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Hawkins: Donald Trump Could Be Pulling a Gun Control ‘Rope-a-Dope’

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Oct 24, 2015
I don't know if Trump's this smart....and I'm a supporter. I don't know how gun control rope-a-dope would work.

I could see Trump getting a bunch of people to join the NRA because of this quote, ""I like taking guns away early," Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second." and maybe that's the plan.


Hawkins: Donald Trump Could Be Pulling a Gun Control ‘Rope-a-Dope’

by AWR HAWKINS1 Mar 20182,717

As President Trump spent time stacking gun bill upon gun bill Wednesday, it was impossible to avoid thinking he might be setting up the Democrats via a gun control “rope-a-dope.”
Trump's modus operandi is "business by chaos". You can see it everywhere, with conflicting statements, and burning through staff members constantly. That's how he's always worked and to expect him to change is unrealistic. I've accepted these flaws in exchange for policy positions I support. However, playing games with one of my core policy positions (gun rights) is making it hard for me to continue to look the other way. I don't expect him to sign an assault weapons ban or anything of that nature, but the bump stock thing is already bad enough (that was the low hanging fruit that could have been used to force gun control zealots to actually make a real compromise, for a change, and he just gave it away). I think the "chaos" method works, but it's as much by accident as design (i.e. while I don't think he's the biggest idiot of all time, I also don't think he's really a "stable genius" playing next level chess while everyone else plays checkers).

-Nervous in Indiana, hoping for things to work out. :|
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It's about guns among the dangerously mentally unstable people.

This has been the main subject and odds are very high that Trump was talking about removing guns from such people, if there were a simple, legal way.

I realize that even psychiatrists could disagree on who might be deemed dangerous (and their political enemies...?).
But with so many police calls to the nut's home, and threats made to other students (not just via Internet), he would have been a good candidate for gun removal.

But why nobody got him legally "adjudicated", is it partly a matter of money, or just too complicated these days with personal rights being at stake? Must custodial "parents" push for it?
IF THIS WAS THREE YEARS AGO...you would not be able to get into Washington DC due to all the parks cars on freeways, due to the clog from people going to DC to protest.

But alas, put the (R) beside the name and people just stare in disbelief. THE author is wrong, and further IMHO is thinking stupidly but some people just don't want to believe what they are hearing. Here's a hint;

Local yocal township committee member spouting off...dismiss it
High level authority position in control of many agencies...well, you get the point, or you do not
I don't think a true rope-a-dope would really strengthen the NRA. My guess is that most who support it have joined it. It seems that while the NRA is a force to advance gun rights on many fronts, it is also in the business of putting financial pressure on Republican politicians it makes contributions to. It's why a lot of Florida officials seem a bit like a worm on a hook when confronted by angry residents after the shooting. They really can't "win", but that's politics and part of the game.

I digress, and I apologize. In short, the NRA is not currently in synch with the hearts and minds of the majority of the nation at the moment. Just like some republicans aren't pro gun and some Democrats aren't anti gun, many folks aren't hardcore on gun rights.

The off the cuff remarks speak to suburban right leaning mothers as well as gun owners who really don't give a flip about owning ARs or being able to own ARs. People are selective in what they hear. It's not hard to rationalize scooping up guns without due process when YOU find them "unnecessary". I mean it's not like they would ever go after your 17+1 Glock,right...right?

It may grow the pie beyond his hardcore 34% hardliners who are cemented in his corner no matter what, but I'm not sure it was calculated. But the fact is that a lot of Americans are shifting away from a passion for the 2nd in an absolute fashion.
I’m getting a bit tired of moderators locking threads quickly. I think given the events going on a little extra leeway is in order. That said, I’m not in charge so I’ll respect what’s done.

In this case, I think many of us are concerned as we have a president like we’ve never seen before. What he says and what he does impacts us. But unlike career politicians who calculate everything they say, then vote based on what’s needed to get re-elected or elected to a higher office, Trump shoots from the hip.

Shooting from the hip gets us all spun. Friend and foe. Just look at DACA. The far right, (and I’m in that group when it comes to immigration and guns) went nuts. It the reality is nothing was done, and we may get DACA eliminated. The ball is still in Congress’ hands.

Now I don’t mention DACA because of immigration, but rather because it’s an issue the left and right are at polar opposites. The same as guns. Ironically Trump did the same with DACA by having public working sessions. We should have learned that until a bill is signed it’s just talk.

The point is unlike Obama and Clinton whose gun positions we don’t know what Trump will do or what he’s thinking. I’ve said it in other threads, we should be concerned. But we shouldn’t panic. IMHO he’s DONE nothing to warrent us getting upset. Yes he’s said things that should frighten us to death. But history is a good teacher and so far it show he’ll be pulled back when it matters.

So the thing is we have to remember that BOTH houses of Congress make the laws not the President. What he wants isn’t what we will get. What he is willing to sign into law though will matter.

So the question is what will the GOP members in Congress give up. If we call, WRITE and make our voices heard NOW we can show there are more of us than our enemies who are much better organized. They have billionaires supporting them and the news networks.

If we join or upgrade memberships to the NRA, GOA etc it’ll help.

Get involved.

So sorry, I get politics aren’t normally alllowed but this is too important. We need to organize, take action and be heard. Or we’ll lose our 2nd Amendment Rights then eventually our 1st and forums like this will eventually be outlawed or eliminated when an administration like the last one is elected again.
I don't know if Trump's this smart.

Lots of people have underestimated him, including me.

Only way I know to see what he is capable and going to do is wait and see. If he was an idiot, he would be broke and never would have become POTUS. He hasn’t always been a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment though.

One doesn’t need to be a member of Mensa to know upsetting “gun voters” would be the fastest way to being a single term President. He is going to need more voters next time, not less.
He's been a divider since day one, just like Barrack. We are already divided on the gun issue. We need comprimise, like reciprocity for bump stocks or suppressors out of NFA for their "improved" backround checks.(see registry) comprimise on this would bring us closer instead of what we have now. Confusion, games, rope a dope tactics or god help if he means it are just more of what we expect out of the DC swamp. I think we were all hoping Mr. Trump wouldn't fit in so well.

At least we have gotten Gorsuch out of this. Maybe he will be the deciding factor in keeping what we have left of 2a. But I sincerely hope cooler heads prevail and these issues can be solved in the Congress and Senate.
A) Trump does not have the filter common to most of us , the one that helps us dtermine what is - and what is not prudent to express. He apparently feels he doesn't need it , and he got elected without it. He "spoke from the hip" on seizure without due process , but until , and if , he goes on to develop a real time interpretation of what that means and how it should be implemented my alert status will remain at yellow , not red.
B)It is quite possible that the President is , in fact , moving a chess piece by making such a controversial statement . Consider the possibility that he threw the "proposal" to draw a reaction , knowing that the left would be inclined to oppose it on the basis that it came out of his mouth , even though they want any kind of gun control they can get. He enjoys seeing the left with it's hair on fire. (and so do I)

As far as Trump on gun control goes , I believe it is way too early to panic. An off-the-cuff statement does not constitute law or even policy.
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99% of what happens in Washington is talk, posturing and rhetoric. Evidence can be seen in the number of bills introduced versus those actually signed into law.

One month ago a SW MP Sport II was $504 at Buds. Today it is $549. Pretty good indicator demand went up caused both by the shooting and the talk afterwards. I think Pres helped create the market bump by talking, that's what he's always done. Compare the industry and politics during AWB in 90's versus today and you'll see even SW won't do now what they did then.
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Trump is a known populace; he sways his views. Lucky, I cannot see half of what was discussed being presented to him in a bill for signature. But I still say many times he does not thoroughly think about what he will say or tweet. Was this a robe-a-dope? Personally, I would say NO. But I'm just someone sitting here at 6:45, hoping my snowblower will start.
Fear and panic on THR.

I was going to explain on time is on our side.

I was going to point out how the student protests in Florida are going to end in June. Parkland High School graduation is on June 11th. This means the student body will be disbanded. Seniors will be going on to college, jobs or other paths. The summer break will allow for emotions to calm down. When school resumes in the fall the students will have to reorganize their protest group. The media will have lost most of it's interests as it is no longer the hottest, most emotional issue.

I was going to point out how bills have to be introduced in The House of Representatives and the process of going through committees, public hearing comments period, procedural steps, and approval by the House before the bill can go to the Senate where the whole process starts again.

I was going to point out how President Trump has been the first President since Ronald Reagan to directly speak to the NRA.

I was going to point out President Trumps appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

I was going to point out the President Trump doesn't beat around the bush and goes directly to the core of issues. He has called the Democrats out on Immigration, setting the world back on it's heels that it is no longer a free ride on the United States whether it comes to us defending them or crappy trade deals.

The core issue with Parkland Shooting is how to take guns away for citizens that are legally allowed to own them but are arguably too unstable to do so. All of the talk boils down to one simple issue which is simply taking the guns away. The Democrats what to hide it by passing a law that is written in confusing language and does not have enough time for a careful review of what it really says. 9 months to one year later we find out what the details really say and the negative impact it has on gun owners.

Sounds familiar? It should. The is exactly what has happened with Obamacare.

But fear and panic on THR shouts down any on the points I was going to make.
Fear and panic on THR.

I was going to explain on time is on our side.

I was going to point out how the student protests in Florida are going to end in June. Parkland High School graduation is on June 11th. This means the student body will be disbanded. Seniors will be going on to college, jobs or other paths. The summer break will allow for emotions to calm down. When school resumes in the fall the students will have to reorganize their protest group. The media will have lost most of it's interests as it is no longer the hottest, most emotional issue.

This is most likely true. But you’ll have to point out all of this stuff again, the next time it happens. And again after that.
The Gorsuch appointment was like a hail-Mary touchdown, but the GOP has lost the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 elections. That’s not a sustainable winning strategy. IMHO, time is not on the side of gun owners.
Trump is a known populace; he sways his views. Lucky, I cannot see half of what was discussed being presented to him in a bill for signature. But I still say many times he does not thoroughly think about what he will say or tweet. Was this a robe-a-dope? Personally, I would say NO. But I'm just someone sitting here at 6:45, hoping my snowblower will start.

"Populist," not "populace." I don't know what populace is.:what: ;)
It's about guns among the dangerously mentally unstable people.

This has been the main subject and odds are very high that Trump was talking about removing guns from such people, if there were a simple, legal way.

I realize that even psychiatrists could disagree on who might be deemed dangerous (and their political enemies...?).
But with so many police calls to the nut's home, and threats made to other students (not just via Internet), he would have been a good candidate for gun removal.

But why nobody got him legally "adjudicated", is it partly a matter of money, or just too complicated these days with personal rights being at stake? Must custodial "parents" push for it?
There is a policy in place in Broward County designed to reduce the number of student arrests. This is not accomplished by getting the students to commit fewer crimes, but instead by gaming the system. The policy is called PROMISE. This policy is the likely reason the killer did not become a prohibited person by virtue of some of his previous acts including stalking an ex-girlfriend and threatening IIRC her and her subsequent boyfriend.
This is most likely true. But you’ll have to point out all of this stuff again, the next time it happens. And again after that.
The Gorsuch appointment was like a hail-Mary touchdown, but the GOP has lost the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 elections. That’s not a sustainable winning strategy. IMHO, time is not on the side of gun owners.

Popular vote does not get the President elected. The Electoral College does.

The Founding Fathers were smart enough to see how a large concentration of voters in few States could override the will of the majority of Americans in the rest of the country. This prevents large pro-Democrat votes in States like California from overriding States with less population.

On the National level time is on our side as long as Republicans remain in power. Some States are another matter. Texas looks like it is shaping up to be a big battleground for turning from red to blue one.
I don't think this is any type of planned trick. If it was, McConnel and Ryan probably would have been involved and would have some sort of plan of action. As it is, they're as confused as the rest of us and seem content to just ignore the gun issue for the time being. If anything, that type of tactic will just divide Congress and the President even more.
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