Glenn Beck Is My Hero

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Glenn Beck continues to surprise me.

I am thinking he is the only person on the MSM tv shows that will actually speak against the "Popular" notions that most of the talking heads spew.

He's not afraid to call it as he sees it...not many left like him these days.
Damn right.
For a Yankee, he has his head on straight. :)
I listen to him on the radio program at work and watch his tv program on CNN every night when I get home.
Went to the simulcast of his live show in Dallas a couple months ago. Glenn Beck--Unelectable.
Now out on DVD, and I'm going to buy a couple of copies and give them away as early Christmas presents.
"For a Yankee, he has his head on straight."

Right on! But then, on the other hand, a stopped watch is right twice a day.


Actually, I know quite a few who have their heads on straight. Sadly, back in their native environment, they are outnumbered by the rest by maybe two to one.
I can only easily get one hour of Beck and it is easily the best hour of Radio there is in Houston! The guy mixes comedy and seriousness PERFECTLY!
I have to catch him at work at around 4 or 5am if i'm in station. I wish there were more like him!
Its funny this should come up, I've been watching him pretty often lately. I've been looking for something having to do with his stance on ltcf and ccw, and have finally found it. Thanks!

"Where the guy took the time to reload..."
If you scroll down to see the other videos available you'll find one titled England Gun Ban Update. Lots of people who want their guns back and the reporter even says the gun ban backfired.


With activism in mind, is there a "to do" associated with this?

Watch more Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs? Write your elected officals and tell them to watch?
Sorry if I put it in the wrong section, figured he's a 2A advocate and is on national TV voicing pro-2a sentiment = activism. My apologies, move as necessary
Moving To General

It's certainly gun related, so it gets to stay.

It's not activism, so I'm moving it to General.

It will get more exposure there anyway.
Thanks for posting this story. I watch Glenn Beck and I missed this one. I had not heard that one of Arizona's State Senators was working on this bill? She has my vote and support I will be telling all of my friends in AZ to call in to the local conservative talk shows and get this out. :cool:
I vote that we clone five Glenn's (note that I call all my close friends by their first name!) and appoint all to the Supreme Court. Talk about a Heaven on earth! Gun totin' Supreme Court Justices.................WOW! Criminals would feel like a bunch of Hollywoodites at a Billy Graham crusade. Still proud to be an American I am....................................
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