Got Hauled In By Campus Security

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May 1, 2011
Security hauled me in yesterday because somebody was making rumors that I "Go to halls where I shouldn't be. Am obsessed with army stuff and guns. Walking around the woods late at night. Talk about learning to track and shoot people. Want to join the British Army."

So apparently, taking a shortcut through my old residence hall is planning a crime. Purchasing and selling camo to people on campus for airsoft, paintball, and Humans Versus Zombies counts as being obsessed with the military. Supporting the second amendment, being knowledgeable about firearms, and not calling guns pure manifest evil is called being obsessed with weaponry. Hiking around the outside perimeter of the road at the end of the day when I've fulfilled the rest of my obligations counts as stalking in the woods. Talking about having practiced for HVZ counts as learning how to hunt and shoot people. Using a British accent instead of constantly shifting between accents counts as reason to suspect that I want to join the British Army.

I then was asked if I was happy here (I truly am), and if there's anything they can help me with. They also asked me if I had any friends and when I said yes, they asked me to name them. When they asked if I have any guns, I answered truthfully that I did not. I then got asked if I ever wanted to own a gun. I answered maybe someday after graduation I'd get myself a bolt action rifle and go to the range maybe once or twice a month. I then got asked why I'd ever want a gun. I made the safest answer I could and said that I was just interested in the sport and historical value. Their response was that shooting isn't a sport. I told them that there are shooting events in the Olympics, so yes there are shooting sports. I had to strongly resist the urge to say that I have a first amendment right to free speech and a fifth amendment right to not be forced to give testimony against myself.

I finally got told that it's an obligation for anyone to report suspicious words or activity to security and that I haven't done anything against the rules, although I was told that they may have to at some point search my room. So far, they have not mentioned anything pertaining to my activity on THR, GRM, or any other website.

I have not gone about talking about weapons and the relevant politics. The topics arose naturally in discussions with my roommate, and once during a class debate.

I got a feeling I know who did it. Strange that I've been moved out of his room for about 2 weeks now and then he files in a security complaint. Yes, this is likely the same guy I was asking for advice about earlier because he was a serious pothead. Imagine if I had turned him in simply because he did nothing for three weeks in September except for get stoned and talk about pot. Anyway for some reason, he suddenly decides that me supporting the second amendment and engaging him in some pretty intense debates about gun politics counts as a symptom of madness. I don't know who submitted the report, but it was probably him.

So far, that's the end of it for all that I know, although I wouldn't be surprised if this flared up again later. I'm not in trouble, although I'm probably being watched.

If you people in IT or Public Safety are reading this, then do rest assured that it's exactly as I said and just a hobby. I have enough respect for laws and policies to obey them. You can search my room all you like and you won't find any contraband.
Ah... What is the name of this school, college, university, (whatever) and where is it located?
I'll be watching this, mortablunt.

A little about me...

Retired from the Marine Corps almost four years ago. Most of my last year on active duty, I thought I would be moving to MD. SOOOOO GLAD I didn't. BTW, both my B.S. and M.S. are from University of Maryland University College. Your struggles in MD show me how right I was to move to SC instead, but I in no way hold that against you. In fact, I'm hoping things work out well for you. My kids are more or less your age (one college sophomore, two college freshmen, two still in HS), but in SC they don't have to deal with the same stupid <removed> confronting you almost daily. Do keep your THR friends informed.
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I then got asked why I'd ever want a gun. I made the safest answer I could and said that I was just interested in the sport and historical value. Their response was that shooting isn't a sport.

Why do you want to own a gun? None of their business.

Shooting is not a sport? Oh really, well how about Olympics, clubs where people go to shoot clays, or turkey shoots.

Where in the world do you go to school?
Colleges have become uber paranoid about guns ever since the VA Tech massacre. ECU was in lockdown for 3 hours yesterday due to a umbrella poking out of a backpack. Someone thought it looked like a gun barrel and called the cops.
British Army? OP in Great Britain? Whole nation is paranoid about guns.

U.S. colleges most liberal. Liberals are paranoid about guns. Colleges are paranoid about guns. Cops are often paranoid about guns (at least in big cities and on college campuses).

Hard to be rational and logical with paranoia (and liberals). I would have told them I hate guns and would never go near one.
It might be a good idea to maintain a low profile around the liberals. Get your degree, so you can earn more money to buy more guns.
I'm SRO at the high school I graduted from 14 years ago and you have no idea the lengths the administrators have to go to cover the school and the district when the threat of violence is confronted.
I grew up in a military town, obsessed with the Marine Corps, guns, and the military in general. None of my teachers, then, gave it a second thought. As a matter of fact I was Captain of my JROTC rifle team for three years.
In my school now, its not guns that are the issue, say a kid writes a story about a football game being broken up by an active shooter ( I mention this because we had to deal with the story already this year), the stories writer was released to his mother and wouldnnt be re-admitted by the school until he got a threat assessment done on him by a mental health care provider.
Some of the new teachers (the ones who werent there when I was a teen) think I'm crazy and avoid me everyday.
You shouldnt have given them anything, unless you were under arrest, if you werent, courtesy and simple answers, what you do with your own free and how you spend it, as long as its not in violation of the law, while it may seem "suspicious" isnt against the law, suspicious doesnt illegal make.
If we detained someone the way you wrote about yourself being detained, my Chief would have apoplexy. If there wasnt reasonable suspicion to do anything more than get your basic information and a contact number, then youd be on your way. Its as simple as that.
But I guess living in a small town has its advantages. You ought to file a formal complaint, and thats the private citizen and LEO talking.
Security "hauled" you in? If you did not willingly consent...and there were no charges proffered or arrest sounds like you were possibly illegally detained.

False Arrest (and Interrogation).

"Am I being charged with something? No? Then I am I free to leave?"

Might want to get a lawyer...universities have deep insurance pockets.
So you didn't turn in your old room mate to the authorities, moved out and now it seems he's made the preemptive move to get you discredited in case you turn him in.

That about sum it up?
^ Not exactly. They have strong anecdotal evidence that he's in the drug scene, but no hard evidence to go into disciplinary measures. From what I hear from my friends back in my old hall, security is acting strangely and my roommate seems to be getting close to cracking. I know that some of the other people in the drug scene have been caught, and that security is closing watching a lot of them, and that people have put in tips about them. If he did the report, he's getting desperate and paranoid. I'm now definitely glad that I'm out of there. My cough has completely gone away, so I can resume my exercise regimen. I no longer reek of Marijuana, I'm sleeping better, happier, performing better in class and at work, and it seems as if my old roommate is self-destructing.

Thanks for all the support. I will keep you posted on new developments. Be aware that I may have to lie low for a while if they put the screws on me.
I wouldn't want to join the British Army then, then you have to move to Britain and there you have no gun rights. Don't do it man, not worth it.
Campus security tracking you? Paranoid much?

hey drsfmd, considering the fact that many colleges and businesses have internet activity tracking systems, and the fact that he was questioned by them, that doesn't really sound "paranoid" to me. YMMV
Am I under arrest? No? Ok is there a warrant for my arrest? No? Ok, y'all have a nice day.
Seriously, if they ask you to go with them on a voluntary basis you may leave at any time. I would have. They are going to think what they think. I am not going to do their job for them nor give up my rights by answering their question "voluntary".
Ok, so back on September 7, 2011 when you said "I keep about 100 rounds max for each gun" (see your thread below), how does that work out based on your above statement that you don't "have" any guns?

Maybe that's new college math ?

Haven't been in a math class since junior year of high school :D!
I used to have arms, but I sold them or gave them away before I came to school, and I never had more than one or two at a time. I forgot to put my answer in the subjunctive mood past tense.
Did I really just speak grammar on an internet forum?
Back in September, I was talking about what I used to do. I also was extremely literal with the question. I have a Cx4 back in VA, but nothing here.
Now I sound like a politician :eek:

@ John BT: Well now it's called Goucher College.
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C'mon, that was a perfect setup for a "lost them all in a tragic boating accident" response, LOL...


Good luck in college. There will be plenty of time after you graduate to own guns.
I would advise going off their radar for the rest of your time there. If there's an airsoft/paintball club, join it. Any further questions about your interest can be completely summed up by your membership. Wear the uniform (figuratively). Graduate. Get on with your life.
I would advise going off their radar for the rest of your time there. If there's an airsoft/paintball club, join it. Any further questions about your interest can be completely summed up by your membership. Wear the uniform (figuratively). Graduate. Get on with your life.

This is probably the best advice yet. Advice for life... STAY BELOW THE RADAR... Volunteer at a charity. Know the backgrounds of who you hang with.
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