Gun Control Bill Gains 185 Co-Sponsors in the House

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They are convinced that NOBODY will take up arms in a meaningful way, apparently When they get that fact brought home to them personally, then other people will have their jobs. That's the only thing that wannabe Hitlers have ever "understood."
Only *some* such transfers. Critically, it does *not* seem to allow transfers between domestic partners or significant others unless you are married, which is ridiculous.
Domestic partners and significant others would fall under the "friends" provision and be allowed would they not? After all, that is what they are.
Got to start somewhere at the national level-if not, we will have quilt like laws at the state, county, city and village level.
There has to be tighter controls with firearm laws and this is coming from someone who is a firearm owner who has a CPL and is a retired military person with 20 years of service.
I'm an RN, not a lawyer or legislator. I believe that loopholes in existing firearm laws need to be sealed. We do not live in a perfect world thus the language of proposed legislation needs to be clarified that I agree.
If we do not bend towards tighter firearm laws then I believe the Second Amendment will be in danger. This is a different take from many here but if rigidity continues towards better firearm control at the national level then expect a quilt like set of laws at state level which is happening right now throughout the US. Change in existing firearm laws will happen, like it or not.
Domestic partners and significant others would fall under the "friends" provision and be allowed would they not? After all, that is what they are.
Looking at the bill, in Section 202 FIREARMS TRANSFERS, I see no provision for transfer to friends at all.

`(C) the transfer is made between spouses, between parents or spouses of parents and their children or spouses of their children, between siblings or spouses of siblings, or between grandparents or spouses of grandparents and their grandchildren or spouses of their grandchildren, or between aunts or uncles or their spouses and their nieces or nephews or their spouses, or between first cousins, if the transferor does not know or have reasonable cause to believe that the transferee is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm under Federal, State, or local law;

So you could transfer a gun to your sister's son's wife with no problem, but leave a gun with your own domestic partner when you leave on a business trip, and boom, you two are now criminals.
Looking at the bill, in Section 202 FIREARMS TRANSFERS, I see no provision for transfer to friends at all.

So you could transfer a gun to your sister's son's wife with no problem, but leave a gun with your own domestic partner when you leave on a business trip, and boom, you two are now criminals.
Sorry, I made the mistake of posting taking info from another post. I didn't read the bill. Given that, I see your point.
I don't give a damn if there is a quilt/patchwork of laws on UBC and other suck anti-American bull leavings. I in Florida don't need the anti-American laws in California, New York, or Colorado here. If they have what they want then let them have what they want. I won't give the antis anything. No retreat, not one step backward, as doing so would only embolden them to want more from us much like Hitler did after Chamberlin played prison punk.

If they win some ground, fine, but not because we handed it over. And then when they win it, much like the Russians fought the Nazis, we do everything we can to get it back. In the courts and at the voting booth.
So I have sent to all my state reps on the list a comment. Had to do it on FB though for most of them. Not the best reply, but I bet I get some replies to it. My daughter did a much better job of stating our case than anyone else I have ever heard or read.

Maybe since you believe in violating the civil rights of millions of Americans, you can fill me in on why? H. R. 1565 is just one of many such violations. My daughter wonders why our government deserves my service after seeing this legislation. I have the embarrassment of having to explain that I defend a nation of free people and a constitution that guarantees that not a government intent on making us a welfare (read "slave" in my mind) state.

Here is my daughter's thoughts on it. Maybe you care to reply to them.

Gun Control’s Ill Effects and Imminent Failure
28 January 2013

Have you ever asked me what my father and I do on the weekends? We shoot. Rifles, bows, and even our muzzleloaders, they all are fun to shoot and to hunt with. You should try it sometime.

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about the Second Amendment and what it should or should not allow. These discussions have been focused on the semiautomatic class of weaponry more commonly called by liberal mass media “assault weapons.” There have been discussions on how many bullets a person should be able to load at once, what the weapons people buy should look like, and even what new rules can be imposed upon those who, like me, enjoy shooting my rifles legally and safely. If I had not been barred from this type of research on school computers, I would have needed only a few moments to prove the foolishness of any action against the Second Amendment.

My family is a firm believer in the right to bear arms as the Second Amendment protects the rest of our rights. I inherited that belief honestly and so I stand firm in my belief that the right to bear arms should never be infringed. I wish to simply present some points for those who wish to strip lawful citizens of their right to bear arms to consider. I will be proving that banning "assault weapons" is foolish. There is no sense in increasing ineffective firearm regulations. I will explain how so called “Gun Free Zones” are killing Americans more than the magazine capacity of a weapon. I will let you know why we will never be registering our firearms, and why we are against background checks on private sales. I am to the point so forgive me, but it is only the truth.

Banning "assault weapons" is foolish. The total number of murders committed with all rifles total is less than that of many other instruments. Blunt objects are more commonly used as murder weapons. In fact, several states report no rifles used in homicides in 2010. The state with the most murders committed by rifles is actually California, which has an Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) in place already. That alone proves the uselessness of such a law. Connecticut, it might be worth pointing out, had an AWB in place, and it failed to prevent the tragedy in Newtown. You might also wish to note that you are many times as likely to die today in a car accident than in this whole year by a gun of any kind.

Increasing firearm regulations is also ineffective. The states with the strictest restrictions on firearms are also the ones in which most of the murders occurs. If this is looked at at the local level, those areas with the strictest laws are the most crime prone areas in the country. This can be seen in Detroit, Chicago, New York City, and many other areas. I would think that trying such a failed tactic would seem doomed to fail on a national level. Meanwhile in Kennesaw, Georgia every household is required to own a firearm and crime dropped 89% after passing the law. The crime rate remains lower than any other city of its size in the nation.

“Gun Free Zones” are killing Americans. My father is a Marine, sworn by Honor to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Yet, he has been stripped of that right in his own nation for his own children, for me right here, right now. I hate to think that this is true, but it is. If you look at the shootings the government is so focused on, every single one since 1950 has occurred in a place where firearms are barred. Meanwhile, there are many stories that are not drawing attention that show that having firearms present in such situations actually saves lives. I would feel much better about my brother, sister, and I attending a school where teachers are allowed to protect them properly than us being easy victims of an evil man.

Magazine capacity has little or nothing to do with lethality. I tested this myself. My father can change a magazine in his personal AR 15 in less than one second. Being that he is trained as a Marine, I asked my eleven year old sister to try it. After two tries she could consistently reload in less than two seconds. I can do it in one second myself. I can tell you that that will not save lives. Also consider that if you ban them, who will have them? The criminal element the government is trying to protect us against. They again will fail. It only limits our rights as lawful gun owners.

Registering every firearm is not likely to succeed and will be resisted by many. We will not register our rightfully owned firearms on a list that could be later used to confiscate them. There is no nation that has registered firearms and not later confiscated most or all of them. In all of those countries, the strong soon after preys upon the weak. This can be seen in the per capita crime rate in Great Britain and Australia. It can be seen melodramatically in the former Soviet Union, last century Germany, and early 20th century Turkey. I could find no nation that successfully registered firearms without a seizure and then a drastic increase in violent crimes.

Background checks on private sales will accomplish nothing as well. Many of the firearms used in crime are stolen. Those bought lawfully are by and large used that way. It is a near impossible law to enforce without registration, and would save no lives. Regulating the rifles my father has purchased for my sister and I would not stop anyone from stealing them and performing horrible acts with them.

I hate to repeat cliché terms, but the Second Amendment protects the rest of our rights. Without it we have no others. There is a direct line between that amendment and our freedom as citizens of a free nation. One of the hallmarks of the United States has always been that the people are stronger than the government. That is in place for a reason and should never be tampered with. It is the same reason that our nation still stands despite hardships that have broken other nations. This one right gives us all the power to keep things that way. Without it we become subjects or slaves rather than citizens.

If you wish to know what I would suggest, it would be simple. Leave us alone. Lawful gun owners cause no problems and save lives that are not tracked on many occasions. We are most often able to take care of ourselves. It is not us who ask for government help, but instead are always willing to offer it to anyone who may need it. We enjoy our sport shooting, hunting, and our right to self defense. We cause little trouble unless it is brought to us, and are in general the most patriotic of citizens. We need less interference rather than more.

Another idea would be to ask the media to not release the name(s) of any shooter involved with a mass shooting. They want fame and denying them that would go farther than anything shy of getting rid of “gun free zones” in reducing the occurrence of these heinous crimes. Denying these evil people the availability of easy victims like we are right now, and the fame they seek from their act would be the greatest deterrents I could imagine.

I believe in the Second Amendment even more than any other of the rights we enjoy. I simply want a life where I can enjoy those freedoms promised to me by my country. The right to bear arms guarantees that. As I have proven, no law can add such a guarantee, and in fact, undermines my freedom and safety, by infringing upon that right. You cannot regulate away crime by regulating weapons. You cannot expect more regulations to do anything other than make the problem worse. I want to end by asking a simple question: What does anyone stand to gain by stripping me my rights because of a wrong I did not commit?
From Pennsylvania;

Rep Schwartz, Allyson Y. [PA-13] - 5/6/2013
Rep Meehan, Patrick [PA-7] - 4/15/2013
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 4/30/2013
Rep Fitzpatrick, Michael G. [PA-8] - 4/15/2013
Rep Doyle, Michael F. [PA-14] - 5/7/2013
Rep Cartwright, Matt [PA-17] - 4/26/2013
Rep Brady, Robert A. [PA-1] - 4/26/2013
If you look up the only 3 from GA, you'll not be surprised.
All three are socialist Democrats.
Big surprise, they would support this heaping helping of yak squeeze.
Yet again, a reminder that this bill is from a year ago -- before the main gun control bill failed in the Senate in spring 2013.

It is not recent news.
Gdcpony - please tell you daughter that her letter was one of the most complete, factual, and powerful letters it has been my great pleasure to read. You did not tell us her age or if she is a student, mother, lawyer or burger flipper or just what she plans for her future. Whatever her position in life may be currently, whatever her future goals may be, I am certain we shall hear more from her in the future and where ever her road may lead through life, it will be her with her hands on the wheel.

You have done a great job Dad. Congratulations.
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