Gas tube roll pin installation question

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Sep 23, 2003
Indy, Indiana
So I'm putting together a new AR and I'm having some trouble installing the gas tube roll pin. It's more of a finesse thing. Can't seem to keep it in place and hammer the little dude in. Even enlisted the help of another person to hammer while I held in place. No joy.

Anybody got any suggestions on this? Or am I relegated to simple trial and error? Thanks.
Assuming the hole and the pin are the right size, you can taper one end of the pin a little so it goes in more easily. The real answer is a roll pin punch, made specially for use with those pins. Check with Brownells.

Also, the front sight housing should be resting on something solid - heavy vise, block of steel, etc. The more solid it is, the easier it will start.
Trick 1 - Use a pair of pliers or needlenose to slightly crimp one end in. NOT flatten it, but close the split in the roll to reduce the diameter.

Trick 2 - Put a little CLP or (insert favorite non-sex lube here) on the roll pin. This will ease the insertion of all the pins in an Ar-15 kit.

Trick 3 - hold the pin in place with a pair of needlenose or hemostats and lightly tap it in with a tack hammer.
Got it, used the pliers trick, also figured out I was using a roll pin punch just one size too small to work well :eek: , went with the next size up and she went right in.

Thanks for the help.
The roll pin starter punches from Brownells are really helpful, especially with the small pins, such as those in the A1 rear sight and the gas tube. Worth a look if this is more than a one-time job.
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