Front End View of 45 Colt in Action

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Here's the wrong end of a Walker: I sorta got in trouble for posting this awhile back, so let me state clearly that the camera was on a tripod and operating by remote control. (me pushing the start button, walking around to the target, then walking back and stopping it.)

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Heay Pulp - why did you get into trouble. Was someone stupid enough to believe that someone would hold a camera infront of you then duck after you pulled the trigger!?
People here just seem to be touchy about that kinda thing. I've seen people get yelled at just for posting pictures of a gun looking down the bore, when it wasn't even being held in hand, or capped, or cocked, or anything.
There are people who have had the very disturbing experience of being shot at close range. They have lived through the experience of seeing that picture for real. For those people it's very disturbing, bringing back memories that can be debilitating. To post such pictures is insensitive and inconsiderate of those people. It wasn't their fault they were shot, and it's not their fault that the picture reminds them of the terror of that incident. If you feel that you must post such a picture, for reasons I personally don't understand, the least that you could do is warn people so that they don't come across it unexpectedly. This thread was titled in such a way as to provide that warning; this message is not intended to chastise either Pohill or [email protected], but rather simply to answer the question of why it's an issue with some people.

The terror of looking down a gun barrel and seeing it fire a bullet that strikes you is beyond description. Yes, it's just a picture, but we know only too well the effect such experiences have had on our troops and how those experiences never, ever go away. Please have some consideration. Please.
Good points - but, if I was bothered by that, I wouldn't go to a gun forum and open a thread titled "Front End View of 45 Colt in Action." Just a thought. By the way its good to be back home, I missed my muzzle loaders in Afghanistan. Glad the forum is still lively.
<<"The terror of looking down a gun barrel and seeing it fire a bullet that strikes you is beyond description.">>
You should clarify that you are speaking for yourself and not the rest of us. You certainly don't speak for me. I spent part of 1968 and most of 1969 in Vietnam as a Marine Corps grunt and looked down the barrels of many AK47's on almost a daily basis. I never experienced any terror beyond description or had any nightmares or any Post Traumadic Stress Syndrom. Certainly I was scared at times but no terror, in fact we would laugh and joke about it afterwards. I know it's "politically correct" now a days to be screwed up mentally after combat but for the vast majority of us, then and now, that just isn't the case.
And again, people feel they are walking on eggshells, because there are supposedly folks around here that will go in a state of terror as soon as they see the front end of a barrel. I'm sorry, but if that's an issue to someone, they should know better than to frequent a gun forum. The majority always seems to pay for the minority, because we 'could' offend that one person.
Why dont we just put a sticky on all the forums with a warning that gun victims COULD be traumatized by viewing images posted on this forum? (sarcasm).
I don't like snakes myself, in fact, im terrified of them. That's why you'll never see me on a snake forum.
I can be compassionate but I haven't heard any victims of gun violence complain about the pics. Anyone out there bothered, truly bothered, by such pics?
But, I will say that, after 30 years of marriage, I have a hard time watching The Bachelor.
I can understand that there are people, who certain images will terrify and upset..... and that should of course be avoided..... but someone frequenting this particular site and being terrified about a front view picture of a gun in action is like a tragic car crash victim visiting the demolition derby forum and watching accidents....I sure wouldn't think it would be rational for that victim to tell the demolition derby enthusiasts that their pictures were upsetting and offensive....
Of course I hope people only enjoy the site, keep in mind that pictures such as the one posted are not of guns being fired at other people.....Guns shoot bullets....if that's a disturbing fact, than you're at the wrong place and you have the wrong hobby...
How does one get to see the photo if there is no photo in the Post, and no 'Link'?

If you use a Link, no one need see it unless they want to...

Wait a minute...'Link'...wasn't he the black guy in 'Mod Squad'?
Good points - but, if I was bothered by that, I wouldn't go to a gun forum and open a thread titled "Front End View of 45 Colt in Action." Just a thought. By the way its good to be back home, I missed my muzzle loaders in Afghanistan. Glad the forum is still lively.
Welcome home.

I agree, it's a photo, it can not hurt you.

IMHO this photo of the front end of a fire arm is just more PC BS. If a photo of a gun is disturbing don't look at it.
It's utterly amazing how so many people can't read and understand simple English.

The issue is very, very simple, gentlemen.

[email protected] apparently posted a picture which showed a gun being fired at the camera. I say apparently because I haven't seen it either. It was taken down early, by whom I don't know. Pohill then apparently then posted a similar picture he'd posted previously. I'm the individual who complained about Pohill's original post. The reason I complained, and he agreed with me, was that in that case there was no warning, so that someone who was traumatized by such things would come upon it unexpectedly and could be injured. Mentally injured, but injured nonetheless; apparently many in this forum see mental illness and injury as either nonexistant or not worthy of their compassion and concern.

My reason for posting here was to explain why I originally complained about Pohill's initial posting; that such posts should be clear up front that a picture showing a gun firing at the camera was included so they can be avoided by people who don't want to see it. I stated very clearly that this thread was so marked and that I was not chastising either [email protected] or Pohill in this case.

Many of you are reacting as if a photo of a gun being fired at a camera is an everyday occurrence that we all should be used to by now. I can state with great assurance that's not the case. Pohill's original post was several months ago, and no such photo has been shown on this forum since then. It is a very rare event.

I completely agree that anyone who is disturbed by such photos shouldn't be looking for them. Believe me, they won't be. But I also think that they shouldn't be asked to set aside their pursuit of things they enjoy, which in some cases may have taken years of pain to accomplish, because they might be surprised by some insensitive individual who has contempt for their handicap. Would you tell someone in a wheel chair to stay home because the local strip mall won't put in a handicap parking spot?

Look, all I'm asking for is that you be aware that there are people who are sensitive so such things, and by surprising them you're causing them pain. Just display a little warning, as this thread did. Just have a little compassion. Why is that so much to ask?
How about posting a secound warning that there is no picture to be seen for those of us who may be traumatized by such things as not seeing a picture in a post that starts out stating there are pictures to be seen.
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