Double barrel goose gun?

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Sheesh. Well, probably won't have to cap a round when he sees twin 10s starin' at him. :what::D Ah, 12s, even 2 3/4" number three fast steel, work great on decoyed ducks. I need no more. I even did pretty danged decent with my 20 on teal last year shooting 3" steel 4s. I'm going to try fast steel in that gun. It handles a lot faster on those little low flying buzz bombs you don't see on the horizon just after shooting time. The 10 would be for those 50 yard shots at geese when they just won't come down any more and that happens a lot, especially late season, with snows. Speckle bellies are kinda stupid. I've CALLED 'em down without deeks to 30 yards with a snow goose call at that. LOL Snows get pretty wary by the time they get down here, though, and one needs the reach on 'em.
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