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Does Your MIS Dept. Block Gun Sites?

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Dec 27, 2002
I would like to know from all of those whose jobs involve using computers and their networks, if your company blocks gun sites from access. Mine does and it bugs me.
My job has long periods of inactivity at times and I used to be able to entertain myself by browsing the gun related websites and such. But recently whenever I try to access a gun related website I get a statement that says "You have been stopped from viewing this Web Site!! If there is a problem contact the MIS department."
Luckily I can still acces THR, at least until they realize it's a gun related site, then it'll be blocked also. Any recommendations or suggestions, or "I feel your pain" sympathy? I wish I knew how to get around it.
The head of IS where I work has a bumper sticker that says; "My President Is Charlton Heston".

I ain't too worried

I work for a school district so everything is filtered. The high road works for me though, it is the only one that does. I sometimes go to a mountain bike forum and even that is blocked in the school district, don't ask me why......tom
I get a Cannot Find Server window for that site.........wait a minute, that was a joke right? :scrutiny:
jobrelatedstuff is a mirror for ar15.com. But evidently, ar15.com is down due to some problems with inclement weather, so you can't get to either.
I work at a major computer company - the one that goes by 2 initials and started out making calculators... ;)

Nothing I would surf has been shown to be blocked.

One thing you could try - try going to an anonymous proxy - I have not used one in a while. Some are free - but those are usually slow and do not show pictures (so people dont anonymously surf porn)

Another thing to try if you have the savvy: use remote control software to control your home PC (VNC is a good free ware prog for this) Then - use your home PC to do it...

Finally, you might be able to access the site by IP address - but not often if it is properly blocked. Maybe the admins or somebody could setup an alternate URL - "THRData.net" or similar...

*** You should know that in some companies, getting caught circumventing these measures can get you canned. Try at your own risk...
Same as Jesse H. --

I AM the InfoSys Dept.

I do block CNN along w/ other sites though.
I am in my IT department also although I do not make decisions pertaining to content filtering. Someone made a comment earlier about redirecting your proxy. That won't work for us because we filter on the firewall/router level. We also block ANYTHING to do with military, etc. I tried to go to the USMC site the other day and it was blocked.

I don't mind so much because there are a lot of sites that do not pertain to my work that are blocked. Not necessarily because they are deemed immoral or anything, but my boss wants me working while at work, not surfing. It is a huge problem in corporate america. We did some studies last year just monitoring and found that roughly 25-30% of an associates time was spent surfing the Internet on non-job-related sites.

What does that mean? Well, for a user making $50,000/yr it means he is getting $12,500 for sitting on his/her duff not doing anything for the company.

Another thing to consider (for my company anyway) is the liability of an associate viewing inappropriate material and someone else seeing it and being offended and bringing a law suit. You laugh, but it happened to us. IIRC, in California of all places :rolleyes:

You folks may not like it but it does serve a purpose for a company.

Nope. Our SA has more guns than I do. He's built computers for gunshop owners and took his fee out in merchandise.
Guns are okay

Since you guys kind of are my employers(I work for a federal shipyard) I am embaressed to admit to you that my IT system does not block off gun websites. My only problem comes from my boss...he just want's to make sure I'm not shopping for a gun to use on him.
my office is rather small, but i know my boss would like it if i couldnt surf non-work related sites. the axe swings both ways however. he'd have to give up searching for the perfect golf club or accessory online.

course, i do have to go in and help him at least once a week figure out how to use the space bar, the enter key, or the tab button.

i'm not joking. i really have to help him with those little things.
we just recently taught him how to use email.

(yesterday i estimated that i spent an hour before lunch here and on glocktalk. i then faked that i worked during that lunch period while still surfing online, and took my lunch break after that. another hour was spent before quitting time, leaving me only 3.5 hours to actually work yesterday. i figure its justified because of all my unpaid overtime.)
In my employers small company, I am the MIS Department. So, blocking 'The High Road' as they say ..."A.H.".....Ain't happnin.....:D
Not generally. The company policy is to use the internet primarily for business reasons. Of course, the obvious list of porno, etc. are denied, as are most internet email sites, but they would probably only block a gun related site if it caused a high bandwidth problem to our network or took a distasteful turn.
You don't happen to work for a radio station do you? Cause your boss sounds exactly like my step-dad. :what: :D

I am pretty much the IT department for the company I work for so we don't have any sites blocked. :cool:
...are you kidding? My MIS dept blocks access to the company site! :banghead: The last thing on their minds is blocking gun sites. Their primary task seems to be keeping our network up & running :cuss:
no hutch, i work for an insurance office. all we do is push paper. dont sell, dont adjust claims, dont even talk to the insureds. we dot the i's and cross the t's.

but at least i'm somewhat discreet about my "misuse" of company resources. theres a couple coworkers that dont even try to hide the fact they use ebay a couple hours a day or play on yahoo games.
Nope not blocked at work and I work at for a school district. I havn't ever had a problem going to a site for guns. I surf all the time on lunch. I even bought my stuff from ammoman on my work computer. Only thing thats filterd is porn and hotmail.
I am my own MIS dept., since I'm self-employed in that line of work. My main customer, a national religious organization, blocks nothing. On databases I've set up there that have WEB links in their databases, my default is the NRA WEB site.

On a related note, I was discussing some potential work with the county school system and fired up my laptop to demo a system. I hadn't used it in a while and forgot my wallpaper was a Les Baer 1911. Should have seen the look on the woman's face! She wasn't that horrified and we had a brief chat about taking my daughter shooting.

I can understand an employer blocking WEB sites. It's their equipment, employees and money. However, they should block all non work-related sites.
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