Do your companions know how to react?

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Mar 24, 2003
This thread was inspired by much the same topic discussed here.

The gist of the above discussion is the reactions of your companions to a confrontation or the combat that might result. For the sake of this discussion I mean "companion" to be your spouse, significant other, friends, friends of friends, and anyone else that you might find yourself out in public with on a regular basis.

Since I'm single, I'll use the example of friends. My friend Marc and I both have CCWs and are in the same unit in the Massachusetts Guard. We have trained extensively together in this context and on our own. If the SHTF when we're hanging out together, I know exactly how he'll respond, and he knows exactly how I'll respond. Assuming we survive the first contact, we can begin to apply our training to the encounter.

Well, that's great, but what about my friend Joel? He has no CCW and absolutely no martial arts training. He tends towards the absent-minded end of the awareness spectrum, often failing to notice obvious things. Such as my other friends and I announcing that wer'e turning into Electronics Boutique and he continues walking down the mall. He is one of the most intelligent people I know but he has zip for street smarts. I have no idea how he would respond to an emergency situation, let alone a direct threat against himself. Am I going to have to lead him by the hand if such a thing occurs? Probably. Can I convince him to try and raise his situational awareness? I doubt it.

And what about my friend Rob's friends, whom I've never hung out with before and have no idea how they'd react? Well the first and last time I did go out with them they made what would have been a totally meaningless confrontation worse by refusing to ignore the instigators, instead goading them on. Rob and I had to practically drag them away while insisting we didn't want any trouble. Rob and I gave them a serious "***" tongue lashing after that, but the point had been made.

So have you considered how your friends and family are going to react in such situations? In my example Marc is a clear asset but the latter two are both minor and major liabilities, respectfully.
Absolutely not. I trust my 'tactical' friends with my butt, but don't know how my church friends will react.
The wife knows what to do if we’re out some where and SHTF- which is get behind me and them evacuate the area (i.e. run like hell!) seek cover and start working the mobile phone to call the cavalry. And damn straight give them my description.

If I’m out with a larger group of my friends, there are maybe two that know I carry. And usually they’ll sidle up to me and sort of whisper ‘so… are you carrying right now?’ I don’t depend on them or on any of my other friends to do anything in an emergency, other than (hopefully) seek cover and stay low. But I’ve never discussed it with them.
Ummm, Tamara, so do they train together? Run reaction drills? Down range drills?

Does having your little pink card (check local listings for colour of your LTCH) entail education? Certainly not, right?

Erick's idear is also my pre-date drill, if not with my tacgolf friends.:D
There is another part of this when "the mop flops" for real how will they (your trained companions) react. After spending years in the fire department and rescue squad I can assure you that I have seen people that have received a ton of traning but when comfronted with a real life situation they sometimes "reboot". Favorite quote "Come back here I need someone to do chest compressons!!!"
I know in general how my friends are going to react, but not in detail. No amount of "training, reaction drills, or downrange drills" are going to make you 100% sure what your buddy is going to do in a particular situation.

I mean, how many scenarios and variations can there be? Thousands? Millions? Oleg and I can plan what we're going to do when two bad guys come in the front door of our favorite restaurant, but how about when the scenario changes and badguy no. 3 shows up and starts blasting away?

"Wait a minute, I thought you were supposed to shoot him!"
"No, I thought you were!"
"Hey, I thought I was supposed to dive behind the counter while you give me covering fire!"


I will trust my friends to make the make the best decisions they can in the time and environment provided.
El T,

Ummm, Tamara, so do they train together?

To varying degrees, yes. Why?

I gather some folks here spend more social time with "non-gun folk" than I do.

Erick's idear is also my pre-date drill

I don't "date outside my species" (as Oleg puts it) :D
Erick has the right idea. You need to train together before you can act as a team. Having had the same training will help, but you really need to train together and rehearse in order to be effective.

Anyone who has participated in a multi-jurisdiction police operation will verify what I'm talking about. Even people who have had the same training will not be as effective as those who've trained together.

El Tejon,
Hanging out in the same gunshop....maybe if you wore the same flowered shirt??? :D

A couple pointers for team training:


Do it enough times that it's getting boring...Yes Virgina, you really do spend hours going through the same door again and again...

When you and your companion have gone through the door so many times you dream about it...turn the lights out...reverse positions..start again at crawl...

Don't complicate things by adding OPFOR or training in the dark until you can do the basics in your sleep.

Don't turn your training into an airsoft war. While free play exercises are need to remember that an opposing force is a training aid to help you learn. It will be a long time before your are ready for a free play exercise.


Waaahh, Jeff, training is hard work and sooo boring. Besides, because I own a gun, I am: 1. too cool to train, 2. already know everything; 3. do not need to train because I have a gun and read gun rags.

Who wants to work on the basics? I own a gun; I can jump out of airplanes and use my kung-fu to fight eeevil like Batman.

Study? Spend money on education? Make a committment? Nuture a culture of learning? This is all too much for me.
When I returned from a Team Tactics class at Thunder Ranch, the info I learned there was passed on to every family member and we continue to drill in what-if situations.

While I know a lot of people, my definition of "friend" is more limited than most, and I can count my true friends without taking off my shoes. Those are the people I actually associate with. For example, a few weeks back my son and I had dinner with several friends who are all firearm instructors/operators. There was so much metal at our table that the needle on every compass within 100 yards probably turned in our direction:cool:

BTW, Erick, how was the drive back to CA :D

Well, at the moment, all of my friends are soldiers or were, so yeah, no worries here.
Cheers, Ya'll
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