Hillary Clinton To Support Bush Court Nominee

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I think underestimating and marginalizing Hillary as a candidate will be the fatal mistake of the Republican party.

Yep, especially considering how little—how very little—the Republicans have done for America these past five years. Bush seems to have little or none of Snopes Clinton's flagrant dishonesty and egotism, and hasn't surrounded himself with knaves and fools, but he's done nothing about the cancer of illegal aliens in our nation and mired us in yet another Asian land war. The Republicans in the Congress have sat around snivelling and whining about those mean old representatives of the Democratic (sic) party instead of actually doing anything. The tax cuts were a good start, but of course, the Republicans neglected to follow through. The nation's civil liberties have suffered enormously. We're apparently clueless about the fact that we're in a world war.

As long as she doesn't do anything stupid, I'd say Mrs. Snopes Clinton has at least an even chance of befouling the White House again.
As long as she doesn't do anything stupid, I'd say Mrs. Snopes Clinton has at least an even chance of befouling the White House again.

I agree. It boils down to whether or not she is able to succesfully portray herself as a moderate to Joe Sixpack. I think she might pull it off. The neo-cons in the Republican party are making this easy for her.

I expect for her to be tougher on border security than the Republican nominee. Of course, that won't be hard, since the Republicans have done nothing about that in 5 yrs now.

I also think she will be very careful to not run off her mouth, like she did in Bill Clintons first term. I think everything she has said for the last year has been carefully considered. If she can keep up this image, America will forget they hate her, and vote for her.
The more I hear her speak these days, the less I feel I know what she stands for (other than herself). More disturbingly, I have the same trouble with her most likely opponent in 2008 - McCain. :(

Then the question becomes:

Do you vote for Kane or Kodos? :evil:
I have the same trouble with her most likely opponent in 2008 - McCain
There is no way McCain can win the republican nomination, so it's not worth worrying over.

You guys are saying the presidential situation is going to be worse yet for the next term? That's pretty crazy and I sure as hell hope it doesn't get that far.

As far as Hillary winning, I think it will be a cold day in hell before we have a woman president. I hope it will be a cold day in hell anyway, I'm not ready for that one yet, if ever.
I think it will be a cold day in hell before we have a woman president.
I think if Dr. Rice wants to be president, it's hers for the asking.

Weither she wants it or not, is the question.
There is no way the Republican Party will pick Rice. They will pick an older rich white guy, as always.

Even if they did pick her, she would be portrayed in the media as a rabid conservative (which she certainly is not) who is too inexperienced for the job, and the American public would believe it.

Hillary and the Clinton political machine would eat her alive.
There is no way the Republican Party will pick Rice. They will pick an older rich white guy, as always.

Even if they did pick her, she would be portrayed in the media as a rabid conservative (which she certainly is not) who is too inexperienced for the job, and the American public would believe it.

Hillary and the Clinton political machine would eat her alive.

We'll see who is right... I hope I am not.
She is too inexperienced in politics. Likewise her political support base in not in depth.

I don't know if its true but I've heard both political parties have gurus who look at looong term trends and are able to make decent judgment as to which party, ideology, or personality will do well in any given election. Seems Katherine Harris is going through this right now. She thinks she can win the senate in FL and Bush's posse want her stopped. In any case the ability to predict with some certainty will go a long was toward explaining why when one party has a decent candidate the other party fronts someone with "loser" tattoo'd on their forehead. Unless Rice get some political play time (not Sec State stuff) I'd have to put here into the category of cannon fodder.
Rice supporters,

You guys are just kidding yourselves. She is just a nice PC decoration (colored, woman - 2 for the price of one :) ) for the old-boy white Republican plutocrats - always has been, always will be. This is one of the reasons they also pulled in Powel (although not the main reason), but he refused to fall in and keep his mouth shut, so they kicked him out. Besides, doesn't she need to be state governer first anyway?

Schwarzenegger for president! :)
She is too inexperienced in politics.
Hillary had never been elected to anything, before she took her NY senate seat.
She is just a nice PC decoration (colored, woman - 2 for the price of one ) for the old-boy white Republican plutocrats
Are you saying republicans are racists? Because looking back, I don't see any non-white non-male presidential candidates on the Democrat side either.
I think it will be a cold day in hell before we have a woman president.

Why not? The N.R.A.'s newest president is the second woman to preside over the organization.

The more I hear her speak these days, the less I feel I know what she stands for (other than herself).

Mrs. Snopes Clinton has never stood for anyone or anything other than herself. Neither did her husband. Being a rampaging egocentric socialist didn't keep him from high public office, did it?
CAnnoneer, I cannot believe you said that.

As for Rice, I've said before that all it would take would be a Cheney resignation next year for health reasons, and then she's VP. And there's her elected office credentials.

How long was Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas, a state with an economy smaller than the city of Chicago's?

Maybe I'm dreaming, but I think a solid effort for Rice could work. Unfortunately, I don't see anyone laying the groundwork for a Rice candidacy right now, and now is when people start positioning themselves. Witness Hillary.

Wouldn't you agree that the current administration (minus the perfunctory superficially-colored PC decorations) is the very quintessence of ultra-rich old-boys? Come on, just look at Dubya, Dick & co. Look where their money comes from. If they were any whiter they'd be Micheal Jackson. What the dems do does not change what the reps are. :)

Also, in what way is it productive for the American people to justify the crapulence on the one side with the same on the other. I think we should hold both of them to higher standards, rather than feeding each other cynicism. :evil:

Besides, unlike the reps, the dems will actually run a woman for president in this decade. :)

Wouldn't you agree that the current administration (minus the perfunctory superficially-colored PC decorations) is the very quintessence of ultra-rich old-boys? Come on, just look at Dubya, Dick & co. Look where their money comes from. If they were any whiter they'd be Micheal Jackson. What the dems do does not change what the reps are.

Oh my gosh.

What Presidents have not been wealthy, regardless of party? I am sure by your standard of rich vs poor, you'll have a hard time finding any. Who's poor? Is it the Bush's or the Kerry's or the Clinton's or the Reagan's or the Ford's or the Carter's? By the way, what's wrong with being rich? What's wrong with being white?

Oh yea, and whitey appointing blacks to positions of power is just for show only huh? But if whites didn't appoint blacks at all they're racist and just keepin a brothah down. :rolleyes:
Wouldn't you agree that the current administration (minus the perfunctory superficially-colored PC decorations) is the very quintessence of ultra-rich old-boys?
John Kerry makes Bush look like a pauper, although he did have to marry a couple rich widows to get it. Ted Kennedy has a few bucks too. In fact, I bet that if you measured the net worth of all the republicans vs. all the Democrats in the house + senate, the Democrats would come out on top by a good margin.

There is nothing wrong with being white and there is nothing wrong with being black. In fact, if Powell had run for pres, I would probably have voted for him. I am white and there is nothing wrong with me. What is wrong is:

1) appointing incompetents to the cabinet based on the political correctness of their color

2) giving oneself and one's friends four (four!) tax cuts in five years while the economy is crashing and social security is a HUGE nasty ticking timebomb that will DEVASTATE America economically, politically, spiritually, and ethically in the next ten years.

3) invading a country without secure evidence primarily because its dictator tried to kill my daddy, when even my own intelligence service says there is no evidence of that dictator having any relation with AQ

4) running the country with the mentality that 49% of voting Americans are completely irrelevant and might just as well shut the hell up or talk to the hand, 'cause I ain't listening.

5) allowing that my buddies' company (HAL) is the ONLY one to have access to the choiciest government contracts, on an exclusive basis. Also allowing them to claim as fee 1% of everything they spend in Iraq, so they trash 70,000 dollar trucks.

I think I should have capitalized "old-boy" to show where the true emphasis is.

The real problem in America is the problem with any aging country - eventually meritocracy is replaced with hereditary plutocracy and aristocracy. Instead of tough competent "mustangs" you end up with inbred drooling idiots whose only big accomplishment in life is that they were born into old money. By the same logic, why don't we have Paris Hilton for president?? Or the Bush twins? I doubt they will be less effective. :fire:

This country was built by hard-working determined competent men and that is why it became the greatest and freest country in the world. And that is why I am proud to call myself American. If we let incompetent imbecile scions to destroy all that without even a whisper of protest, without even acknowledging what is really going on, if we do not call corruption with its name, if we turn a blind eye to our politicians' misdeeds, if we justify one group's misconduct with another's, then there is something really wrong with us. :fire:
Percentage wise, by far the biggest part of the tax cut went to the middle class

The economy is growing at a super strong rate. Something the left-wing media won't tell you is that tax revenues are UP after the tax cut. Tax cuts spur the economy and bring in more revenue, not less.

My fear is still the RKBA if Hillary makes it. I can see Republicans trading off gun rights to get something else they feel is more important, then blaming it on Hillary. They don't get blamed and she's a hero to the left.

Yea but Arafat was prettier.

Yeah, but they both have the same taste in women :D

The revenues are up with respect to what base level? Pre-2000, pre-cuts, this year only, etc. ?

Also, the bulk of the money may be to middle class, but percentage-wise by far the biggest benefit is to the top 1% of the population. It is like saying that because 50 people got 1 dollar, it is okay that 1 person got 10 dollars, when the government owes hundreds of dollars to the babyboomers.

Another way to think about it is this:

The government by social security taxation has been collecting a big bag of money, with the promise that when you retire, they would give it back to you. But, every time they get in trouble, the politicians grab big handfuls of that and spend it saying that somehow in the future, before you need it, they will put it back, so you have what is due to you.

Well, the time for payback is rapidly approaching, while the politicians have not put it back. Due to a strong economy and fiscal responsibility in the 1990s, there was a big surplus in 2000 that could go a long way to filling the bag before you come back for your due.

This was a historical opportunity of unprecedented scale. A real save in the nick of time. Properly husbanded, the resources would have allowed restructuring and preparation for shouldering the increasing load in 2011.

Here come the gang of old boys saying "Give me the money, so I can buy stuff from you and thus the money will be back to you." (in exchange for the services and products you provide me). The trickle economy. Then they win the midterm election and Dick says:"Another tax cut. We won so IT IS OUR DUE." To me this sounds like, "I am in power, so I am entitled to rob the treasury with both hands." If this is not corruption, I do not know what is!

When both Greenspan and O'Neal warned and warned again, Dick said:" Reagan proved deficits do not matter!" Does this sound like anything meaningful to you? The equivalent of this in real life is for you or me to keep borrowing indefinitely well beyond any means of repayment.

I believe this administration will be bitterly remembered for many decades to come. When our outside creditors stop pumping us with loans, the government would find itself insolvent and social security will be the first to go. When millions of baby boomers find themselves on the street as a result, I predict a HUGE backlash leftward. Then many of you guys that complain so much about Billary will think she was a neocon by comparison...

Study the history of Czarist Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution - idiocy on top, unsustainable war, economic collapse, social unraveling. We all know the results...
Cannoneer, with all due respect dude, you are freakin nuts.

CAnnoneer, I think Bush-hate has blinded you to the Social Security reform that would have fixed Social Security, proposed by Bush, that was shot down by the Democrats. Bush tried to save social security, Democrats wrecked it. That's the fact, sorry if it doesn't play into your prejudices.
What kind of fantasy world do you live in?
Well, I'm glad you're amused. I stand by the statement that Dr. Rice could very well become president if she runs.
CAnnoneer: "Truth hurts, baby. To be free you must take the pain."

I thought that gold chains, polyester shirts, and terms like "baby" went out in the 1970's.

Rice is the sharpest whip in the Bush administration, and I doubt that many conservatives would consider her "blackness" as a millstone, especially weighed against her credentials.

In fact, I think that conservatives would welcome the opportunity to shove the Democrat party's "ownership" of minority votes down that party's throat.

Aside from that, welcome to The High Road. Feel free to drop in and out, and change usernames as often as you need to.
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