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Fisherman Finds Machine Gun At Creek

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Years ago I lved in Americus Ga, nearby is a large manmade lake named Blackshear, It was TVA managed with a long causeway. Buddy called me one night, said his brother knew a guy who worked for TVA called him and said hey were going to drop the level of the lake 20' for dam repairs. At daylight the next morning we were on the causeway "fishing". We got about 20 guns. Some beyond repair, some cleaned up very well, some illegal which were returned to the deep. There were several double barrels, a few .22s, a dozen or so revolvers, one unsalveagable 1911. Got lots of arrow heads too.

I for one would hate to find a beautiful weapon like that.. the temptation, the desire to shoot, the want to keep for myself.. Only to have to turn it in. The coolness of keeping it aint worth the risk of going to Momma Levenworths Home for Wayward Boys!
When I was stationed at Ft. Riley in the First ID I used to make "re-supply" runs down by the river behind the main post in a 3/4 ton truck. Some of the first units were getting ready to go to the SE Asia War Games being held in Vietnam in 1965. Some other units were getting ready for a CMI (Command Maintenance Inspection and everyone was dumping extra items not supposed to ge in their TO&E or on their PLL (Prescribed Load Lists).

One time I found a couple of short belts of linked caliber .50 ammo. I also found many empty ammo cans for .50 cal and 5.56 ammo (.223). One time i discovered an electric servo motor for a tank. There were batteries, tires, some tools and vehicle parts as well. The ammo went to the E.O.D. unit, the tools and parts to my workshop and some of the ammo cans went home with various soldiers who needed them for tools and other items.

When I joined an Ordnance Unit headed for Vietnam I later met some of the armor people that had thrown out some of the items near the river. They had come in to my parts tent saying how badly they needed certain parts. I asked if they ever thought of bringing the stuff they had cast away at Riley.

In the mid 50's I was stationed at Coleman barracks, the home of Combat Command "A" at the time. There was a WW2 airfield there and a firing range which was over what was purported to be a vast underground storage place filled with WW2 planes and equipment. One day when I went to the range I ventured down the stairs of one of the underground bunkers. at the first 90 degree turn I discovered that the place was flooded and also very dark. Not wanting to test the rumor that the place was mined I did not go any further.

Scorpio VI: What post were you located at with the First ID in Germany?

El Tejon: think what those liberators would be worth as WW2 relics now??? There may come a day when we all may wish for something like the Liberator again!
Here in the PRK, if you find lost property and it is not claimed in 30 days, you get to claime it.
I wonder if that could apply in this case. :)
It would be worth a try.:evil:
I was by Millford lake last weekend. If I had known the fishing was that good I would have borrowed my brother-in-laws boat. And a metal detector.
Once again, WildAlaska has posted the most rational reply on a thread.
Hello folks.â„¢

I too would do the legal thing and turn in those two machine guns immediately.

And keep the one that works. :p

Actually, fix them all up and give one to Oleg, one for yourself and wife.

She'll love the M2 after a couple of belts :D
not quite the same but...

My uncle was a sound engineer, had been working in philadelpia as long as i had known him, One Christmas, he was talking about his stint in the army during the war, and he allowed to me how he had been part of a movie and sound detachment that was in Germany to document the War and some of what the Germans has done. He mentioned a couple of famous people he had worked with during this assignment and talked about how they had filmed some of the concentration camps and also had seen and filmed some of the USO tours. He knew I was a history nut and said he some things to show me. We went out to the Carriage house and he Told me to take some film cans off the shelf. What looked like seperate film cans had been turned into tall stacks of cans made without dividers, effectively masking what was in them. All had tape marking them as "unexpsed film... do not open!!" after I had set the cans on the floor my uncle pulled the tops off of them and inside were SS daggers and badges and pistols and hats and all sorts of other goodies. he reached in and pulled out a P-08 Luger that was absolutely NIB condition handed it to me and said "do not tell anyone about these your Aunt hates Guns" All told the one can had four lugers and a mauser HsC two of the Lugers were engraved the others were pristine. The next can held more bits and pieces. He looked at me and said late in the war, they had filmed the camps and were waiting for the soldiers to push on when one of the locals took them to a very fine house and told them that SS had been there and they might find some documents there that would be of interest. The House had been the locals SS headquarters and when the SS left in front of the advancing US trooops they had left a lot of the collected booty of their years of running the camp. art, jewelry, gold, and the finest uniforms and dress gear all waiting for them. The film crew decided the only way to get the booty home was to ship it as film, hence the stacked cans, and as "evidence". Many of the file cabinets of documents were shipped to Nuremburg. But lots of others were shipped to the Philadephia Navy yard. marked as evidence it was not touched by the inspectors nor was it opened until My uncle and a few of his friends got home from europe in late october 45.
I still have that Luger that my uncle gave me, the rest were found by my worthless cousins and either sold or simply brought to the cops as in"we do not want these guns anymore".

Several years ago I was working at a gun shop when a man about 35 years old walked in carrying a funky leather and fabric case. He set it on the counter and asked if we were in the market for guns. I stated we always were looking and I would get the Boss, as I left i could hear him flipping the catches of the odd case he had brought in. The Boss was a litttle annoyed to be interupted from a snack when i called to him but he was looking over my shoulder and stopped in mid word. I turned to see what he was looking at and nearly fell over. On the counter were two TWO brand spanking new Thompson 1928's, with all sorts of gear to go with them, L drums C drums, extra wood, like nothing we had ever seen. My boss gathered his wits and asked if he could handle them, the man said yes, and my boss picked up a brand new 1928 thompson that still had the hangtags on it!!.
my boss asked where this man had gotten them and he said my dad was mr XXXX (a very prominent local name) and he bought them years ago, they have been sitting in attic ever since. My boss now asked to see the papers and was givin the original bill of sale from a store in chicago. No NFA paper work at all. Realizing that he now had two unregistered non amnestied full auto guns in his gun shop My boss got very very nervous. he tried to explain to the guy that he was in big trouble if the feds found out about it and we were introuble for just having them there without reporting them. This made the owner very very unsettled as well. We exlpained the best thing to do was for him to make some calls to some of the family friends and see what might be able to be done by those people who live in Washington. My boss called his friend who was the local CoP and asked him to stop by. The guns were to be siezed by the police and locked into their safe evidence locker and held pending the disposition of the guns. long story short, after talking to his family lawyers and politician friends, and several months wait a private bill was passed in congress to get amnesty bridge paper work started that would save these guns from the scrapper.
Achtung, ist das a .50 caliber machinegewehr!!!

Willkommen zu Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
und die nationale Gewehr-Verbindungund

but thats for ze germans among us!

At any rate, when my grandfather came home from the war (WWII) he brought home several japanese swords as well as two Japanese rifles.
These were passed from my father to me as a christmas gift this year.

I am now the proud owner of one Japanese Army issued sword as well as a 6.5mm Arisaka rifle (Type 44) and a mum-intact Type 99 Arisaka. Beautiful weapons with a lot of history behind them. I also managed to pick up some pictures of the concentration camp at Dachau that my great-uncle took. *shudder*
Ya just gotta wonder what that fisherman was usin' fer bait.

Probably a non-fisherman got invited to fish for steelheads.

"Steel heads, eh? I got something that'll punch through those ... Now where'd I put the AP 50 cal rounds? They should be in my tackle box ..."
I've heard the advice several times from authorities on the subject that the best thing to do with a Class III firearm that has uncertain legal status is to find a deep lake and sink it.

I suspect that was done here.
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