Drivel from an anti-rights co-worker

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He really seems to think that women "call rape" after the fact, even if they are not resisting during the act. When I brought up the idea that a woman would show clear resistence with a gun, he said that some people are turned-on by that :banghead:

I don't even want to ask but does this assume there is non-lethal ammo? (rubber bullets will still kill you)
I brought that up and he knows that. He still sticks to the fact that rubber bullets are LESS lethal and that's good enough for him.

Are you sure this guy isn't a rapist?
I am pretty sure. This doesn't prove anything but... He is a very mild-mannered guy. He and I have hung out with ladies several times. He doesn't come on too strong to women.

This subject is a sociopath, with little regard for human victimization. Even if he has no criminal tendencies, he needs serious counselling with regards to his feelings (or lack of feelings) towards victims, and other people in general. It sounds as if he has no compassion towards anyone else, and possibly none for himself. Very dangerous, as you have discovered. And to think he probably votes..............
Totally agree.

Willing to bet he's never been a victim of a violent crime.
I would go in on that bet with you!!!

If those are accurate statements then you need to find something he thinks is ok, then bust his chops. Put him back on his heels.
He has recently done some backpedaling, by stating that guns should be allowed, but bullets should not.

I agree that it sounds like he has SERIOUS issues regarding women. Does he have a wife or a girlfriend? Any kind of normal family life?

I have seen idiots advocate that women get martial arts training to defend themselves against rape. Usually from morons who have never experienced a violent altercation in their life. The most skilled female 100 pound martial artist on the planet is in a world of hurt if a 250 pound man decides to rape her in a dark alley. Unless she's got a 9mm in her purse.
I don't know about his family life. I know that he has had relationships with girls in the past (from his word), and I know of him going on at least one date.
He did state in one of our talks that "women can just run away". He's bigger than I, but I could probably grab him and keep him from running away for a little while.

Just curious...How old is this guy?
I think he's 26 or 27.

Replace the word "gun" with "steak knife" and see how kooky it sounds.
I don't think it would have much effect on him. He'd come up with the usual anti-responses.... "I need a knife to cut food", "it takes more work to kill with a knife", "I can't kill as easily with a knife", "I can't kill people far away with a knife", etc., etc.

Any possibility you could post his home/e-mail addy and/or phone numbers so the masses could educate him
I think he's just jerkin' your chain. I've known people to take that practice way over the top.

Some folks always seem to get a big charge out of taking an opposing position in a discussion. Why anybody wants to be thought of as a huge PITA is beyond me. I suppose they think it makes them look real smart or something.

Sit in on a few exploration decision board meetings (or any other business meeting) and you'll see what I mean.

And, it wouldn't surprise me if he had a Jennings 9mm in his closet.
The guy is a whack job. Just think we ride down the freeway next to people like that on the way to work every day and expect them to make rational decisions in their cars.
This edges up to spouting pop psych, but...

People think others will do what they would, because they know that at least one person in the world would.

Think about that.

If an anti is convinced that people with guns will go on a shooting spree...
If an anti is convinced that people with guns will shoot people they dislike...
If an anti is convinced that people with guns will kill other people's pets...

Where do you think they got those ideas? Why do you think they take them seriously? Maybe they think they would do those things. Someone who fears themselves is unlikely to trust anyone else.

That's part of the reason I don't try to convince rabid anti's they should own guns. I figure they know something about themselves and I don't want to contribute to their going over the edge.
And, yes, I know that there ARE people out there who are like this ... but how many are there, really?

Sociopaths are estimated to make up 1% of the population.

He sounds like a really deep, logical thinker! Be sure to send him a care package in prison when one of his bear traps mauls the meter-reader.

I've always suspected that there was a class of people who, while not convicted criminals, were uncomfortable with others carrying because it diminished their ability to push people around/start fights/etc. Sounds like this guy!

Tell your lady friends about his views re: rape and ensure he never gets lucky again.
realy in not a pschiatrist but to me it sounds like your freind is a sociopath. today they call it "antisocial personality disorder" look it up and see if has any other symptoms. to me he seems to have a profound lack of empathy for the suffering and pain of other people. If this guy is a sociopath, I'd stay away from him and deffinatly wouldnt go shooting with him. sociopaths are the most dangerous type of people there are. some famous examples include Jeffery Dhamer, Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, John Gaysey etc. A lot of rapists and violent child molesters are sociopaths as well.
women absolutly loved ted bundy, he would come on really nice and sweet and polite at first too, until he raped them, beat them to death and then raped them agian. sorry to be so blunt about it, but your friend really really scares me. wemon arround him could be in serrios danger.
What an absolute....

Oh, man I can't even say it. He is one sick bastard. Needs to be locked away for his own safety and everyone else's.
I feel compelled to point out that this ceased to have anything to do with RKBA a long time ago.

No doubt that this dude needs help. The depth of help needed depends on how deeply he holds the positions he stated.

But none of us can fix that, so it's time to let this one rest.
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