Evil & Schools

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
Evil has recently chosen to violate many schools around the country.

My heartfelt condolences to the victims, victims families, all the communities, and every person involved in running toward Evil, and dealing with Evil's aftermath.

I am sad, angry and hurt. Human Rights have been violated by Evil again.

History is a great teacher, if one will only pay attention. I am sad, angry and hurt that many of Society today chose to allow themselves to be brainwashed by Tyranny's Propaganda, instead of learning from History.

If one keeps on doing what they always did - one keeps on getting what they always got. -Anon.

Evil will take the easier softest route if afforded. Tryanny has brainwashed society that having knives in schools are wrong. We had victims tied up, and no way to cut themselves free. We had victims that did not knives that could perhaps have gained distance against evil. No knives to assist anothers in cutting loose from Evil, and perhaps enough little knives, with enough students could have stopped an immediate threat.

Adults whom have passed background checks, are not allowed to have firearm on Campuses. Be they School Employees, Students, Parents of Students, or anyone else, that has business on a campus, from a guest speaker to a plumber being called in.

Evil knows this, and again, Evil will take the easier , softest route if afforded.

I am sad, angry and hurt, that Society assists Evil.

Society will not think for themselves, instead hide in mob mentality to rationalize behavior.

Society is too busy going nowhere to keep up with life, therefore when time to vote, they are too busy. If Society does vote, they do not know the issues, so vote the mob mentality, so they can say "I voted".

Media, I am really angry at you. How dare you feel ratings and advertising dollars are more important, than Human Rights, Freedom, Liberty, and Human Life! I curse you!

Politicians, I am really angry at you as well. You SWORE an OATH, to protect the COTUS from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Many of you have failed in keeping this oath, and allowed Evil to gain ground. You sold your souls to Evil for votes, attention, money, status , personal gain and power. I curse you.

Tryanny disguised as Brady Bunch, and all Gun Control Groups, and United Nations- YOU are perpetuating Evil.

It is never the tool itself - it is the Intent of the user of a tool
- Anon

Evil used firearms, rope, 2x4s and other inanimate objects to do Evil with these schools. It took Evil in a human form to use this tools.

The blood of these victims , the tears of victims themselves, the families, communities and those that ran toward Evil, fall not on the firearms , rope, 2x4s and other inanimate objects-

The blood of these victims , the tears of victims themselves, the families, communities and those that ran toward Evil - fall directly on Tryanny disguised as Media, Politcians, Gun Control Groups, and Society that succumbed to mob mentality.

Leave Freedom alone to fight Tryanny, and Evil will be dealt with.

I am sad, angry and hurt, Freedom was not allowed to fight Evil in these tragedies. Just as history as shown us before.

I am sad, angry and hurt -
If one keeps on doing what they always did - one keeps on getting what they always got. -Anon.​

And we keep getting more Evil.

A little person can beat a bigger person - if in the right, and keeps coming at them.
- Anon

Evil - I am not the only one that has been coming at you, and will never stop doing so.

I am sad, angry and hurt - this means I am alive, and can fight.

Those that can fight - do so to keep Evil at bay, and to deal with Evil as need.

Less noise - more signal - Rich

Deeds not Words - Barbara.

-Now listen up- my druthers.

Use the search function for 9mm vs 45ACP debates. To ask what crap to hang off a shotgun you will not shoot anyway. Want to bash a cop? Get off this board to do it. Want to troll? Leave, leave 30 seconds ago.
You want to be part of a "Responsible Firearm Community" ? Act like it and Earn it!

This bandwith needs to be used for some serious rallying and deed doing.

I do not personally own a TV - which means I choose to not view Tryanny propaganda in TV shows, MSM, Movies and such.

I do use Internet to keep informed on issues , researching cites to know the truth, and I use this in such matters as Voting. I use the computer and Internet, for writing letters, sending emails and Freedom Preserving uses.

I do have firearms.

Why can't we just see it as EVIL???

We need to always look for that glimmer of reason when there is no fathomable reason to understand or find.

We always look for something to blame other than the individual.
How could we have helped?

We are all victims in our own way some of us just choose to get over it and move on.

Those that can't get over it find out from society that it is ok to have feelings, it is ok to have issues, communicate about them feel good about them, it is who you are and you are congratulated for your differences and your attempts at healing and once you realize it is all a lie you snap because you figure out how weak you really are and that all the programs, and people can't conquer a personal problem you yourself have the power and the people and programs have diluted you down to having nowhere to look for help when that is what you have been taught to do look outside for help not inside.

I am weak, I have vices, I know this and understand it and have to deal with them on a daily basis, but I also have core values some not as strong as others, some that have become stronger over time having become a parent the whole honor your father and mother thing has taken on new meaning but when there is no value there is no worth.

Great post SM, a deep ranging topic that we all need to explore.
I have a CCW and was a H.S. principal who dealt with one of these cases


I have a CCW, and was a H.S. principal who dealt with one of these cases.

I refused then to carry my CCW in school and I stand against it now. Bullets don't know the difference between the BG and the GG. Given that a .40 S&W will penetrate 36" of flesh, I can't see legitimating CCWs in school.

Add to that, the fact of teachers going nuts on admin, and one simply must say no guns in school. Remember, I dealt with this matter first-hand, and never needed a gun. Recall too, that I am a certified TKD instructor for nearly 26 years. In close quarters, give me TKD any day!

Lock the doors, have security cameras, and listen to the kids. They are intelligence officers. They'll keep you informed if you are humble enough to empower them. I was; I am.

CCWs in school. No!


Go ahead and throw the darts all. I stand by my position.

Edit too add:

If life is that dangerous, hire a uniformed police officer to patrol campus. That is what we did in Saginaw, Flint and LA when I lived there. It worked. We never had ANY violence in school. Any violence came from outside.
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Doc2005: You think the .40S&W carried by the cop some how magically knows good guys from bad then?

What about Mr "I'm the only one in this room responsible enough to handle a Glock 40" ? Didn't that happen in a school?
Doc, the fallacy of your statement is that the teacher who wants to go off on the administration can easily bring a gun. Now you are brining TKD to a gunfight. Given those odds, I'll take a gun, anyday. Unless you have a full strip search, have a complete lock down, bolt shut all doors and windows, and allow NOTHING from off campus to come on campus (kind of sounds like prison, right), you cannot guarantee a gun will not make it on campus.
Politicos NEED violent criminals to deprive the "citizenry" of their liberties.

Remember CCW Diane Feinstein? CCW is good for me, but not for you stupid serfs!
I cannot believe this government is genuinely concerned about the threat of terrorism as long as our borders are wide open to anyone with the stamina to walk across.

By the same token, I cannot believe that any government is serious about maintaining the safety of schoolchildren when those who are charged with the responsibility of keeping them during the schoolday are individually and collectively denied the most effective means of protecting them.

At some point, incompetence ceases to be a sufficient explanation for the status quo...

Sorry about that SM

Sorry about that SM! I will withhold my responses.

Although I disagree with Doc concerning this matter, he should be able to express his opinion on THR. He's certainly in the "Belly of the Beast" and knows the nature of said beast.
Cut the man a little slack.

Pilgrim - TKD is short form for Tae Kwon Do (pardon me if there is a misspeling in there). Basically a hand-to-hand marital art that is sometimes identified (or mis-identified) as karate, hop-kido, and a few other forms that I have trouble remembering (let alone typing). I will back off for those with a greater knowledge of the subject than I have.

Thank you for the explanation.

TKD may be great for 26 year instructors, but rarely do people have the time to study long enough to be proficient in combat.

I have a granddaughter who studied Kenpo Karate for three years. I watched her when she got into a school yard fight. She reverted to hair pulling, scratching, and shoving, none of which she learned in the karate school.

Thank you Steve for this view of wisdom.
I will shamelessly barrow this opening post. How should the citation read?
SM @ THR.org
Can't remember if I saw it on a news video or read it on an internet news source, but I recall hearing (and knowing I would hear) the official BS spewed by some official saying something like "we did all we could to prevent this, there is no way to make a school 100% safe from a situation like this".

2 things poped in my head.

1) Elections are not far off and these last school terrorists will probably sway the undecided voter and we could lose the Senate to the DemoRats.

2) The official statement is the ultimate in deceit, not a lie, a deceit which is worse; for a lie is easily uncovered, a deception is camoflauged in truth.
It is true that there are few things in this life that ARE 100%, perhaps in fact only death is certain. But Mr. Deceiving Official, you didn't even begin to do EVERYTHING in order to prevent this from occuring. According to the same article, none of the children knew what "code white" meant as they heard it on the loudspeakers, and the teachers needed to look it up before they reacted, too late for a few little girls. Copycat incidents were highly likely to continue (and probably will still), why wasn't your school/district at a heightened level of security, you know, maybe closing all but one door when the children are in class, one or two accesses (not including fire doors), perhaps a roving teacher or the ass. principle. Is there no ROTC classes present in your district? Why not utilize these responsible youths for guard duty? Arm them with walkie talkies and train them only to observe, not interfere, to check doors and entrances.

3) We all know Guns are evil, they have a will of their own, for arguments sake I agree. Why wasn't someone armed with a Taser? It WILL do the job if the subject can be confronted by a brave teacher/principle.

4) When the suspect was finally observed after 45 minutes roaming the school (am I getting confused with school #2 and school #3?) and the announcement "Code White" was broadcast, do you really think he was so stupid as to not figure what that meant (he got into a classroom before the teacher knew that "code white" means "close the effing door NOW, there is immediate danger). Just announce "Lockdown Now", no "code BS", it took me months to get used to codes and this is in the best case where I worked in a job where this was SOP, if I heard "Officer down, Officer needs help" it would register much quicker than "10-33 at my 20", if the guy remembered to say it like that, we figured he was just a bit tense (and it almost always was the case), but hearing "Officer down, Officer down, Officer needs help at 4th and Main" adrenaline would do the work for us. "Code White" , call it "Code Schumer/Feinstein", maybe that will get someones attention faster.

How's about getting the PTA involved for help, or VFW who might like to help monitor the grounds with walkie talkies or via a few well placed cameras.

What did you really do Mr. Official, I mean besides having very important meetings with very important people about very important matters of the utmost urgency, of which many people were involved and took orders and drank coffee and spent our tax dollars. Guarding a school takes two things; understanding what is truly important in life and creativity, c'est tout Monsieur.

Guns? Who's talking abouty guns (or TKD for that matter). A few observant volunteers with a few stinkin radio's is all that was needed (if response time was good and Taser's none existant).
I am sad, angry and hurt, that Society assists Evil.
Children are taught self defense is bad, all morals are relative, and that nothing is worth fighting for.

We are no longer a warrior culture. We are a culture of sheep.

The warrior still exists, but he is one out of a hundred. There are too few of them to make a difference.
I am sad, angry and hurt, that Society assists Evil.

Larry, you never have to apologize to me my friend.

Doc2005, you do not owe me an apology either. We agree to agree in a civil manner.

I do not have any kids of own. I do have a soft spot for kids, abused ladies, the eldery and dawgs.

I am fed up is what I am. Yes I may be getting older, I may be going thru one of them "dimensions" my Mentor & Elders spoke of - then again I have always felt a certain way about certain things - like Evil and Tryanny.

I have expressed how fed up I am with Folks breathing MY air, and wasting Oleg's bandwith. Screw the debates in guns, calibers, and all - do a friggin search or go whine elewhere.

We need to bind together better than we do, and quit dividing ourselves.
I do not care if you are blue, have sex with a little red wagon , shoot a Purple Poodle shooter, and worship the anthill in the backyard.

About [strike] expletive [/strike] darn time we joined forces and made our voices known.

We need folks that can gather cites, collect data. We need any and all dirt on MSM, Brady, UN, Gun Control Groups, Politicians, Voting...

WE can bust these [strike] myths [/strike] flat out lies that allows Evil to win.

Right now, I want to run smooth arse up the middle and shove facts and reality down Tryanny's throat until Tyranny chokes and dies.

At this moment we have tyranny agendas using these school tragedies to gain ratings, donations, support , votes ...like hell they should!

Let us get it together folks, lets get armed with knowledge, facts , cites and hit tyranny and evil hard and fast, and below the belt, kidney punches, scratching and biting is legal in my book.

We can be civil while we do this. WE can be civil with each other, Glocks with 1911s, ARs with AKS, 9mm with 45ACP...

WE can be civil as we kick butt and take names too. WE do not want to lower ourselves to Evil's level.

Civil Disobedience.
Well said. Evil is evil and most times it just needs to be eliminated.

One of the reasons I favor the death penalty.
Civil Disobedience.


Need folks to step up that can write and express:

Media: they are supporting Evil in only being interested in ratings. Express Media, I am really angry at you. How dare you feel ratings and advertising dollars are more important, than Human Rights, Freedom, Liberty, and Human Life! I curse you!.

Brady and Gun Control groups : How they perpuate Evil in the name of getting attention, collecting donations.

Politicians: Politicians, I am really angry at you as well. You SWORE an OATH, to protect the COTUS from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Many of you have failed in keeping this oath, and allowed Evil to gain ground. You sold your souls to Evil for votes, attention, money, status , personal gain and power. I curse you.

Make this available to any and all to be emailed and snail mailed.


Statisticians and Legal folks, you know better than I how to gather data and to present facts and cites.

We all have something we can do...let us do it.

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