"Employee Verification System" part of amnesty bill???

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Jan 21, 2004
Oregon, in the Willamette Valley
This is the first I've heard of this. Anybody know anything about it? I'm still looking for more sources, but this is what I have found so far. Briefly, it's being said that DHS will have to do checks on everyone in America prior to new employment, to make sure they are allowed to work here. Seems some are afraid it will end up like the "no fly list", with no way to appeal or be removed from the "list".
I hope it isn't true...



found a link to Thomas.gov

I'll have to read through. For now, has anyone else heard about this?
watch for a future totalitarian regime to use this as a way of declaring people non-citizens. didn't stalin use something similar to this?
I agree misuse of this could be a problem - that's the case with most laws. :uhoh:


IF one believes that illegal immigration is a problem
THEN there needs to be some kind of solution.

One partial solution is tightening up physical access at the borders. That'll never be perfect, and it does not address the illegals already here.

One partial solution is discouraging illegals from working - if they can't work here, why bother coming?

One partial solution is discouraging employers from hiring illegals - again, if employers can't hire them (and can no longer claim "How was I supposed to know?"), theoretically the motivation to come here would be lessened.

The employment verification proposed is supposed to address those last two possible solutions. Whether it actually will do that, whether it's a good idea, whether it is an impermissible or unwise exercise of government power all are open questions.
This is IMHO, a very dangerous bill. I hope that the job check part gets killed by the SCOTUS.
We already have an extensive, pilot SSN verification system. An employer calls a number, punches in a SSN, and the system tells the employer if it is a valid SSN. Cool, huh? Problem is people assume that means the applicant is legally here. What the system does is tell whether or not the SSN is valid, not who that number belongs to. A SSN number goes for about $150 bucks.

Now here is where it gets fun. It is possible to have two or more income stream's SSN contribution going into the same number. Last year's immigration bill and I assume this year's bill also had a provision which would permit everyone who contributed to the specific account to have a claim to the benefits paid out. Presto Chango, congress just legitimized identity theft. Why? Because it would be too messy to fix the problem. How'd you like to retire and find out your benefits (yeah, I know) are derated by some illegal alien's payment into the system?
Wake up folks...

This invasion of our country IS NATIONAL POLICY....

The politicians know the truth about the mass migration of the their world hither. Just as they know..."gun control doesn't work!" Gun control works fine if you LIE about your goal. You say its about crime when it is really about having control over the citizenry.

They know exactly what the end result will be of this amnesty. It IS their goal!
This is how it'll work(if you want to work). They will pass this Immigration bill. Then they will use the Real ID card to register workers and verify eligibility. Then you who live in those pesky free states (who thus far have refused to honor the "Real ID Act"[already signed into law and set to go into effect in 2008]) will have no choice but to turn in your state issued drivers license for a national tracking device. If you want to work, or hire anyone to work, that is.
No ablo ingleish?
I think I got that right.
I'm only 28 years old and even I refused to learn spanish in high school just based on my beliefs. Everyone thought I was nuts. 4 solid F's because they forced me to take a class that I did not want to have any part of. And proud of it. :D

I'm only 28 years old and even I refused to learn spanish in high school just based on my beliefs. Everyone thought I was nuts. 4 solid F's because they forced me to take a class that I did not want to have any part of. And proud of it.

What is wrong with you? You do realize we need someone to translate "get the #$%! out" from English to Spanish right? :evil:
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