Does anyone actually LIKE the 'standard' grip put on ARs, etc.?

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Nov 14, 2007
Why do they put these hard plastic, un-ergo, no-grippin' POSs on ARs, XCRs, SCARs, etc.? I've already got a small pile of them, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. What's with that stupid nub that's too low to fit between the 2nd and 3rd fingers, but too high to fit between the 3rd and 4th fingers? Why are we wasting all this plastic - just contract with ERGO to put them on every rifle straight from the factory. Is there even one person in the world who wouldn't rather have the ERGO brand grip (or similar) instead of the 'standard' style? Bah.
Do what?

There's exactly 3 grips I like in this order

the A1 style

The Hogue with fingergrooves

and the A2 style

Both of which incidentally are about as cheap as they come. I particularly dislike modular grips,, to me they feel like a wad of lego's in my hand with all the different parts
i like it. my favorite AR, bar none, currently has a standard grip on it and i've no plans to change it
I have one AR-15 and the very first item I replaced was the std grip with an ergo Grip.

I totally agree with you, the std A1/A2 (whatever the difference between the 2 are), is the most un-ergonomical and uncomfortable grip I have ever encountered on a firearm!!! Useless piece of $5 plastic.
I like the extra meat in the web area that I get from my MOE (or ergo, etc.)

My hand sits too high with the standard grip.
The nub is perfect for jamming between your third and fourth fingers to get a good grip. That helps seat the buttstock against my shoulder.

I like the Ergo and similar grips. But I have standard A2s and they work fine for me. It's not a pistol, and a length of broomstick wrapped in duct tape would probably work in a pinch...:)

As a shotgun type, I notice fit, quality of cheek weld, LOP, etc. right away, and the pistol grip is an afterthought.

The regular A2 setup works well for me. I have an old A1 stock I picked up; haven't tried it yet. I don't much care for the M4 stock, but I have one on a lower. Like a bayonet lug, it's the principle of the thing: I got a collapsible stock. (Actually I got a bayonet, too, so I guess the bayonet lug serves a purpose.:D)
I don't like them much. FWIW I don't like the MOE any better. I can tolerate them though.

All of my ARs have either Hogue or Ergo grips. I've come around to liking Hogue the best, but Ergo makes a nice grip also. And the ATI grip is pretty good too.
Meant to fit the most people.....most of the time (large hands, small hands, finger length, etc.), thus the "mass production" aspect of them.

Me personally?...I changed mine to a Magpul MIAD grip. It's much better.
A buddy gave me an Ergo grip. I ended up switching back to the A2 style. I think I might like the Battle Grip from Tango Down, I might try it one day.
I'm with the OP. I couldn't stand the stock grip on my AR. I put a Hogue on it to avoid the "nub" (which is useless and irritating to me) but the grip was still too small, so now I have an Ergo grip which is nice, slightly larger, but not perfect. For me all of the grips I've tried have to much angle on them. I'd like a grip that was thicker for my larger hands and more vertical which would make my wrist more comfortable in most shooting positions.

That's about all I can complain about one of my favorite guns. I should be happy I even own one this day and age!
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Hate the A2 grip, mainly because of the finger shelf...

Currently rocking a MOE grip because it was $20. Have tried the Ergo grip, and while I like the shape and comfort, the tackiness of it just felt too much. I prefer a grip without the tackiness and just a bit to squeeze.

The 1911 grip adapter is interesting, I'll say.
Meant to fit the most people.....most of the time (large hands, small hands, finger length, etc.), thus the "mass production" aspect of them.

I disagree... I think they were built so the smaller end of the hand-size bell curve could control the weapon. In my experience they are a bit small for most male hands.

Personally, I hate them, but I have weird hands. Short stubby fingers and big palms. I prefer Ergo grips. On my military issue M4, I wrapped the standard handle a bunch of times with that self-adhesive non-stick camoflauge grip tape. It was the best grip by far, as I could wrap the tape to fit my hand. Only reason I don't have it on my personal AR is because it looks like crap and gets dirty too quickly.

Found a picture. Looks like crap, but works.

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My co-worker is a USMC reservist who is a marksmanship coach.

He was taught and uses a really weird grip wher he has three fingers wedged inbetween the bump and the trigger guard...

he tried to explain the advantage and reasoning to me....

Needless to say, I didn't get it....

Not very comfy...

I don't really have a problem with the std. grip.

Not the greatest... but it gets the job done and fits my hand reasonably well
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