Dear Santa

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Aug 27, 2011
PJ Ohio
Dear Santa
I have tried very hard to be good this year but it hasn't been easy. As you know 40 years ago I became afflicted with an ailment that I didn't realize I had contracted.Even if I had known there was not many ways to research it then. We never heard of the internet (or global warming or Al Gore even), and after a time it seemed to go away. Then on Memorial Day of this year, it came out of remission and went viral. The doctor I had with me had his suspicions by conducting a few tests. In early September he called in an associate and in late November when he fired up his practice, he comfirmed the diagnosis. Both Dr. Colt and Dr. Rem E Ton agree I have Potasinicol Sulferitsis, commonly know as Black Powder Fever.
While there is no cure (well maybe one I saw) it is contagious(just ask my brother and nephew) but can be kept under some control. Treatment consist of outdoor exposure to loud noises,shooting flames and smelly insense while using the Holy Black powder (or generic substitutes). Various indoor treatments have been suggested by the good doctors, and I am almost set up to begin making little silver balls and cones out of liquid metal as well as other mind consuming projects. Now Santa, to aid in my treatments, it has been highly recommended to seek out other specialists and equipment, So if you could arrange for a small brown truck (I'm not greedy and I'm still in the early stages) to deliver the services of a Dr. Walker, the Dragoon Brothers or even one of those cute little NAVY nurses would help. I would like to stay with the traditional and period correct methods now at first, so we don't need any fancy ones with their shiny brass and engraved looks. And we are looking for services of some of the Quack doctors who invented so made up treatments, at least not yet, maybe later on.
Now Santa please don't forget all the other good folks out there. I have found many more guys (and gals) who suffer just like me (some more some less)and they do their best to help you as this disease progresses.So Santa could you see to it that a they could find a little something to fit in their stockings or "pockets" (22 to 31 cal) though I have found one member somewhere who might also have a use for a hair brush for their long blonde tresses that they sport from time to time. OH that reminds me, one should make the NAUGHTY list and have a 5lb lump of black powder put in their stocking or have their boots filled with lead. So if ever on your Island of misfit guns a zebra striped gun shows up treat it kindly, it's owner should either be charged with abuse of a Colt or given a Nobel Prize for finding a permanent cure for Black Powder Fever. Oh and if you see the Easter Bunny, tell him he better bring me more and colored eggs on his next visit as I have my "sights" on him.:scrutiny:
Thank you Santa, I'll be waitin on your visit with hammers down and guns holstered..(plus I have some VERY good cookies waiting)
jldee55 (AKA Old Crow in other circles):D
Merry Christmas to ALL here and which ever range you roam
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