Dittoheads Infiltrate Frisco Freak Protest

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I had heard him talking to this guy on his show yesterday while I was on my way to work. I forgot that he was posting them. Thanks for the reminder, even if I did almost spray coffee all over my computer.
Typical liberal approach

The protestors read the large print on the signs and ignored the details.

How typical is that?

I was listening too. I guess the guy that did the signs is an Israeli student. I'm sure they'll accuse him of being a Mossad agent sent to infiltrate the protest.

What a great, creative and humorous way to poke holes int heir arguments with their own tools.

A round of applause for someone that had the intelligence and guts to do something visible. Any bets on whether the news media will cover their signs?

Don P.
Believe it or not Don my local news paper had a picture of a "pro-war" protester yesterday. His sign said something to the effect that appeasement has killed as many people as war has. I almost fell out of my chair.

Of course it was on page four, off to the side, and just a small comment, but it was there. There may be hope yet.
LMAO :evil:
Are those pics really real?

Did they actually hold signs like that?

Again, the utter infinity of human stupidity.......
Is that "All your base are belong to us" photo taken outside of some Chinese embassy or consulate? Look at the red sign with yellow characters (words, not people) behind the fence.
Looks like a garage/light industrial warehouse, so I guess it is a Chinese grocery.
Are those pics really real?

Did they actually hold signs like that?

Again, the utter infinity of human stupidity.......

Do you realize that the people holding these signs are counter-protestors, mingling in with the "peace" protestors...
I think what these guys did is a interesting way of communicating the

the utter infinity of human stupidity

that some of the views "peace" protestors hold...

Now, if we can come up with some catchy anti-gun control slogans for any gun control rallies...
Now, if we can come up with some catchy anti-gun control slogans for any gun control rallies...
Good idea!

GUN CONTROL: because communities are safer when only criminals have guns.

GUN CONTROL: because criminals are safer when citizens can't shoot back.



Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us worthy evidence of the fact. -- George Eliot
El Tejon, the "All your base" sign was a reference to a poorly translated line in a decade-old Japanese video game named "Zero Wing". It was all the rage with the kids on the 'net about two years ago.

Flash movie


Don't worry that it makes absolutely no sense. It's not supposed to. :D
Uh....yeah....I knew that!!!

Ohhh, Jones! Post your address for us, will you? Some of us want to send you a washcloth so you can wash the egg off your face! :D

Great signs! I just sent the link to a few friends. I expect some of them to have just the same reaction as you did, Jones.

Well, of course I'll give them the laugh, too! That's what friends are for!

Actually (Oleg, you looking?) it'd be interesting to see what sorta spin we could get on some signs - Hard-core pro-gun signs won't stay up in a university setting very long, but I suspect that something a bit more "under the top" might...
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