GPL advice sought

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Dec 13, 2005
The Feinstein project is looking for legal advice on how to set up a General Public License for our work. The Feinstein project is an attempt to engineer a working AR lower receiver (probably reinforced by a thumbhole stock) out of small plastic building blocks, glued together w/ ABS cement. While the project will no doubt continue on to other magazine designs & cartridges after the basic receiver is complete, our concern is to set up the initial design under a GPL, or something similar.

As you may infer from our desire to use the GPL, we are not looking to make money from this, nor do we desire to spend large amounts of legal fees in order to set up a GPL. Any replies are appreciated.

Farmers Fight!

Why not just do a whole aircraft carrier?

I'll just point out here, that on another forum, that is certainly not "High Road", I received near immediate assistance with this question. Commander, 1st it was wood, then plastic (both milled), THEN 3D printing. If an AR can be built with a pine lower, surely it can be built from plastic building blocks.
Don't do that.

CC-NC means that the ideas are yours and others can use and extend off of them (for free), but a company cannot incorporate your design into a commercial sale-able product without your permission.

Public domain means that people can make money off of your ideas free of charge.

That may be cool with you, but I'm not okay with a company using me as their R&D free of charge :D
I'll just point out here, that on another forum, that is certainly not "High Road", I received near immediate assistance with this question. Commander, 1st it was wood, then plastic (both milled), THEN 3D printing. If an AR can be built with a pine lower, surely it can be built from plastic building blocks.

And I would like to point out that you are not asking a question about firearms laws, you are asking a question about purely business law. The legal forum is for questions regarding firearms laws.
Originally Posted by backbencher View Post
I'll just point out here, that on another forum, that is certainly not "High Road".....

And I would like to point out that you are not asking a question about firearms laws, you are asking a question about purely business law. The legal forum is for questions regarding firearms laws.
If you need LEGAL advice......see a lawyer, not a gun forum.:rolleyes:
tyeo, given it's built out of plastic bricks that can easily be rearranged, it'd be difficult to patent. Then if someone did produce 'em & sold 'em, then I'd have to chase 'em down & sue 'em. Given that I want to give the design away, & for it to continue to develop, CC0 would appear to be the best option. I have no objection if some gunsmith wants to save folks the 4 hours of assembly time - but I don't think he's gonna make a lot of money doing so, and I don't want to spend the energy chasing him down.

Commander, I cannot communicate to you just how High Road and helpful you have been to a fellow sailor.

dogtown, fortunately there are other gun forums in which lawyers step forward, offer their business email, and give pro bono advice.
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