Gay gun enthusiast ejected from Pride event

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Axeman, the 2nd ammendment is the one that gives all the others teeth.

It is the very mortar which holds the bricks of the Constitution together.

Without the 2nd, all the others are just a house of cards.

Would it be ok for the cop to make him leave because he was wearing a tee shirt with a political slogan that the cop didn't like?

All rights are important, to say one isn't as important as another diminishes them all.

That's why I don't like Dui checkpoints, no knock(or knock and crash )warrants, and all the other, ever growing encroachments on liberty.

So do you all think the Lt. was aware that he was asking Mr Nelson to give leave the event, even though he fully realized that Utah state laws prohibit "a local authority” [from enforcing] any ordinance, regulation, rule, or policy pertaining to firearms that in any way inhibits or restricts the possession or use of firearms on either public or private property?

How in the blazes can you make that comment? There is no and I repeat no correlation at all between a Human Rights stand and simple encounter with a ignorant and misinformed public official.

Simple, it's a comparison of people that are standing up for what they honestly believe in. That's all.
I'm not trying to make a comparison to the struggles that the black Americans went thru to get what is deserved by everyone and the 2nd amendment.
But then again, the '50's were full of "ignorant and misinformed public officials" that were showing their ignorance towards a race of people, as did (do)the Nazis.
Scotts.. then I apologize for jumping you. I am sorry that I misinterpreted your comment. Yes they are two people standing up for themselves and others for what they believe in.
Interesting news

David Nelson is the head of Stonewall Shooting Sports Utah. He isn't involved in the Pink Pistols group no more, but there's similar corrallaries to my soon to be situation.

Interesting thing is that I'm also a "gay gun enthusiast" will be doing something equally as controversial this weekend.
Trust me I realize this and in NO WAY was saying the 2a is less important. I was going on the presumption that the Lt was STUPID, not a bigot. If it turns out he was a 2A Bigot, can him.

Lonnie, keep us informed.
I know David Nelson. I testified right after him during the last legislative session against the University of Utah gun ban. He openly carries at the state capitol building also.

He's a cool guy.
Correia said:
I know David Nelson. I testified right after him during the last legislative session against the University of Utah gun ban. He openly carries at the state capitol building also.

One of the Representatives was pretty freaked-out by it too.:evil:

"Uh, can you do that? Is that legal?"

"Yes, I can and yes it is."
If any of the rights are violated then we should all bite back. Let one slide and the others will eventually follow.
Hope he kicks their butts over this.
jaholder1971 -

Off topic.

Regardless of anyone's opinion of the sexual preference of the OP or the focus of the event, he paid for admission to the event, was perfectly legal in carrying at the event, and was ejected by a local authority (Lt. Rusty Isakson) in direct violation of state law.

Substitute some activity that you participate in. For argument sake, let's make it kite flying.

"Kite flyer jaholder1971, while legally carrying his .22 caliber revolver on his hip, and after paying admission to the world kite flying championships, was asked to leave the event in direct violation of state law by Lt. John Doe of the local police force."

A violation of his rights and the state law is still a violation of his rights and the state law. End of discussion.
Was the cop hired as security? My own experience with a rent-a-cop was that she behaved more like a bouncer than a police officer. They're wearing the same uniform, but are really on the side of their employer.

Someone should try a similar PR event: try to get into a gun show with a loaded openly carried handgun. Be sure to get it on film. ;)
"My complaint to Chief Burbank is only the first step," Nelson said. "I'll pursue appropriate solutions of my complaints against the event organisers and their security staff regardless of any solution with the chief."

Good for him ! I hope he gets some serious satisfaction and helps teach others they can't make up their own version of the law.

And WOW ! The tree grew a lot of branches in a hurry here ! :what: Almost de-railed the train
Add a second person to the "gays ejected from Pride" thing

Despite the fact that I had went in once, open carrying for two hours without issue, I went to dinner. When I came back, I got ejected.

I'll put out more specific information later. First I need to do the appropriate writeups.

FYI, I also open carried in downtown Portland for many hours with no issue. :)
Grandstanding gets my vote and this might hurt everyone's right to carry or it may help... I have no idea.
Handicapped or not, I'd NEVER carry my weapon unconcealed
unconcealed carrying is as much a visual deterrent of violence as it is a more responsive and reliable mode of carrying if I need it.
just because it would take a nano-second more to retrieve it. Someone ELSE could retrieve it before you ever knew they were after it!
Thanks for the update. Keep us informed on the details.

Once again, this discussion was centered on the fact the Mr Nelson had his 2A rights infringed. Let's try to keep it to that issue.
Actually it's more than a nano-second to draw from concealment, and I point out that there are things called "retention" holsters that have come out in the last twenty or so years.
Jerry: "They said the guy was packing heat."
Elaine: "You mean he was carrying a gun???!!"
George: "'re saying that this guy at a gay pride event was actually carrying an honest to goodness real gun?"
Jerry:" Well..not that there's anything wrong with that!"

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Grant48: If it had been a regular patrol officer, I could see how ignorance might be argued, but you dont make it to LT by being totally clueless about the law.
Personally, I find that statement open to some debate. :D
Man, talk about picking on the wrong target. A disabled, law abiding, head of a shooting sports organization, state legislature testifying, pride event attending, guy who also happens to be gay. Not like there is a good target for this kind of infringement, but WOW.

This is one of those situations were I hope the victim sues the crap out of everybody for just about everything possible. There was a time in history when people that were gay, disabled or bunch of other things would have their natural rights and sometimes lives taken from them and this seems like a good time to inform the offending parties that those times will never return. And nothing short of a butt kicking says that quite like a nice public law suit.

And to Lonnie your situation is just as bad - I mean how many precautions do you have to take to make sure your rights won't be trampled?
sounds like this poor fella was *clears throat* violated by the police. I hate to say it but I think he was hoping for the police to give him a hard time. He said he had a CCW permit, it makes sense to just carry the pistol concealed.

Not saying that he shouldn't exercise his rights, just saying he kind of invited trouble by open carrying when he could have been concealed carrying. I could strap a shotgun to my back when I'm mowing the lawn, but I don't because I don't want folks to keep their kids from visiting on Halloween because "i'm a lunatic".

wow, that's gonna start some debate. I think it just started an internal debate.... I feel like I can't show that I'm a RKBA supporter without drawing negative attention. If the NAACP is burying words, maybe the NRA can symbolically bury the assault weapons ban?
Stand up.

You gotta love folks, especially gun rights people, who are willing to stand up for what they believe in. I've admired the Pink Pistols for a while and hope we see more of this, not less.

Thanks to both men for taking the trouble to take a stand. I hope all of us are encouraged and inspired by your example.
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