Explaining the 2nd Amendment to someone non-American

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
It took me a good 2 hours to explain the 2nd Amendment and the rationale behind it to my gf last night.

I started, and kept going backwards and backwards until the "british" situations were covered (i.e. redcoats in your house? Whatcha gonna do about it? That's right, not a darn thing) all the way up to socialism and means a government controls it's populous (via taxes and disarmorment)

Oh, I think my gf is more libertarian now then me :D :cool: I'm trying to figure out how to clone her for the rest of you single THR'ers..
Her quotes:

"Death to taxes!"
"I think I'm going to carry 3 guns when I'm in the states."
"I want to start my own business.."

Capitalist gun-toter... :D

The fact that she's cute does NOT hurt one bit..

I suffer from terminal marriage, so cloning her won't help me, but I know some right-minded single guys who'd go for a clone!

I think if the cloning starts, Skunk's got dibs on the first one already... The second one however, is definitely yours!

But do you really want a cute chinese girl that is very tactical? Wait, don't answer that!
Well, at that point, you'd be wanting to clone Tamara's gun safe... She's got more guns then me, Oleg, Runt, and Skunk.. combined!
Besides which, Runt's guns aren't in her safe ... she's packing all of them at once!

What was your record, Runt? A dozen weapons?

What was your record, Runt? A dozen weapons?
Like the kid in the Michael Moore movie.

"I think I'm going to carry 3 guns when I'm in the states."

good grief man, are you trying to turn her into another Runt or Tamara? if so, i may have to have the two of you take up the breeding process to make suitable spouses for my neices/nephews since obviousy Oleg and Betty arent getting anywhere with that task.
all i asked was that they simply reproduce and they make as if babyfarming is a huge inconvenience. whats up with that? :D
Try expalining the gun safe to your new girl friend from Engalnd. Five years ago I had to. Well, truth be told 5 years later I still am expalining things, but she's my wife now.
My Wife is from Taiwan. I have been working on her for a very long time..I got her to change her thinking that the US government should outlaw gunownership (as they do in Taiwan) to the point where she believes in the Canadian Approach of Registration and Licensing Firearm Owners.

Curiously...when she was in High School in Taiwan..she was required to spend a day learning how to shoot an M1 Garand.
(This is part of Taiwan's Civil Defense program...now..if the Taiwanese Government would emulate the Swiss Model..then it would be more secure from an Invasion from Mainland China)

(BTW..I have a Garand..I think I will get her to shoot the M1 Carbine as she didn't like the Garand because it really bruised her back in High School)
My gf cooks, cleans, makes more money then I do currently and gives me money, she (thus far) has said she would not mind getting all tactical'ed out a la recommendations du the Skunk man; I don't know what more I can ask for!

As far as girls in taiwan; I have found that they are easier to talk to about guns then PRK women; simply because they have not had the media push leftist idealogy down their throats...

BostonT.. If your wife is from Taiwan; let me teach you how to approach the question;

Q1) Honey; if a bad guy broke into the house, and you had a cleaver in one hand and a phone in the other, which would you use??

(I can all but guarantee, due to the familiarity of big cleavers around the household, she will say a cleaver...)

Then you follow it up with Q2:

Q2) Honey, given a choice, which do you think would do a better job "repelling" a bad guy? A cleaver or a gun?

See? You have them answer in the correct logic by asking them a question about something they feel comfortable with (a cleaver) and then you compare the effectiveness of each, and have her then decide the superiority of the gun vs the cleaver...

That way you can say:

"Honey, if a bad guy breaks in, which do you think __I__ should use on him? A cell phone or a gun?? See honey, that's why I have a gun... ;) :p
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