Guns are designed to destroy, period.

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Did everyone in fact read the first post, and not just the thread title before responding? Why has anyone brought up the word "troll"? olivedrab has given an example of a weak anti argument and one way to counter it, and solicited other responses. What's the problem?

Well for my part I was just checking. One way anti's would troll here would be to make a statement like that one just to see what type of response they got. olivedrab responded back 'I'm no troll' and that's good enough for me.
I'm no troll, even though some people say I sort of resemble someone who spends their time under a bridge

Welcome from under the bridge! Guns create things too: democracy, freedom, safety.
taliv said:
jackhammers, while difficult to conceal, would likely be an effective crime deterrent.

"Halt! Or I'll..... I'll..... I'll tear up some sidewalk..." :neener:

My response is "Guns are finely crafted pieces of equipment made up of components created as carefully as jewelry. They're fun for recreation, and all kinds of zen thinking excercises. They also happen to be adequate for self-defense, if you practice enough, and choose your gun wisely..."
Depending on you point of view, guns are for defense, much like a butcher knife is for cooking. If either of those items is used for an unjustified attack, it is not the fault of the object, inventor, or manufacturer. You could also argue that guns are for the legal hunting of animals, much like a fishing rod or crossbow.

No one ever mentions "knife control" in this country. What about cars? People are intentionally run over but no one is trying to ban cars.
I can see how people would misinterpret me as a troll. The truth is, I am currently in my final year of college, and I am posting between classes.

Need more proof?

I have been the member of the United Stated Army for 3 years now. 21 series.
I am the proud owner of a Springfield Armory Milspec 1911a1, a 1955 K31 w/ tag, a Hungarian Hi-power clone, and one very hurting wallet.

Thanks for all the responses, now I have more "ammo" to use in the fight to enlighten. Pardon the bad pun.
Guns are made for the same purpose as a pool skimmer, to rid the world of scum! :evil: J/K (...or am I?!?!?!)

Guns can also save your life, feed you family (No, not by robbing the liquor store to get the money for food, although some use the tools for the trade.), relieve stress and a host of other purposes.
Yes, guns are designed to kill.
Guns are fundamentally (sporting modifications aside) designed as tools to inflict injury or death.

There. I said it. No apologies.

Now explain why police carry them.
Now explain why soldiers carry them.
Fact is, I have 'em for the same reasons.

Some people, due to their extremely dangerous behavior, need to be injured or killed - that being the only viable way to stop their behavior. RIGHT NOW.
That's life. Don't like it? Tough. That's reality. Legislation & platitudes won't make it go away.
Sometimes "its him or me" is a choice one has to make.
Don't try to take away that choice, or the tools to facilitate that choice, from me. If you do, you distain my life and are my enemy.
Nothing wrong with destroying stuff if it doesn't harm (physically, economically..) anyone.
someone told me that pistols were only designed to kill. I used the penicillin argument their response was but penicillin was used to kill bad things that could hurt you. then before I could give the ovious answer you could see in her face that she suddenly got it. she said, never mind
I think I’d have to rely on my old favorite, “Opinions are like...You and well, everyone has one.”

"The rifle is a weapon. Let there be no mistake about that. It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. It is equally useful in securing meat for the table, destroying group enemies on the battlefield, and resisting tyranny......... Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they certainly be corrected by good men with guns."

From the late great Jeff Cooper in his book, The Art Of the The Rifle. His wisdom will be missed.

they are not meant to destroy - pistols and revolvers are meant for defense which saves a family, saves a future, etc.

Rifles & shotguns are meant to defend and assault to save, to feed, to protect, etc. all GOOD things

Saving and protecting is not destroying it is stoping a robber, arsonist, thief, rapist, murder from destroying - isn't that why police carry guns to save not to destroy are you saving police are destroyers SHAME on you! You can also bring in the UN forces or any type of force that the liberals like.

This is what I tell the moroons who use the guns are only mean to destroy bull!
Only counter to a gun is another gun. To ban guns is to send people out with guns to take away other peoples guns. If anti-gun nuts really beleived their own lies the ATF would be trying to peacefully talk people into not owning guns instead of waving around machine guns.
No. Guns are designed to propel a projectile downrange at a very high velocity. They are sometimes used by people to destroy. Sometimes people use them to destroy things or people that need to be destroyed, somethines people use them to destroy things or people that should not be destroyed.
Very often, a gun is used to PRESERVE something, like freedom, physical safety, personal property, etc. When a 90 year old grandma pulls a gun on the burgler coming in her window and he runs away, nothing is destroyed but his desire to victimize old people. Just a tool. Period.
Your premise is a fallacy.

Guns are not designed to destroy.

Guns are designed to accurately launch small projectiles at what the person who weilds the gun would like to shoot.

Claiming a gun destroys imparts the responsibility for destruction on an inantimate object. A gun can not destroy any more than a crowbar and a wrecking ball can destroy. It is the person who weilds it that destroys.
Guns are designed to destroy. And acting as if that's always a bad thing is completely naive. Sometimes, destruction needs to be threatened or carried out in order to ensure that we ourselves or that which is dear to us is not destroyed instead.
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