Good source for "eggshell" foam?

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
I left a rifle case out the other day and my dog thought it was a new chew toy or something. Ripped all the foam out of one side.

Where in the world do you find replacement foam? I don't recall ever seeing it in any store I've been at. Then again, I've never actually gone looking for it.

I second the question. I've found big mattress sized rolls of it at places like Wally World and Tarzhay, but I don't need to pay $30 for a huge piece. Upholstery stores look at me like I asked them for a Black Mamba when I ask for it.

My dog's bed needs some, too, as do a couple rifle cases.

I left a rifle case out the other day and my dog thought it was a new chew toy or something. Ripped all the foam out of one side.

I can relate to that... And they can look so innocent until you turn your back.

I've found big mattress sized rolls of it at places like Wally World and Tarzhay
I think you just answered your own question there. Mattress foam pads can be found at China Mart, Target, or other big-box retailers.

but I don't need to pay $30 for a huge piece....
My dog's bed needs some, too, as do a couple rifle cases.
So, you need more than one rifle case's worth of foam along with a doggie bed, but the mattress roll is too big?

I've never found one to be that expensive in the first place and I'm sure a little bit leftover will find a use eventually.
+1 on Target. You could also check local U-Hauls or stores that sell moving supplies, but you'll probably get a better deal at Target.

Dumpster diving behind an electronics or furniture store could also be fruitful. To avoid any run-ins with the law, you can also just ask them if they have any they are going to throw out.
Google search "acoustical foam" or "recording studio supplies" for a BIG selection of colors, sizes, density & shapes of foam. I've gotten free samples big enough to do the top & bottom of pistol cases. Those mattress pad alternatives only come in white or cream, not exactly, uh...tactical.
Thanks for the info.

I've always thought that the egg crate foam at Target seems too low-density compared to a good rifle case. "Recording studio" supplies it is.

Where I work we pitch the stuff out. I occasionaly take some home for dog beds or what ever.
You should also try a fabric store that carries upholstery materials. often they sell foam material cut to size by the square foot.

Yeah. That's what I figured until they acted like I was pretty strange for asking for the stuff.:)
Also try camera stores and luggage stores. They should carry protective foam for lining cases, this stuff is usually precut so you can form an outline of your gun/equiptment for a perfect fit. It may be pricier than WallyWorld though.
Sort of on-topic... A few years ago I needed a case for my 686-6 inch revolver. Prices seemed high to me. so I found an old briefcase from someone at work. I then bought a 4x4 piece of foam at Jo Ann's Fabrics. I stripped eveything out of the briefcase and cut the foam to fit. The foam was about 1/2 in thicker than the case. I used a marker to draw the outline of the gun and used a razor knife to cut and gouge foam out. Not real pretty but the gun it fits perfectly and when closed the gun is squished into the case and is protected. I also have the keys.
I made a multiple (six) pistol case from a hard-shell guitar case using acoustic foam I bought from Musician's Friend (an catalog Music Store). The mags fit up the "neck" of the case. Attracts NO ATTENTION, says "Gibson" in big print along the outside, latches & locks securely, works like a charm. Always creates smiles at the Pistol Range when folks realize the truth. There are some GREAT foam cutting methods & tools detailed at Look under the AR15 Techncal Forums "Slings and Other Accessories". Those guys take their cases VERY SERIOUSLY.
Who made your rifle case? You might want to call them and see if they won't sell you a replacement pad. If they do it will already be cut to the demensions of your case and all you will have to do is spray a mild adhesive in the case to secure the foam. Good luck.
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