Dianne continues to be a thorn in our side.

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 3, 2003
South PA, and a bit West of center!
So - what's new.:rolleyes: But I sure wish she'd direct her zealous efforts towards something genuinely useful. Hardly new news tho I guess.

Fron NRA-ILA ....

Feinstein Fights To Reinstate Gun Ban

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein is renewing one of Washington`s
long-running and most bitterly fought battles, saying she will introduce
legislation seeking to reinstate the federal gun ban that expired last
September after 10 years.

Yawn. She is playing to the mindless masses that vote for her every six years. Not a prayer of passing in the current national political environment. Hopefully we won't face another fight on the topic for a long time (if ever).
and we are going to try and repeal our own AW ban here in PRK?
God I hope we pull it off, I will be TELLING ol wifey im going to spend 1300 or so on a rifle.
KLR - I too try to yawn but - it ain't just Dianne ... she is just a figurehead and has a large (spit) following ... and so I cannot share your optimism.... wish I could. It is or can be just those legislative efforts that we label ''not a prayer'' that can leap up and bite back - long ways down the line. Reason enough IMO to be alert and aware.
Not that we should let our collective guard down, but I think the oxygen has been sucked out of the issue (short term). I think that the Democrats are so desperate to pull some red states into their orbit they are willing to let the gun control issue move to the background. If they somehow get their act together and move into the majority, we will (hopefully) have laid the groundwork with the steady march of shall-issue legislation, sunset of the AWB, etc. That plus the continuing failure of the gun-lawsuits, I think they will have a lot of intertia to overcome.
I dunno..

I think it could gain some momentum if we keep seeing incidents like the one in Texas and that upstate New York mall shooting.

they seem to be becoming more prevalent and *surprise* they're using AK varients. set ups?
they have to swim up-river against what the general public sees the dems as... fanatical liberals mostly because of hollyweird... far as Im concerned, hollyweird can keep talking.
they seem to be becoming more prevalent and *surprise* they're using AK varients. set ups?
I always wondered about all of those school shootings. They seemed to have almost vanished since Bush took office.
She can be a thorn in my side if I can be a pitchfork in hers. :evil: Her hatred of firearms most likely came from the Harvey Milk fiasco. So close.
I wonder what caused her hatred for firearms? Might be something from her past, or possibly she’s just a natural nutcase.

She doesn't hate firearms, in fact, she holds a California CCW. She just hates us commoners. We don't deserve the right to protect ourselves.
What a publicity hound. I have concluded that she is simply not creative enough to come up with additional ideas for useful legislation aimed toward solving some of this country's myriad problems. Even Hillary has found a useful cause (health care); you'd think DF could read the handwriting on the wall and realize gun legislation is a non-starter right now.
Doggone it

Since the Big D. carries a gun and doesn't want us Californians carrying, she will go after us first. Builds momentum for her agenda.

Priviledged class against us regular folks. :mad: :mad:
That is DiFi's lot in life...

To be as big a PITA to as many folks as is possible... :banghead: :banghead:

Just like my 2 RINO's DeWhiner & Voinobich
Shoot, we need someone to introduce an 'Assault Weapons Amnesty' bill that would make it illegal to ever ban them again! One would think the 2nd amendment would have this covered but out Congress critters seem to disagree.
We need to buy billboards in Cali that say "Dianne Feinstein carries a gun, but says you can't, because she's better than you" and have a pic of her, a pic of, say, a Kahr PM9, and a pic of a Cali CCW card.

Maybe a little "hypocrisy is ugly" on the bottom of the sign in smaller print.
At a time when the Democrat's new leadership (read that "Howard Dean") is trying to reach out to get some red states back into the fold, the pary's hardcore anti-gunners like Sen. Dianne Feinstein are actually doing us a favor by proving that nothing has really changed, regardless of what Dean may say.

Words are meaningless when actions don't match them. In the coming months this will be pointed out each time Dean sticks his head up in some red state. Of course there is a small chance that a bill could be passed, but under the present circumstances it's unlikely. Meanwhile the party's far-left will continue to be a substantial liability too them. Let us hope they continue. :evil:
Shoot, we need someone to introduce an 'Assault Weapons Amnesty' bill that would make it illegal to ever ban them again!
Exactly right. Amnesty for 'assault weapons', not illegal aliens.
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