"Gun Tests" magazine

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Here's my experience:
I too got a promotional mailing offering a free issue and if I liked it, a $20 a year new subscriber rate. Before I got the free trial issue I stared getting bills in the mail. I got my first issue and thought it would be worth $20 bucks so I mailed them a check with one of the bills that I received.
Didn't get another issue and then they turned me over to a collection agency saying that I owed them $4! That's right, they turned me over to the "North Shore" Collection Agency which demanded I pay them $4.
I called Gun Tests customer service, which they obviously sub-contract out, and that stopped the collection agency but two months after cashing my check I still haven't received my magazine.
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While I am not complaining about GT's sample size per se, it is quite limited, almost always a sample of just 1 model from a given manufacturer. As such, it may run well or run poorly and not represent the brand appropriately.

I'm complaining. This was my primary reason for disliking the magazine. The sample sizes produce non-representative data and therefore neither accurately nor reliably assess quality across a given platform.
They take a very hyper-critical approach to reviewing firearms

In exactly the same way that Guns And Ammo and American Rifleman do not. They just provide another piece of information you can use in evaluating guns. Stores that have extensive rental selections are the best way to gather information, IMHO.
They do tend to review some pretty ho hum stuff.

Still it is one of the only periodicals I would recommend to anyone.
Gun Tests magazine

I will renew it again which I declined to do with several other handgun magazines. The information is of value to me and easier to sort through than the "forums". I like the access I have to their on-line archives since I mostly buy used guns.
Double Naught Spy writes:
...GT's sample size per se, it is quite limited, almost always a sample of just 1 model from a given manufacturer. As such, it may run well or run poorly and not represent the brand appropriately.
BINGO! IMO a magazine such as Gun Tests has been rendered obsolete by Internet gun discussion boards.

I haven't seen a current copy of Gun Tests in years, but I do know that when they tried to perform ammunition tests they obviously weren't qualified to do it.
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