Feedback on 199Trust or other online NFA Gun trust

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Jan 1, 2011
The formerly free state of Nevada
I'm just starting to investigate setting up a Trust and would like any firsthand reviews or feedback on experiences with DIY Trust setups.

Or, based on a bad experience shall I just concede to the reality that a lawyer is going to take my money?
I finally broke down and just paid for TX Lawshield to do mine. I was drawn to the piece of mind and ease it provided. Plus they provided me with an official plastic card stating that i'm a member of thier NFA Program and has a toll free number that a cop or whoever could call if i'm ever harassed with my items. It cost $300 for the trust and one item. Any future items are $20 for them to add to the trust.

However, before they created my trust i did not fully realize just what a trust is. Now i realize that it is really just a document. It's not on file or registered with the government in any way and is created by the simple act of drafting the documents. $300 seems kind of steep just to plug a few names into a template but the potential legal assistance if needed by the NFA Program makes it worth the price, imo.
Justin, can you elaborate on the potential legal support? Do they offer anything specific in terms of representing you in the event there are subsequent issues? For example if the Class 3 item is confiscated due to issues with the trust documentation, will they represent you at no cost in seeking its return? Or if you ever receive a fine, will they reimburse you the cost of the fine?

I was on my way to draft up my trust paperwork myself right now and thought I'd check the forum one more time before doing so. The idea of the membership card sounds interesting. Perhaps that would come in handy if the local authorities come in contact with my suppressor, but does it really offer much more protection than the stamp itself?
MG: Are you using a "DIY" Trust service or have you employed the services of a legal firm?
I'm still undecided but leaning toward DIY. I need to make up my mind soon before my local dealer runs out of stock. Still trying to get my head around the ramifications to my minor daughter if both my wife and myself pass away. Once I am satisfied my bases are covered in that regard, I'll probably move forward with DIY...unless I hear the attorneys are offering something more than "we stand a better chance of doing it correctly".

By DIY I mean creating my own trust using trust making software as the foundation.
I used a qualified experienced NFA trust attorney to draw up mine. After reading the whole thing all the way through, I realize there are a LOT of issues I would have never considered had I drawn the document up myself. Money well spent in my opinion.
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