Dirty Harry DVDs are on sale

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Jul 10, 2004
West Palm Beach, FL
Yeah, I got a few of them from the $5.50 bin at walmart the other day.

I just finished watching Magnum Force, the one about the vigilante cop death squad. (David Soul in his breakout role!! :p )

Anyway, if you get it, be sure to watch the LAAAAME "theatrical trailer" in the special features.

If this was the actual trailer they showed in theaters, it's a wonder anyone went to see the film. It's like they gave away who did what, who got shot and when, who crashed a car and when, and all by using the WORST scenes and the WORST dialogue possible! You'll have to watch it to see what I mean. And then they finish it off with Eastwood sneering in a closeup, and say, in that melodramatic hollywood voice, "It's all in a day's work for Harry Callahan!" :barf: It's just really really bad...

If you do, check for "Magnum Force."

It's funny how the cops in these movies say dumb "cop-like" things, tainting the dialogue with a kind of stupidity that it surely didn't have to have. They say something like, "The killers always use a 'magnum' " -- as though that's a real specific "kind" of gun or something, and the implication is "WHOA, how very LETHAL of these killers!" :rolleyes: You can tell that the dialogue is written to put a wow into the average don't-know-nuthing-about-guns moviegoer. It's not a far cry from them saying something as peurile as, "Wow, that's some large bullet wound!" while looking at a dead perp. The dialogue is just so blah, meaningless and mindless.

If you get it, let me know what you think of that awful awful trailer in the special features section. :p

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