Die or Fight

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Or posture/submit...but I am not discussing those options.

Very nice graphic(s), Oleg!

But how about: Grounded people can't fly... Would that help accentuate your subject's mobility issue?

One problem I see is that the image on the right stands-out more which draws the viewer's eye to it before the image on the left. The message comes out of order.

Maybe equalize the colors/brightness/eye-catching of the two images.

I agree with Bogie on the need for more wheelchair in the image. It emphasizes the inability of the person to flee.
I agree, the chair should show more noticeably. The image on the left seems fine though, it actually drew my eye there first before looking at the person in the chair which is good. As a graphic designer, I do believe the typography could have been better to emphasize the meaning more though.
too bad you can't use a pic of George from Seinfeld fleeing on that electric scooter
It's a good basis; some of the tweaks that have been suggested have merit, though.

I like it, but I would show the dude wielding a handgun instead.
I have to agree with this. The AR looks a little too "revolutionary." A revolver might be better than a pistol, too.

Show more chair.
True. In the present case, the guy is just a model unless he's a celebrity that people will recognize.

the image on the right stands-out more which draws the viewer's eye to it before the image on the left
This is a good point. This is kind of a complicated message; perhaps extra-sharp black-and-white might work (maybe with the gun in color)?
I agree that the colors need a little tweak...and while I personally love it...the AR15 might be a little overkill for the point your trying to make...I think it would come across better with a semi auto pistol (in a concealed carry rig of some type...but visible for the photo). And show more chair.
I love the idea of Oleg's posters as a way to get pro-gun messages across. But I often get the idea that only people who are pro-gun would really understand them in the first place. I think it may have to do with the prominence and types of guns Oleg sometimes uses. Like in this one, I think a pistol on a belt might be more approachable. Before all else, we need to get people OK with the idea that guns are just tools and using them for defense is OK. To do this, we need to weed emotions out of the issue. It shouldn't be this way, but the sad fact is that ARs and AKs evoke strong negative emotions in a lot of fence sitters. Slapping them in the face with a picture of an AR might just close their ears to the whole debate before it starts. I think a less aggressive poster might get them thinking about defense first. We can get them OK with ARs and AKs later after they have accepted guns in general.

We want to get people to think. Scaring them right from the start might not be the best way to do that.
I would have simply put "Man has not wings" on the bottom. I like the image though. Fantastic as usual.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
-Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) Greek Philosopher

"Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth."
-Henry David Thoreau

"My soul is in the sky."
-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
It only gets better! Oleg, I see the chair staying in it's present context. Bogie has a good point. However, I like the fact a viewer will catch the chair out of the corner of their eye and the delayed impact will mean more. Sort of an "Oh, yea!" For immediate impact, Bogie's suggestion is spot on. Just a little more "wheel" will drive it home.

Again, those of us with disabilities receive a pass from Anti's. It's been my experience anyway. "The Great Equalizer." Some return on a long time investment.
I like it, but it's a wee bit wordy. How about:

When predators strike, birds take flight;
People must choose: die or fight.

Also, the AK does seem sort of unwieldy for the context of the picture. Not that he doesn't shoot an AK, but composition-wise it looks a bit...cramped, somehow.


PS: NEVER MIND: I saw the updated poster in another thread and it's just right.
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When predators strike, birds take flight.
People don't have that option.

Die or Fight.

I agree with showing more chair, and a handgun or even a shotgun.
A very nice piece of work. The only criticism I can offer is when I read the captions I think plural. Then I see one man. Either more people in the photo or a singular case would make more sense to me.

Submit = might die; so that really is not an option for most people.
How about this. Take one of your pictures with this guy and place this below the picture. "Handicapped", doesn't have to be synonymous with "Defenseless".
Nice image...

However, I disagree with most about the use of the AR in the image. In my opinion, it is very appropriate in support of the message.

A little revolver...?

How about a holstered revolver under the jacket so it can't be seen?

Nothing says 'Stay away" like a head on a pike. An AR or AK in the hand kind of has the same impact...

If you pick a fight with a handgun, you'll probably lose...

After all, the Korean shop owners in LA whose stores survived the riots were armed with ARs... If they had been wielding just handguns, they would, most likely, have been standing in the ruins of their stores...

Then again, we all know what opinions are like...


Poster looks OK, though I agree we need to see enough of the wheelchair to identify it as such.

One thing I would change:

"die or fight" doesn't ring well. Swap the words to "fight or die".
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