Funny video

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I believe that if I was a part in banning something from the public, I would highly educate myself so as to not make myself look like a jacka@# ......
The reporter may have not been pro 2A but somebody there was!!!!! :evil:
Hmm, if its not "that thing that goes up"' could it be the cloth that one would properly bury the barrel in?
Ignorance of anothers bill may be excusable but comeon, its her legislation!
Yes, this has been posted many times. Anti's have no clue.

Roccobro, thats a great poster!

I've not seen that one before. It it your createion?
Ironically, I do support the ban on shoulder-mounted laser cannons.

The funniest thing about that video isn't her answer, but his response to her answer right before the video fades out.

"It's a shoulder thing that goes up."
"'s not."
I can't believe how heartless you guys are!!! How can you be so insensitive to the all victims of barrel shrouds having to live with the memories of the fatefull day when that "thing that goes up" changed their lived forever! You should be ashamed!!!:cuss:
Ironically, I do support the ban on shoulder-mounted laser cannons.
If you outlaw shoulder mounted laser cannons only predators will have shoulder mounted laser cannons!

For trying to ban something she has absolutely no knowledge of, I suggest she be sentenced to receive 30 lashes with a hot barrel shroud.
It's simple, she's sadistic. She wants to ban a safety feature so that she can know firearms enthusiasts across the country are burning themselves accidentally on hot barrels.
if you have the barrel against your shoulder pulling the trigger might be dangerous

shroud sounds dangerous, we should ban it...:eek:
watch out for the moment they think a "sear" or something similar is the next dangerous thing

i really like the end reaction of the commentator " it's not"
I'm surprised none of you seemed to recognize Tucker Carlson, the MSNBC "pundit" (who, BTW, is a Ron Paul supporter).

Look again at his deadpan delivery when repeatedly pressing for an answer to the question. He knows the answer - and he knows she doesn't. It was a very deliberate ploy on his part to allow her to show her ignorance.
Ironically, I do support the ban on shoulder-mounted laser cannons.

You know, this is frightening. But think, isn't it even more scary that they're optically slaved?

MY GOD, they have look-down, shoot-down capability!!

ha HA!! That's priceless "what is a barrel shroud?" "duhhherrrummm" lol

I wish Tucker Carlson would move over to Fox news.
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I've been a big fan of Tucker since during the coverage of the VA tech shootings he actually had a discussion about allowing concealed carry permits for students and teachers which he was for.

I've had a great deal of respect for him from that moment on, too bad MSNBC canceled his show, which is when I stopped watching MSNBC.
I like when interviewers push questions that the interviewee tries to dodge.

That video is funny and disturbing at the same time.
Maybe we should put out a bill to ban Needle Point, sounds pretty dangerous to me...

I mean who needs all those sharp pointy pokey things anyhow?!?
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