Got CHL today!!!

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Feb 21, 2003
Huntsville, tx
:D :D :D
My Texas CHL came in today, only took 30 days and that was including having to prove my citizenship. YAY!!! I didn't expect it quite so soon though and I haven't gotten a holster yet, but I'll find one soon. Now that I have it, though, I have a question for y'all:

Have any of y'all made it to the Texas Ren Fest this year? I am curious as to whether they have a 30.06 sign posted. I know you can carry your swords and such in there so I would think not, but I don't want to get all the way up to the gates and have to turn around and take my gun back to the car (all this assuming I have a holster by this time).

No prohibition on CHL at the Renaissance festival.

I was there last year and saw no signs.

Of course there were hundreds of folks walking around with edged weapons, crossbows, longbows, clubs and blunderbuss.

I don't see where a pistol would be a problem around that much hardware.
For now I'll be carrying my Steyr M9 in an IWB on my right side (towards the back, wherever it conceals the best and is comfortable). I am looking into a couple different leather holsters, the Milt sparks VMII or watch six, and a couple others of similar design. I'd like to pick up a Kel Tec P11 for pocket carry, but I just don't have the funds right now to do that. I'm big enough to hide the Steyr though so it will definitely do for now.
You do realize that while a sword can be considered a lethal weapon that at Ren Fest, you may get challenged by a person weilding a sword and you are NOT to shoot that person. He is an actor. The threat is contrived and the worst that is to happen to you is a bruise to your ego. This is especially true if your attackers are Don Juan y Miguel. Sorry, Don Huwannnnn! (in a gay, sing song tone). They really are nice "fellows."
You do realize that while a sword can be considered a lethal weapon that at Ren Fest, you may get challenged by a person weilding a sword and you are NOT to shoot that person. He is an actor. The threat is contrived and the worst that is to happen to you is a bruise to your ego. This is especially true if your attackers are Don Juan y Miguel.

hahaha, ya, I've been a few times, I love it there. I'm actually more worried about the trash talking drunk that doesn't like my aggie shirt than the guys with the swords, though. I tend to feel safer there than at most places cause I know that so many are armed ;)

I'm scheduled to take my class in November (sort of a birthday present to myself)

Have fun in the class, hopefully you're as lucky as I that it will be held in the middle of the showroom where you get to sit and look at all the guns for 10 hours while the instructor is talking. I spotted a couple that I am really starting to "need".

It's just so nice that the anxiety is over. While I have never done anything terribly wrong, and have never been caught for the not so terrible things, the idea of a background check and such is just bothersome. But it's all over now, at least for 4 years :D
Congratulations. I'm a bit jealous to be honest. I can't wait for the day that you will see some of us here in MD posting the same topic:D (some day, some day).

Have any of y'all made it to the Texas Ren Fest this year? I am curious as to whether they have a 30.06 sign posted. I know you can carry your swords and such in there so I would think not, but I don't want to get all the way up to the gates and have to turn around and take my gun back to the car (all this assuming I have a holster by this time).
Hey, you're going to a Ren Fest. Do you go in costume? If so (and why go to a Ren Fest if you don't) then go in character. Pick up a single shot blackpowder pistol for while you are there (hey, I would assume a .50cal blackpowder pistol could do some real damage if needed). Then you can just tuck it into a sash and no one would look twice (in a way you're still concealed, it is in plain sight but it is "concealed" as part of the costume so no one would think it was loaded or in some cases they'd even think it a fake). Only thing is, you'd have to be sure no one trying to be cute took the gun and fired it:what:

Hmm, on second thought maybe that isn't such a good idea.:uhoh:
Do you go in costume? If so (and why go to a Ren Fest if you don't) then go in character

I don't go in costume, unfortunately costumes for such events become VERY expensive, coupled with the price of a ticket and it is even worse. I mostly enjoy it because of the non-PC atmosphere. The things that can be said and done by employees is incredible in today's society. And the girls in nothing but chainmail are an added bonus :D
Once I finally do get a costume, though, I'll probably try and get a job there, my friend used to work for a guy that paid his workers in merchandise, the employee doesn't make out as good as the shop owner, but you still end up with a couple swords and knives when the show is all over. The festival here is very big, on a permanent grounds with buildings and all set up exculsively for use during these 2 months. Many people here go without costume for the shows and the shopping and the food. It is a whole lot of fun...
Great news! Congratulations.

/ominous intonation/

but now that you have government sanction to carry a weapon, we (the JBT) know where you are

bwa ha ha ha h a

/intonation off/

Actually, just how much do we further registration by getting these licenses? (not to rain on your parade, but just got to wondering)
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