Help Remington 710 mistake

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Jul 9, 2007
I made the mistake of buying a Remington 710 300 mag rifle a few years ago. My bolt has always been trouble, and you have to force it in to load a shell in it. How can I fix this? Thanks for the help.
How can I fix this? Thanks for the help.
Hit this >link< paying attention to pages 9 and 14 of the manual.

My bolt was sticky, so I took it apart per instructions and cleaned/lubed it. It was full of some real heavy, sticky grease. After cleaning, I used some lighter white lithium grease, and now it shoots like a dream. I betcha 95% of the naysayers never cleaned and shot one; so take their advice with a grain of salt. Clean/lube/shoot; if it still gives you problems, offload it then. I bet you'll be surprised.
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I actually like the 710; great ergonomics, with a stock just begging for a cool paint job. the problem was some basic physics/ magnetic principles. if you do what the above dude says, and it still has problems, try to get a complete bolt assy., from remington, or one of the auction sites, from the last year they were made, maybe the last two years.
anyway, they changed the materials that some of the outer bolt parts were made of, and this is the one you want.
Better yet....Remington knows of the 710 bolt problem! If you call em' up, send it back, they will fix it. IF indeed you do have a problem, as ol' FloppyD said, getting that Komatsu axle grease out of there will do wonders, but some of the 710's exhibit sticky bolts and Remington is fixing them.

1-800-243-9700 like the 710...!?! like the 710...!?!

can't really knock a man's taste. remember there are folks out there that Love their Yugo, or for a more appropriate anology their Edsel.
I hunted with a friend who owned a 710. He really liked it, and used it to take several deer.

Yup, try cleaning and lubing her up. If problems persist, call remington about it.
I'm right there with rangerruck, I like my 710, too. I got it for a song because some guy thought he needed a 700 instead. I can hide 5 shots with a half-dollar, and on better days a quarter. That's all I expect out of an honest hunting rifle. :)
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