Getting Grandparents' Guns from ME to NY

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So, it would make a difference that I was active duty military resident of NY, stationed temporarily in Utah when I took possession

It might, unless you violated NY State law regarding transfer of a handgun.

A license to carry or posses a pistol or revolver is required to purchase a handgun. ...a person licensed to carry or possess a pistol or revolver may apply at any time to the licensing officer in the county of their residence for amendment of his or her license to include one or more such handguns or to cancel a handgun held under the license.

Your situation seems quite complicated. I'm sure what's done is done and it's unlikely that harm will come of it.

Kind of scary, though, how easy it is to run afould of the law, even for a Police Officer.

All I know is, it's a huge no-no to drive a gun into NY State from out of state.

A little bird from BATF told me so very unceremoniously over the phone a few years back. Made me sweat for a while but the drama ended favorably-for me anyway. :rolleyes:
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