Giuliani is an idiot

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He is a big city control freak that uses crime as his excuse to use the same controls on the law-abiding. A vote for Hillary is probably a slightly greater vote for freedom, though that is not saying much. Has anyone seen Bloomberg and Rudy at the same place and same time?
"The only difference between Guiliani and Hillary is Guiliani looks better in a dress."
If Giuliani doesn't think that the 2nd Amendment applies to NYC, what other Amendments doesn't he think are relevant? The 1st? 4th? 13th?

Don't go with half measures. If you like Giuliani, just write in Putin.
*explative* Putin, If you like Giuliani just write in Stalin

Saying he's an idiot or he's an elitist jackhole is like saying watter is wet.

I'm not exactly sure how he's a Republican.... Totalitarian Facist with Dictatorial aspirations.... Maby
"...I'm not exactly sure how he's a Republican.... Totalitarian Facist with Dictatorial aspirations..."

You just described the what which is currently residing in our White House.

I remember the shrub saying..."this sure would be easier if i was a dictator."

oh. pardon moi, we are ditzing rudoy, not the current fascist dic tator.
If a communist runs on the Republican ticket, then it's ok to vote for him. Or at least that what I'll have to believe in order to vote Republican in the next election.

And what would I have to believe to vote for the Hillary (P) / Obama (VP) ticket? That only the rich should be allowed to own SUV's and if you have 28 air conditioners in your home you can be a "Friend of the Earth" like Al Gore.

I have been wondering lately - what would I have to believe to vote for somebody other than a dem/repub ? Would I have to believe that the electoral process is about voting one's conscience? Is that notion to perverse to entertain?
Hey! Stop Beating On Idiots!

On behalf of the National Association of Idiots I resent the comparison with the former Mayor and HERO of 9-11 in NY!

It takes courage to stagger around NY, dazed, lost, and not knowning where the command center is located.

You think it is easy to dress as a woman? Hours it takes him to get that FRESH FEELING and that glow that turns heads.

Personally, I think letting your wife know you are divorcing her on TV standing with the NEXT wife is just too cool. What a man!

So, lay off idiots...he is not in their class. :)
As an idiot myself, your comparison offends me. ^____^

Americans (hopefully) will see through Rudy. He's similar to President Bush but likes gay rights (nothing I'm against, just a difference between him and Dubya) abortion, and gun control. And with the President's low approval rating, I don't think someone so similar (in respecting rights etc.) could be elected.
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