Gun shirt bad logo... tyranny

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It's a T-shirt: A demonstration of the feelings some have about the current political climate. It is NOT the cause of said climate, nor is it a major contributor to what the future holds. No need for anyone to get their knickers in a twist over it.
Got news for you, our Gov already has a big problem with our guns, this T shirt isn't going to make much difference!
Why do so many people talk about the Government like it's a seperate all-powerful group of individuals living amongst us. The Government is us...we vote american citizens into positions of power and we can vote them out. The FBI, IRS, DEA, ATF...ect, are all civil servants. They simply enforce the laws we the people created and supported by majority through our vote. Griping doesn't solve anything...if you wish to change the laws then get for office. If the majority of voting American citizens agree with you then you can become the tyranny and lean on the non-majority through political process and bend them to your will. :)

The road from political protester or freedom fighter, is just (1) election away. Run for and obtain a political office and you will become "they" immediately!

Okay, this is a little over the top but it's basically true. I've seen life long friends become bitter enemies over politics. The shirt is not for me and i do not agree with it's tone. However, I also believe the 1st Amendment is nesessary. Just for the record my wife has a NRA sticker on her personal car and she is a manager for the United States Treasury.
I was saying it might make the Goverment mad to see shirts like this talking about tyranny

On this note although I'm against all the viva la revolucion talk going around. There is a little thing called freedom of speech and this shirt looks perfectly fine to me. I wouldn't wear it because it's over the top but I wouldn't tell someone else they couldn't.


It's for shooting the agents of tyranny

should my government one day fail

This was kinda the true intent of the 2A...Guns weren't protected so you could shoot Bambi--They were protected so you could protect yourself with them, be it an attack by criminals, foreign forces, or in the last resort against an oppressive government.
I don't think there is anything "wrong" with the shirt. Just an expression of free speech.

But as has been said, it's not clever or catchy. It's actually a bit odd.
Despite what the paranoiacs say, there has seldom been a less tyrannical government than that of the United States.

How about a T-shirt which reads:
"I'm Damn Lucky To Be An American."


Memorial Day, 2009

XBOX 360 - "well this will make them MORE inclined to ban guns "

Anyone who thinks that "them," or "they," need any stimulation to "ban guns," is extremely naive and knows very little about the "gun grabbers." Their -- the Marxist Socialist Fascists -- intentions have always been to ban and confiscate all firearms from us, the serfs, worker peasants, and villeins.

Personally, I don't wear "message" tee shirts, but I could not care less what others wear.

With this "administration", you could be put on a list for any reason or no reason at all.

Actually that would be the previous administration that did this. I'm not saying the new one won't, but the last one already did.
How about a T-shirt which reads:
"I'm Damn Lucky To Be An American."

We still live in the best place on Earth! It isn't perfect but if you can find someplace better let me know I'd probably move.:D
well this will make them MORE inclined to ban guns
No, it won't. I guarantee you that Shumer, Feinstein, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Kennedy, and all the rest of the Axis of Evil :) don't give a small rodent's haunches what is printed on the rag that some use to cover their carcass.

What it does do is further the 'gun nut' stereotype within society at large, and potentially influence how they view the RKBA.
We still live in the best place on Earth! It isn't perfect but if you can find someplace better let me know I'd probably move.

Best in the world doesn't mean no room for improvement. I'm just working on that improvement to make the US the best possible society EVER.

Besides I'm on the lists anyway so I may as well be upfront about it and order one.
Looks fine to me. It's a little too long and awkward to be a catchy slogan on a shirt though.
How about a T-shirt which reads:
"I'm Damn Lucky To Be An American."

I have to agree. I still like to b**ch and moan like everyone else, but that's what I like about living here. You can generally complain and not live in fear for doing so.

I would never wear a shirt like that. It would make a person look like a bit of a nut. Plus, I don't like to advertise that I have firearms.
If people cared what was printed on T-shirts - sex, beer, and being an ass would have been banned years ago.
Is it too blatant for you? Should he have written it in 18th century English like our forefathers? Or maybe a dead language like Latin so not to be obvious and offend?

How about a T-shirt which reads:
"I'm Damn Lucky To Be An American."

Good idea, you should start printing some.

I see no problem with the first T-shirt.
What, specifically, would one accomplish by wearing that shirt? The phrasing is not such that it will win converts. It seems unlikely to strike fear in the hearts of the 2nd Ammendment's enemies.
Mostly, such shirts seem designed to ID the wearer as a dateless hoopie. I figure it must be kind of like a lodge ring for dateless hoopies. Do they have a secret handshake too, I wonder?
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