Gun Ownership and Social Stigma?

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This does nothing to address the main underlying concern - that your having a firearm in the house with kids is going to create a potential hazard.

We differ in our thinking here, because I do agree that it introduces a hazard. But that is why I like to analyze what happened and what could have happened differently leading up to it (that is in control of the homeowner/firearm owner) to prevent it from happening. Because with as many firearms as are in the US, there's a lot of hazards.

I am merely saying not all fears of having guns in the house are unfounded, certainly not when there are kids involved. Definitely not fair to label these people as "antis" or "misinformed".

I get what you're saying, but I still think that the kids are generally used as a shield. They might legitimately be concerned about their kids, but if they thought about why most people nowadays are starting to think about getting a gun (personal protection), they'd realize that its even more important to protect your family.
Wanderling, most of the current crop of "Progressives" that label themselves liberal are not liberal--at least in the classic sense. A classic liberal is accepting of other views.

I recently moved from the SF Bay area after living there and working the whole area for 18 years. I will agree the SF folk are more than a bit much. They are very self centered people who have come to believe that they can declare how the world will function. God help them when they step outside the little bubble that provides life support for that mind set.

And God help us as they try to force everyone and everything into their preconceived mold.
Wanderling, most of the current crop of "Progressives" that label themselves liberal are not liberal--at least in the classic sense. A classic liberal is accepting of other views.

I recently moved from the SF Bay area after living there and working the whole area for 18 years. I will agree the SF folk are more than a bit much. They are very self centered people who have come to believe that they can declare how the world will function. God help them when they step outside the little bubble that provides life support for that mind set.

And God help us as they try to force everyone and everything into their preconceived mold.

Luckily, they didn't look like they could force a finger through a wet napkin. Nothing that takes any long term planning, perseverance, or anything that looks like work.

I did enjoy seeing a guy with a piece of cardboard that read "Kick me in the butt - $3". Unfortunately, I had neither three singles nor a camera with me at the moment.
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