Firearms and Homicides: the "dirty little secret"

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I don't have the URL, but the Center for Disease Control's data for homicides is broken down between white and black. Or black and non-black, anyway. I don't recall that Hispanic or Asian were separated out.

As near as I can tell from numerous articles on the subject, homicides by blacks are very much black-on-black, and associated with the sub-culture involving ghettos and drugs. Since some two-thirds of all blacks are in the middle economic class, my own belief is that this two-thirds has a homicide rate corresponding to middle economic class in general.

Dredging from memory, the average rate per 100,000 of homicides for most western European nations is around 5. For the US as a whole, around 22. If the black rate (per CDC) is separated, we're around 5+.

Based solely on miscellaneous newspaper readings and on TV news, I surmise that the Hispanic rate is above the blacks-excluded average. Asians are below that average.

Make of it what you will. None of this is "secret"; it's just not PC to talk about it on the evening TV news.

I stumbled across the same data when I was doing a college paper a year or so ago on gun control. I didn't start out to break it down demographically by race, but as I was putting together the information I began to notice a trend, so just for fun I also plotted that data. I used statistical data from the 2000 census and 2000 violent crime rates. I got the information from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Justice. I made an Excel spreadsheet where I first listed all states plus the District of Columbia and then transferred their violent crime rates into it. This is how I started out, I wanted to demonstrate that the states with the least amount of violent crime also had the least restrictions on gun ownership and carry. Then I got the census data for non-white population percentage and overlayed that on top of the violent crime slope. The two slopes were virtually identical with the exception of two states: Hawaii and South Dakota, both of which have very large non-white populations but neither of which were predominantly black or hispanic, Hawaii's being pacific islanders and South Dakota being Native Americans (Indians for you non-PC types).

it is not a "race" problem, it IS an attitude and personal responsability problem. as long as anybody blames their problems on someone else and feels that it entitles them to break the law then the color of their skin or the area that they grow up in does not mean a thing. life is hard more so for some than others but if i do what i can to better my life (without breaking the law) then i will be successful. even if that success is being a greeter at wallmart, then i'm still better off than to be in prision or dead.
Art Eatman: I don't have the URL, but the Center for Disease Control's data for homicides is broken down between white and black.
Those data are at

By the way, the racial disparity is not a "dirty little secret." The antis for years have been bemoaning that gun violence hurts black more than whites -- they spin gun control into trying to help blacks and opposition to gun control as anti-black.
cuchulainn said:
The antis for years have been bemoaning that gun violence hurts black more than whites -- they spin gun control into trying to help blacks and opposition to gun control as anti-black.


The leftists have always been master-spinners, especially when the spin helps their preconceived worldview or concomitant aspirations to social re-engineering.

On the central issue, welfare and culture are probably the two major contributors to the observed situation. Whom I feel sorry for are the honest guys and gals that try to pull themselves out of the mire, while having to fight external prejudice and internal hindrances. It is not unfair to say that the biggest victimization is done by blacks to blacks, in a variety of physical, social, psychological, economical, and political ways.
TexasSIGman said:
Take a city full of underprivileged, welfare system dependant, young, angry white kids and you'll get the same thing. Race has nothing to do with it.

I doubt it. We've got COUNTIES full of exactly what you describe around me and we do not have the same thing. Now, what do we do as a nation to correct the problem is the rub now isn't it?
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