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Does it bug you when people dont know what they own?

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hat amazed me was the utter lack of discrimination they both had: zero interest in caliber, manufacturer, quality, or any other factor whatsoever beyond price.
Like I said before, I drive a Dodge Intrepid ... not the BMW M3 I'd rather be driving :p

Seriously though, it doesn't surprise me because many people buy a gun, load it and toss it into a drawer never to be shot again, but still there and ready "just in case".

If you're not going to shoot much at all, a Hi Point is probably a fine choice.

And no, I don't believe that burning through lots of practice ammo down at the range and/or going to shooting school should be a requirement for gun ownership.

Sure you're going to be better with the gun if you practice and get some training, but you'd also be a better driver if you spent a week at Skip Barber Racing School, but since most of us aren't going to race and most of us can't afford it, we make due with what we've got.
can't say it bothers me,but on occasions it has scared me.listening to a fellow talk about his new M-16 he just bought,well,maybe it was an AR-15,the one you can buy. ok,gonna shoot crows out of the tops of some trees on his back proptery line.give me a box of those 9mm for it,9mm should be enough for crows,shouldn't it. ok, now I get to say,I'm outta here. jwr
Quantity over quality.

Necessarily? If so, how so? If not, why'd you say it?

Not necessarily my friend, just a general statement, that's all. I also know some others who have quantity and quality. Nice. I'm sure the guy at issue has his own reasons. Personally, I don't have enough guns not to know what I have. One can dream though.
Jorg and Zundfolge expressed my take pretty well.

In fact since teh Intraweb , I have worked at not keeping up with gun and knife stuff, it can be a real turn off to new shooters.

Just tools and too many put these tools as the center of their universe and at the highest priority of their life.

I mean one fellow spent $30,000 one year in guns, entered every event, and never seemed to notice he had a little boy wanting a daddy or a wife wanting a husband, and a dad for a son.
Oh he can "impress himself impressing you".

Nature of the job to speak the lingo, like a nurse in a ER - "your child has just abraded his/her patella".
Sounds serious, a parent can fret, until interpreted this just means the kid skinned his/her knee.
It doesn't bother me that someone does not remember every gun they own. I probably could not tell you exactly every gun I own without my list. It does bother me a bit in the original post that the buyer could not remember the caliber or model that they put on layaway. My take is that this person has very few guns and is not particularily interested in firearms. They are only tools. They won't get shot.

Quantity over quality... you can have both. Not interested in anyone knowing what I own. I don't need the ego boost.
Reminds me of a guy I know. I was talking to him about a Mosin I had just bought and he asked me what caliber it shot. I told him and he said that "oh a long time ago when they were real cheap I bought some Russian guns in that caliber, I think they are in that closet over there". He had an SVT40 and two real Russian Dragunuvs:what: Had no clue what he had or the value. This is the same guy that has thousands of dollars in nice shotguns and hunting rifles:rolleyes:
can't say it bothers me,but on occasions it has scared me.listening to a fellow talk about his new M-16 he just bought,well,maybe it was an AR-15,the one you can buy. ok,gonna shoot crows out of the tops of some trees on his back proptery line.give me a box of those 9mm for it,9mm should be enough for crows,shouldn't it. ok, now I get to say,I'm outta here. jwr
you know, they do make 9x19mm AR's.
He could've even bought an M-16 in Alabama.

Do I get bothered when people don't know exactly what type of gun they're buying? No, why would I? I see it all too often, from plenty of customers. I do what I can to inform them, just so they're educated consumers; but at the end of the day, it doesn't affect my life, so I let it be.
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