Got attacked by a huge dog

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Dec 24, 2002
Im into extreme sports. (Jogging.) On sunday I was running my usual 10 km (5.8 miles) run. I was like 500 meters from my home when i heard a running dog behind me. Then it jumped and paws and eyeteeths tore my jacket to pieces. I have some small scars in my back and a nice set of bite marks on my left side. I managed to get a grip and threw the dog (Believe me, it was a big one!) to general direction of the owner and ran like hell. I was unarmed at the time (actually ïm unarmed 6 days/week). I had my gerber knive but i would have been practically useless if against the angry dog. Careless dog owners should be minced to dog food... :cuss:

Sorry for my bad English.
I got attacked by a German Shepherd

when I was twelve. Ripped up my arm.

Now, if a dog ever attacked me or the family again, I'd either shoot it or take a baseball bat to it. Self defense.

CASE CLOSED! And I'm very animal friendly.
Sue? Finnish system just doesnt work that way. I could probably get 170$ max for pain and suffering.. Not worth the trouble.
Same thing happend to a friend of mine back in college. He was jogging as usual in his neighborhood, but he had is CCW with him. He didn't want to shoot the dog but it was a big pit bull and it was right on his tail. Now he's the biggest dog lover I know, but he was ready to shoot this animal with no remorse. But his gun jammed on him as he was running. Luckily he was almost home and he managed to jump his fense before the dog could take a bite out of him.

Glad to hear that it was not worse. I was attacked by a big dog when I was about 10. Was riding my bike past it's yard when it ran out and grabbed me around the knee, then let go. Some punctures but nothing bad. Turned out the dog had been tortured by some other kids on bikes and it felt it was defending itself.

Luckily it did not make me scared of dogs. In fact, I seem to get along with them quite well. However, if another dog ever attacks me, or my family, or anyone near me I will probably end up seriously hurting said dog. With whatever is at hand. Dog attacks are nothing to take lightly.
His gun "jammed on him as he was running"?
Was he shooting over his shoulder or something? Or was he trying to load it on the run?
I don't know your laws but here in the colonies we can obtain chemical repellants such as pepper spray, tear gas,etc. A new version features a sticky foam that holds the chemicals on the face. Looks unpleasant to say the least.

They come in small hand held containers. I just purchased three for my daughter. One for her keychain and two for the hotel desk she works at after hours. Company policy is no guns and last week across town a badguy walked in and murdered the nightwatch clerk.
He was trying to load a round by pulling the slide back all while he was running full speed while pointing the gun down and behind him at the dog. When he told me this (almost 4 years ago now) I didn't know too much about guns, so the details went in one ear and out the other. It was a small .380 and I don't know what manufacturer is was either. I guess I shouldn't say jammed but failed to fire. It happened in a matter of seconds from the dog first running at him and him making it over the fence.
i sprayed a lab last year w/ fox labs. he bolted as i sprayed so i really didnt get him "good" but he stuck his face in the dirt trying to rub the stuff off then kept running thru bushes trying to do the same howling the whole time like i had a hot poker to him. i saw him a couple of weeks ago walking up the street and when he saw me he took off running full blast in the other direction.
a lasting impression is what that dog needs.
I had once been chased by a dog while on a run...not a terribly big dog, but aggressive non the less. I turned around and looked for the owner. I spoke w/ him and informed him of the behavior of his dog and to keep it leashed or on his property. I also added that if his dog came after me again, I would have to defend myself.
THE NEXT DAY :fire: (dispite sounding cooperative, the owner still left his dog loose), the dog came after me again, but this time I was prepared. I used a good amount of pepper spray on it. I haven't seen the dog since :scrutiny:
When I was a kid, kept getting chased by one farmer's dogs while I was on my bike. A piece of pipe taped to the handlebars solved that one...

A while back, I got home late at night, and was confronted by a pack of strays (the college kids get pets, then they go home for the summer, so they ditch 'em, and they run in the park, kill zoo animals, etc...), and basically backed into my apartment building - all I had on me were knives, and I was darned worried.
Supposedly here in Fairfax County a few years ago a jogger was attacked by a dog and bitten pretty badly.

The owner denied it to police, etc., but it finally came down to a canine dentist taking bite impressions from the dog and matching them to the bites.
I'd definitely choose OC over a gun for dogs. IMO, it's more effective with a much less complicated aftermath.

"Just dogs" not on their own property can usually be deterred by charging them with arms stretched wide and high and screaming at them. Not knowing WHAT is attacking them, they'll usually turn tail. If you scare them once, they won't mess with you.

Pit bulls and trained attack dogs aren't "just dogs." They don't seem to feel pain or fear, so if one's after you, you've got a problem.

Anything running away from a dog is something to chase, so jogging is a provocative behavior, and you should be ready and alert.
Glad you got away without any major injuries. Is it legal to carry a fixed blade knife in Finland? If so, I would and next time the dog comes, gut it. Vicious animals are only good for feritilizer.

pepper spray sucks unless it is the "bear" deterrent type & size.
Perps sometimes just wince in pain when sprayed, then get peeved and come back in a fury -- maybe that 120# pooch will do similarly (assuming you hit you target's eyes or nose!)?

[as a funny aside (impractical)...if you want to freak an animal out, try spraying some Endust through a small flame (i.e. lighter) -- it make for a small flamethrower and the dogs will run in fear -- there is just something about fire and the animal world]
[as a funny aside (impractical)...if you want to freak an animal out, try spraying some Endust through a small flame (i.e. lighter) -- it make for a small flamethrower and the dogs will run in fear -- there is just something about fire and the animal world]
This is funny in retrospect, but it wasn't at the time. As a kid, I was reading the label on a can of hairspray and noticed "flammable". Hmmm.... Did what you suggested, and had a fine flamethrower.

Then I began to feel weird. Got out of that room in an instant. Turns out that that particular stuff formed phosgene when burned. Later I found out what phosgene is -- a deadly gas....
Sue? Finnish system just doesnt work that way. I could probably get 170$ max for pain and suffering.. Not worth the trouble.
Should be that way here too but we have more ambulance chasing lawyers than common sense in this country...
Should be that way here too but we have more ambulance chasing lawyers than common sense in this country...
The lawyers aren't the problem. The juries are. If juries quit awarding ridiculous amounts for piddling damages, the lawyers would be out of business or have to find some useful work to do like maybe washing cars....
Somewhere in our legal system there needs to be a step where the court determines that a suit has merit and therefore can proceed.

The other problem has to do with the ability of plantiffs to shop for a jury. Key areas in the US are prime suit territory because the jury pool is pliable.
Labs do bite

>>A full-blood lab? Are you sure it was going to attack you?<<

Our full-blooded chocolate Lab bit our 1-year old son in the face.

Labs do bite.

The big, white Lab on the floor behind me as I type this is a pussycat, as are most, but there are individuals of any breed which will bite.
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