive go off next to it.
  • Being dropped from 40 Feet.
  • Being dropped from a helicopter at Fast rope height not once but twice.
By anyone's standards that is pretty impressive for a single weapon. But you call it a fake because you don't like the way the video was put together.

This was not about testing a weapon to failure. It was about testing it in conditions seen by Troops every day in combat.

Dirt? Check.
Water? Check
Shrapnel and other debris? Check
Drops, bangs, impacts and pressure? Check
Being blown the heck up? Check.
And our point is that you are wrong. So you are not happy with how they did the dirt test? Ok great. it was still run over multiple times, shot, dropped from multiple heights and had an explosive go off just a few feet from it. What do you want them to do? Take a sledge hammer to it?

run over multiple times? have you hear about "multiple "camara angles"?

drop from height? 6' 30' into grass and heli (wich you never saw it hit the ground and picked up in ONE single cut....

and explosive go off next to it? i have watch that scene many times and i have yet to see a rifle in that post, all i see is a sling without a rifle.

and no i dont want a sledge hammer, all i want is... dirt in the action (not cover it) droped from a heli and the explsion "with a visible rifle" all in once scene without cuts...
Annnnnd again.

run over multiple times? have you hear about "multiple "camara angles"?

Yes I have. However if you watch the actual Tac TV episode they show each individual one.

drop from height? 6' 30' into grass and heli (wich you never saw it hit the ground and picked up in ONE single cut....

So because you don't see one cut it must be fake? Once again have you watched the full episode?

and explosive go off next to it? i have watch that scene many times and i have yet to see a rifle in that post, all i see is a sling without a rifle.

Glasses maybe?

and no i dont want a sledge hammer, all i want is... dirt in the action (not cover it) droped from a heli and the explsion "with a visible rifle" all in once scene without cuts...
klews do you own a DD rifle? :rolleyes: that explain....

BTW this alone convinced me to buy a DD rifle :neener:

Dirt Nap (even Larry said this was a gimmie test)
Submersion into swampy dirty water and then fired without cleaning. (Yes they allowed it to drain. Nobody is stupid enough to do otherwise)
Being shot with a shotgun to replicate shrapnel from a nearby IED going off.
Being ran over by a Truck at slow speed
Being ran over by a truck at high speed
Being dropped off the back of a moving jeep and then ran over by another truck
Having a large explosive go off next to it.
Being dropped from 40 Feet.
Being dropped from a helicopter at Fast rope height not once but twice.
Dirt? Check.
Water? Check
Shrapnel and other debris? Check
Drops, bangs, impacts and pressure? Check
Being blown the heck up? Check.
and explosive go off next to it? i have watch that scene many times and i have yet to see a rifle in that post, all i see is a sling without a rifle.
If you start the video at 6:59 (yes, 6:59, not 7:00) you will hear him finish yelling 'hot' and the explosion starts. You will see a complete rifle hanging from the post when the explosion goes off and I assume destroys the camera.

And before you comment about it destroying the camera but not the media, it's definitely possible. I've managed to end up with multiple jump drives/flash drives in the laundry in my life and they all work just fine. I certainly wouldn't expect my digital camera to still work though sending it through the rinse cycle. Sure, apples to oranges, washing something versus blowing it up aren't the same thing, but the ideas are the same.

I certainly think the video is real but I'm going to happily step out of your disagreement with kewlz. Have a good night.
The video is made to make the weapon look good and the aimpoint as well. Of course it is. I would say it is real but a little hard to believe. The one problem I had was towards the end after he dropped it from the heli, he cleaned out the barrel with the magazine still in the gun and without safety checking it.
i wouldnt (dont) put much stock in the video. i see it as an advertisement, and nothing more.

i will say it reminded me of the hk video that so many people voiced their opinions about.

EDIT: i put quite a bit more stock in what i hear from people about items that they have bought, not items they are selling, but thats just me.
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