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Definition of an anti: Graham Kent

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Jul 31, 2006
Providence, RI
Wow is this guy out in "la la land"


Massacre anniversary sparks concerns
August 08, 2007 12:00am

AS Melbourne remembers the 20th anniversary of the Hoddle Street massacre, the gun control lobby has called for a clampdown on gun ownership, saying shooting licences are too easy to obtain.

Stronger gun laws were one of the outcomes following the slaying of seven people by failed army cadet Julian Knight in inner Melbourne on August 9, 1987 - Victoria's worst mass murder.

Gun Control Australia says stronger laws have reduced the number of mass killings in Australia, but is worried the test to obtain a shooting licence is far too easy.

"In all jurisdictions, that is nowhere near as thorough and demanding as should be," Gun Control Australia president John Crook said.

"Our only experience in analysing Victorian figures is virtually everyone, that is 99.5 per cent of people who take that test, pass it.

"In other words, it completely lacks integrity.

"It's the simplest test you could imagine of just a few multiple choice answers."

Mr Crook argued the test should be made into a course of between 20-40 hours over six months.

"In some places it's only an hour," he said.

However, Sporting Shooters Association Victorian president Bob Cooper said testing was stringent enough.

He said the test was run by accredited trainers, usually police officers, and was not only multiple choice.

Police checks were then conducted and it was 28 days before shooters could use a gun, he said.

"When you come to handguns they're even more stringent," Mr Cooper said.

"It might be the 20th anniversary of Hoddle Street, and we never want to see anything like that or any of those other incidents again, but I think that we are quite highly regulated in all regard and that includes the testing and background checking of people before they obtain a firearm licence."

Superintendent Graham Kent, one of two police who spent hours interviewing Knight soon after his arrest, has called for a blanket ban on all firearms.

Supt Kent, who works at the Victoria Police Academy, said the ban should include guns carried by police.

"If I had a magic wand, if was premier for a day, I would have a total prohibition on guns. Total prohibition, including disarming the police force," he told the Nine Network.

Knight had shown no remorse for the massacre, Mr Kent said.

"He didn't see that that was wrong, and I'm not sure he does now," he said.

In the space of 46 minutes, Knight gunned down seven people and injured 19 others during his shooting spree on that Sunday night in Hoddle Street, in the inner Melbourne suburb of Clifton Hill.
The 19-year-old was jailed for life in 1988, with a minimum of 27 years, for killing Vesna Markoska, Robert Mitchell, Gina Papaioannou, Dusan Flajnik, John Muscat, Tracy Skinner and Kenneth Stanton.

"Twenty years, 20 black years passed," Ms Papaioannou's father Christos Papaioannou said today.

"We never forget my daughter and every time when I remember her I lose the ground under my feet."

Mr Papaioannou will leave flowers and candles at Gina's grave to mark the 20th anniversary of her death.


We have some Aussie members here right? Is this guy for real? Does he really want to put officers' lives at stake like that? That guy is loony tunes in my opinion:eek:
I'm not Australian, but I'm glad to see them try to put their police on the same level as their citizens, if it is the wrong level...
And where the hell is the death penalty in all this? These SOB's are specificly why you have a death penalty
OK Mods. Be fair and lock this. It belongs in the former L&P forum.
Along with most of the interesting stuff more significant than whether 9mm or 45ACP is best for ... [whatever] ... .
[Steve Irwin Voice]And heere we heeve the reere Australian nitwit. Despoite theey're stoopidity, they sometimes meenage to cloimb up the social ladda, becoming such theengs as politicians, which can be veery dangerous for other Australian critters, loike the now nearly extinct Roight to Carry a Fireahm, and the threatened Australian Citizen.[/Steve Irwin Voice]
They are following Great Britain step by step, so I can't say this was not expected.

"In some places it's only an hour," he said.
Oh, dear, the horror. In the states, it can be 5 minutes or less (good thing for us).
"99.5 per cent of people who take that test, pass it."

"In other words, it completely lacks integrity"
Did it ever occur to this guy that maybe 99.5 percent of people who want to buy a gun are good honest people. My guess is no
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Did anyone else see that it took that guy 46 minutes to shoot 26 people? I wiki'd the massacre, and the details are sparse, but it appears that they basically tried to hole him up instead of aggressively pursue an end to the violence. Seems to me like a failure on many levels... not law abiding gun owners, though.
Graham Kent must be automatically sacked for his comments. Not only has he threatened law abiding gun owners, he has also threatened the personal safety of his fellow police officers. It is dangerous for Victoria Police to keep people like him as a police officer. He must be sacked immediately.
Mr Crook argued the test should be made into a course of between 20-40 hours over six months.

What is it with antis and wanting lengthy training periods? I mean, yea, it's obvious they just want to make enough hoops to discourage anybody from trying, but, still. How could anyone believe training will prevent violence? If anything, wouldn't that make murderers (whom they mistakenly think obey the law to begin with) into more efficient killers?:scrutiny:
"When you come to handguns they're even more stringent," Mr Cooper said

Stringent might be an understatement, requirements for owning a handgun in Australia: Must be member of pistol club (in order to join, requires two letters of reference from people you know). Wait 6 months for club endorsed (clubs have no choice on this) probation period. Add on 28 days for licence waiting period and slap on another 28 for waiting period on your handgun. After you heroically fought/bashed/cut through all of the obstacles and red tape. Cops knock on your front door to check your storage requirements (ie gun safe).
[Steve Irwin Voice]And heere we heeve the reere Australian nitwit. Despoite theey're stoopidity, they sometimes meenage to cloimb up the social ladda, becoming such theengs as politicians, which can be veery dangerous for other Australian critters, loike the now nearly extinct Roight to Carry a Fireahm, and the threatened Australian Citizen.[/Steve Irwin Voice]

Hahaha, very nice. =)
The irony is that Julian Knight would have had no difficulty passing a more "thorough and demanding" knowledge test: this was the one subject area he did well in at the Royal Military College Duntroon.

He would however have failed the other part of the existing requirements, in that he was facing charges of assault, malicious wounding and GBH arising out of his stabbing his CSM in a brawl, and was on bail at the time he carried out his massacre. Under existing laws he could not legally hold or continue to hold firearms in such circumstances.
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