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Fast and Furious AK Shows Up at Garland Terror Attack

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Dec 26, 2002

The LA Times is reporting that Nadir Soofi, who had misdemeanor drug and assault convictions, purchased his AK47 through Lone Wolf Trading Co. In Phoenix - Lone Wolf was the gun store that the ATF directed to sell guns to prohibited people under Fast and Furious.

He would later use the same AK in his attempt to shoot up the "Draw Mohammad" event in Garland,TX.
And the Fast & Furious debacle will go on for years with none of the people that instituted this illeagle action ever brought to trail or convicted. Seems the American people have such short memories that crooket politicians can get away with anything.
Wait, the narcs who contracted with the ATF to violate federal and international law are still in business? I thought they were whipping-boy'ed out of existence years ago :confused:

F&F was completely legal, I'm not seeing the big deal. A lawful action by a lawful government.

Eggs and omelets.
The issue isn't that the gun was from that particular store, but that this guy was flagged (probably because of prior misdemeanors), the transaction delayed, but pushed through a day later. This at the same time the ATF was pushing through all sorts of iffy/illegal transfers in order to invent a nonexistant Mexican gun smuggling problem that could be used to promote gun laws.

"Eggs and omelets."
Pretty clear case of satire, fellows...

What I seem to "know"...

Soofi bought a couple guns.
One or both dealers ultimately had F&F connections.
Soofi had at least one "hold" on a transaction.
The hold was lifted "for reasons unknown".
Soofi gets the gun.

Was the hold relative to a valid red-flag?
Was the hold the same as so many others in that it was ultimately administrative?
Was the hold lifted as a direct result of F&F operations?
Was the firearm even used in the Texas attack?

All this supposition and dotted line connecting they are doing is considerably more of a disservice to the news consumer than having said nothing at all until more and better facts are known.

Or, were they to present the article more in terms of clear, unanswered questions rather than a series of innuendoes, implications, suppositions and vague conclusions... a higher purpose would have been served.

Do you expect the ATF to tell the truth about why the hold was lifted?
Nope, I'm just saying that most of us at some point have had a "hold" if we've bought enough firearms and the very clear implication that he had a hold placed and then "mysteriously" lifted smacks of yellow journalism if they don't point out the degree to which it happens normally.

I think F&F was a travesty!
I think Soofi should rot/burn for eternity!

I simply want the wrong of both situations to be grounded in facts so that if later, the suppositions turn out to be false, the partial reversal of perspective does not help to diminish the effects of the two acts respectively... As is too often the case.

jerkface11 Do you expect the ATF to tell the truth about why the hold was lifted?
ATF doesn't conduct the background check..........it's the FBI.
Any delay or denial would be the FBI's call.
Good point; doesn't matter. Holder's agents, Holder's investigators, Holder's call (ultimately)

F&F was completely legal, I'm not seeing the big deal.

Legal doesn't equate t right or ethical or moral. I'm sure the people killed with thse illegally transferred guns (just because the ATF KNEW about it doesn't make the transfer LEGAL) would argue you vehemently on the opinion it was "no big deal". If you don't see what was wrong with this, you either aren't aware of the facts (I read the Inspector General's report... ...in its entirety...did you?) or are a complete apologist for the ATF. No reasonable person could look at what happened and conclude that it was "no big deal" IMO
I wouldn't say it was legal either. There is no statute that allows federal agents to tell someone to break the law. That places the agency above the law. When they told the FFL dealers to provide the firearms to the buyers knowing the law prohibited it they themselves broke the law. If it was legal the would have arrested the buyer on the spot.
F&F was a legal operation? Really? If it was legal, why did congress investigate it? Although nothing ever happened, Eric Holder did not get prosecuted for anything, the F&F operation was questionable at best and anarchy at worst.

Ultimately, why is F&F so damnable: it directly affected the 2nd Amendment and new restrictive laws were enacted that affect you and me because of the ramifications of F&F. So, this was a direct attack on the 2nd Amendment.
Legal doesn't equate t right or ethical or moral. I'm sure the people killed with thse illegally transferred guns (just because the ATF KNEW about it doesn't make the transfer LEGAL) would argue you vehemently on the opinion it was "no big deal". If you don't see what was wrong with this, you either aren't aware of the facts (I read the Inspector General's report... ...in its entirety...did you?) or are a complete apologist for the ATF. No reasonable person could look at what happened and conclude that it was "no big deal" IMO


We are a nation of laws, not morals or ethics!
Ask any lawyer.

Just because it's wrong doesn't make it illegal.

If F&F was illegal, somebody would have been held accountable.
I havent heard of anyone being charged or in jail for it.

If anybody is at fault civily, it's the voters and the tax payers.

Missed my calling in life I would have made an awesome statist.
F&F was a legal operation? Really? If it was legal, why did congress investigate it? Although nothing ever happened, Eric Holder did not get prosecuted for anything, the F&F operation was questionable at best and anarchy at worst.....

The government investigated itself aaaaand...............found no wrong doing.


Quit being so anti-government.

If F&F was illegal, somebody would have been held accountable.
I havent heard of anyone being charged or in jail for it.
That is the most naive statement I have heard in....well, maybe ever.
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