Evaluate this safe for me please

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May 1, 2006
Puyallup Washington
I need some advice on this safe. This safe is for sale locally and I want some input on it. Understand I am not worried about the Breakin/ Bad guy prevention its mostly to keep people who are not me (Roomates ect) out of it. None of them would be willing to try to pry or break in so if its not super secure I am ok with that.

You are viewing a Brand New Electronic Digital Safe. This safe is perfect storing money, jewelry, hand guns, and many other purposes.
Can be programmed up to 8 PIN numbers (digit codes)
Opens with secret PIN code or included keys (lock is hidden from view)
Constructed of 1/8" thick solid steel
Heavy-Duty chrome steel dual 3/4" pin bolt throw system (not just latch)
Inside tamper-proof hinges
Hidden lock with two keys
Door measures 2" thick
Carpet padding on inside bottom
2 pieces of 2 1/2" anchor bolts are included
Outside dimensions: 7 3/4" high x 12 1/8" wide x 7 7/8" deep
Requires 4 AA batteries
Mount on Floor or Wall


I picked up the same safe a few weeks ago at Harbor Freight...Sale Price $19.99...You might check their site before making the leap...
That is about the going price for that type of safe, however as txoilman stated, you can do better on the price.
I am not a big fan of these safes as they are easily opened or ripped off the floor or wall and taken away. Very low security.But, it is better than nothing.
I think for the intended purpose of keeping nosy/curious hands off your handgun it would work fine. I have a keyed lockbox for that purpose as well. However, it could be defeated in probably 30 seconds with a large screwdriver.

I lost the key to the small "fire safe" (briefcase type) and needed a document out of it. Took me 10 seconds to open with a screw driver and hammer...and 5 of those seconds was setting up the screwdriver and hammer to make sure I didn't hit my thumb.
I have the same exact one.

It works decently enough to keep 'curious hands' off my handguns, but space is really tight. It has one shelf, and 4 medium size guns are quite snug.

One thing though, the keypad doesn't light up. If you hear something go 'bump' in the night, good luck punching digits in the dark.

Also the keypad numbers rub off easily, so if you don't change your code frequently anyone can guess what it is.
STOP!!! Same safe can be found cheaper

Look on ebay you will find the same safe for around $39. ***NEW***
Tool America & TMS Wholesale sells this safe both on ebay and directly from thier websites for about $50 including shipping cost. I think they are www.toolamerica.com and www.tmswi.com.
Also Midsouth Shooters Suppy, www.midsouthshooters.com sells what I think is a better one from Stack-On for $48 plus shipping, which could be up to $20.

At that price level, I'm suspicious of electronic locks. The good one's are very good, but exceed the cost of the unit mentioned here by a significant degree. I've seen the bargain basement types have problems.

Coupla questions: Are the batteries external? Does the lock retain memory with the batteries out? Do you mind peeling the thing if the lock fails?

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