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do punisher grips make your 1911 "nerdy"...?

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First of all, comic books are just another form of storytelling. Like animation, it's stigmatized here in the States as a childish form of media, just as gunowners are stigmatized as violent and "trigger happy" kind of people. Both are very narrow-minded views, to say the least.

Google "Sandman" by Neil Gaiman, "Watchmen" and "Miracleman" by Alan Moore, "Dark Knight" and "Sin City" by Frank Miller. Great reads (classics, really) and definitely NOT for children. I haven't been into comics for some time now, but to broadbrush it and its fans as childish is simply ignorant. And if anyone's familiar with Anime, Japanese animation is often VERY adult.

It's no coincidence that the vociferously judgmental guys in this thread are the same ones that are fearful of being similarly judged by other guys at the range. If I saw someone at the range rocking Punisher skull grips, I'd think he's a Punisher fan. That's it. To posit any more than that is to stereotype people in a manner we ourselves would not like to be stereotyped. (Hell, I'd hate to hear what you guys would think of me if I wore my Browncoats T-shirt to the range! :p)

If it's a range gun, go for the grips, man. Who gives a Frak what the geezer next to you thinks? ;)
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If I saw someone at the range rocking Punisher skull grips, I'd think he's a Punisher fan. That's it.

That's because you're into comics.

Most people are not, and they would simply see a stylized skull.

If I had Speed Racer on my grips, people might think that was dumb, or cool, or ironic, or whatever. But nobody would just see a big skull.

Those grips are festooned with a large stylized skull symbol, which as an icon or symbol pre-dates "Punisher" by many centuries, and carries with it many other connotations, whether you like it or not.
It's your gun - get what you want. Whatever you get may not be on your gun very long. I probably have a dozen extra sets of 1911 grips and the compulsion to change grips gets strong very quickly.
I'm not sure how they'd be under sweaty/rainy conditions, but if it's a range gun and it's what you like, I say "go for it". They're easy enough to change if you end-up not liking them. The aesthetic opinions of the guys/gals in neighboring lanes has little to do with anything of importance.
Guess I'm a geezer. My guns are tools, not fantasy objects, or items to make me feel cool. I just don't see the link between "I like violent comics, therefore I want them on my gun". That's as odd to me as "I like brisket, so I'll use barbeque sauce for gun lube".
How many gun purchases have been inspired by books or movies, especially westerns? Heck, look to SASS competitions for an example of shooters embracing "fantasy."

Fictional characters have inspired plenty of firearms purchases. Josie Wales, Dirty Harry, The Sacketts, Mike Hammer, James Bond, Bob Swagger, and a legion of others. Even Frank Castle.
I wouldn't say "nerdy" so much as "childish."

Yes, there are very mature comics written for adults (and I don't mean pr0n). But I don't think the Punisher is one of them. He's a guy out for revenge against all violent criminals. Let's face it, the comic book character is obsessed with revenge, to the point that he rejects any type of healthy human relationships. Guys and Gals, that is childish.

I'll admit that I've seen my share of Westerns and Martial Arts films, both of which often have "revenge" as a major theme. I'll even admit to enjoying watching a badguy get what he deserves onscreen. But I put it away when I leave the movie theatre.

If someone shooting next to me at the range pulled out a 1911 with those grips, my eyebrow will probably be raised, but I'm not so quick to judge based on so little evidence. There are gonna be plenty of other, better clues as to whether or not the owner of said 1911 is dangerous. But, since you ask what the members of THR think, I'll tell you I think it's childish to have those grips on your gun.

That said, you still have the freedom to do as you wish, so when you get the grips, we want to see pictures! :D:rolleyes:
Oh I always thought that skull (with gills?) was just another tough guy thing like "Ain't Skeered!" stickers, trucks with human scrotums, and barb wired biceps. But now that I know it's from a comic book, it's not as painful.

I don't think anyone's seriously running around thinking they are "the punisher", but as the punisher crowd has conceded it's not like a D.A. won't make that argument, and even though it's not a S.D. pistol, you never know when circumstances will dictate it will be. Then you get to watch the D.A. explain to a jury how it it's not revenge (much less S.D.), it's PUNISHMENT!

That's worst case scenario. Best case is just bringing a fantasy mindset to a serious hobby. These are our "toys" to some extent, but I just don't see a place for it. Unless anyone knows where I can get some Batman grips for my Sig?
If you have ghost flames or skulls or any of that goofy stuff on your pistol you are a nerd. But its better to be a nerd and support firearm ownership than a nerd that supports gun bans. So be the biggest nerd you want to, I don't care. You're not hurting anyone by putting those grips on your pistol.
Yes it is nerdy.

But it's a cool kind of nerdy....

Do what you want, but the absolute LAST place I would come for advice on the appearance of my gun is this place. You have about 5 pages of why I say that. People here can't watch a movie without getting upset about gun mistakes and having it ruin the movie for them did you honestly think they would be able to seperate you being a vigilante or a Punisher fan by wanting those grips?
trucks with human scrotums

I thought those were supposed to be bull scrotums, like the ones on the Merril Lynch corporate logo. Dirt roads or Wall Street, symbols are not inherently good, bad or whatever. They can certainly make statements: the bearer of the icon might have an intelligent sense of humor, a sense of irony, a sense of history, or a low IQ. It all depends.

The problem with the Punisher thing is that it's a big skull. This symbol is associated with an overt threat of death. It's been used as such by pirates, the SS, and damn near anyone who wants to scare other people into submission, or simply kill them, for centuries upon centuries. One comic book doesn't change that. Be aware of what you are saying when you use an icon.
This is a fiery thread. Seriously, I think there are plenty of other things that a prosecutor might go after you for other than grips. (hollow points, laser, membership in this and other gun forums) I think it's pointless to try and gaurantee our immunity in court by not having the "scary grips" on our gun. I have law enforcement ammo that I use in my SD pistol, just like I'm sure at least 60-70% of the guys in here too. I could just as easily make a claim that the prosecutor will accuse of being zealous "mall ninja" types that were out to make a name for ourselves, so much so that we had to pass on the civilian ammunition, and went for the law enforcement ammunition. It's silly to sit here and worry about grips when there are at least 10 other things that a prosecutor would go after, before some silly grips. (Ranger T's, HSt's, laser sights, stocked up ammo in the basement, large gun collection......) Get the point? None of us would be above suspicion if we were to really have a prosecutor trying to put the screws to us. To worry about grips when you have all these other things connected to you is like worrying about putting on your signal lights when you're in a 110 mph chase getaway from the police. silly really.:cool:
This is a fiery thread.

Yes it is and it's sad that it is. Who cares what the guy puts on his grips? Why do so many people let it ruin their day?

If the guy put teletubbies grips on would everyone assume he's gay? If he put DMX grips on would everyone here assume he's a thug and beats animals?

It's a grip with a skull on it from a charachter the OP enjoys or just plain likes the skull. So many people here really need to get over themselves.
I think it's pointless to try and gaurantee our immunity in court by not having the "scary grips" on our gun.

You are putting words in a lot of people's mouths here.

Nothing "guarantees your immunity" and nobody thinks so. That's a straw man.

What many of us DO think is that putting a big skull on your gun is taking a completely unnessary risk, should you end up in court, or interface with law enforcement for any reason.

That can include other things besides a defensive shooting. Do you think a cop who finds you plinking in a dubious location will treat you more kindly, or with more suspicion, with those grips? I've been part of a group that was simply asked to shoot a couple more miles down the road. We could have been arrested. Our appearance and our demeanor made things a lot easier for us.

Like I said, most adults don't have a clue what "Punisher" is. They do have a clue what a skull icon is.

Again, do what you want. But understand that choices can have consequences.
I never considered the legal ramifications of putting a Dale Earnhart #3 sticker on my vehicle until this thread.

Do you really think a #3 is the same as a big skull?:rolleyes:

I doubt it. But you never know, I guess.
ArmedBear said:
Do you really think a #3 is the same as a big skull?

To a jury it could mean the difference between a normal innocuous commuter and an irresponsible lead-foot racer wannabee. The lawyers could spin an interest in NASCAR any number of ways, better safe than sorry.

ArmedBear said:
I doubt it. But you never know, I guess.

Seems like a pretty good comparison to me. Especially with those unregulated street races being all the rage now: Dangerous and deadly. God help you if you collect any racing memorabilia.
Seems like a pretty good comparison to me. Especially with those unregulated street races being all the rage now: Dangerous and deadly. God help you if you collect any racing memorabilia.

Great. Now I have to take the Z-71 Off Road stickers off the side of my Avalanche. I could be more responcible for land damage if I venture off the asphalt...

And yes, SuperNaut, it was the perfect comparison. You couldn't get more apples to apples.
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