Edwards Wife: No Riots If We Win

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca

The wife of Dem vice presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday there will be no riots around the election -- if Kerry/Edwards wins!

C-SPAN cameras captured spouse Elizabeth Edwards making the startling comments to a supporter during a Kerry Campaign Town Hall Meeting in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Supporter: Kerry's going to take PA.

Liz Edwards: I know that.

Supporter: I'm just worried there's going to be riots afterwards.

Liz Edwards: Uh.....well...not if we win.
Hey, why not.

<Inserts tongue in cheek>

All stops were pulled out. Pre-election violence courtesy of labor unions. What's wrong with a little post-election violence?

Bet on this. A little violence this election; major violence next election. So let's have a little violence just to test out various tactics. Seems to me we see a resurrection of the VN left.

<Removes tongue from cheek>
On the topic of the election, I just heard . . . Franklin County, Ohio: 815,000 people eligible to vote. 845,000 actually registered to vote.

Hmmm . . . :uhoh:
A new phrase

I'll credit George Will with it.

"The election must be won beyond the margin-of-litigation"

You now have to win an election by a margin that is past a point that the sleazy trial lawyers can't see a profit in challenging the results before it's really final.

This is about as disgusting a thought as I have heard in many years.

How about a new game law that makes it an open season of sorts on out-of-state trial lawyers that allow any resident of a state to confiscate their Lexus, BMW or Jaguar, Rolex's and 66% of their next settlement fee if they are still in town 24 hours after the polls close?

That should encourage fast resolution of any differences, huh?
I do believe that the Democrat Party and the Kerry campaign WILL claim victory, will assert that they have WON, even if they have been objectively defeated and it's close like 2000. The Democrats simply will not accept defeat as they are in denial. There could be violence from this set of circumstances.
There has already been violence, directed toward republican campaign offices.

There is a chance (likely in my view) of violence spreading to other institutions not related to the republican campaign.

Regardless of what happens this election, violence is the next stage in Soros' attack on US sovereignty.
"On the topic of the election, I just heard . . . Franklin County, Ohio: 815,000 people eligible to vote. 845,000 actually registered to vote."

Hmmmm is right ......and they're probably all "Somali's for Kerry".
That'd be right at 30,000. :p
if it ain't close, they can't cheat

The Dems have already filed 35 lawsuits in 17 states and we are still a week away from the election. If you are a Republican or a "9/11 Democrat", make sure you vote and convince everyone you know to vote for Bush/Cheney. A sure victory of 40+ states with a strong percentage difference will nullify the electoral foulplay outlined in the Democrat's own printed election strategy.

If you are a Democrat voting for Kerry, please consider voting for Ralph Nader:evil:
Remember what the Dems (Reverend Jackson) said in 2000 --

"No justice, no peace."

Unless Bush's margin over Kerry is between 5% and 10 %, there will be riots and endless litigation. Alas, it seems unlikely, particularly given the number of new voters and the massive fraud the Dems are going to encourage...

The only hope is a Reagan style landslide... Let's pray!
I'm volunteering at the local Republican Headquarters...regrettably, it seems to me the Democrats are more effective about getting out the vote...door-to-door visits, ect...

I see far too many Kerry bumper stickers in this supposedly overwhelmingly Republican area (Georgia). And about two thirds of our lawn sign sales are to replace stolen Bush signs.

Please get active, fellows...and beyond just voting! There's a lot of things at stake here besides our guns, which are definitely on the line!:uhoh:
"sleazy trial lawyers"

The problem is that 99% of the lawyers make it bad for the rest of us.

Yes, I am a federal lawyer.
Its easier than that....

Just tell all your friends and family that due to the high expected voter turnout, everyone voting for Bush has been asked to vote on November the 2nd, and everyone voting for Kerry has been asked to go vote on November 3rd

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