Houston's Murder Rate Highest in Decade

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Rural areas tend to have lower murder rates because barfights and wife beating generally dont result in fatalities. There is drug manufacturing and dealing, but it either takes place with the tacit consent of the local constabulary or it gets stomped on hard.

In the ghetto, I dont think that is the case so much. The police tend to take a more hands-off approach because it is their ass on the line if they try to do the right thing and a black kid ends up getting shot by a white officer. Plus, if the rest of the community doesnt take a stand or, even worse, actively supports the activities of the criminals, what are the cops supposed to do?

In the end, the cops are only a fraction of a percent of the population- if the community isnt opposed to the criminal behavior, how are the cops going to make a dent? It doesnt even take an army of people- that one guy in CA who took a stand against the local dealers had a great effect on his neighborhood once the hoods knew they would get shot for their behavior.
they said they will turn to violence if they dont get what they need. that is exactly what they said on the news.
And it's a culture that still exists among white people, but it is treated in a far more unforgiving manner.

There is drug manufacturing and dealing, but it either takes place with the tacit consent of the local constabulary or it gets stomped on hard.

Look up any small-town newspaper and do a search on "meth." There's a major epidemic of related crime, including murder, going on that rivals anything in big cities. It seems like every day we have a story about 17-year-old punks, white as often as black or hispanic, killing some 80-year-old woman for money for meth. It just doesn't get the national press because there isn't the volume you have in highly populated areas. Again, I don't have the stats, but from where I'm sitting it looks as bad as anything in Houston or NO.
Malone has it. I've never had any trouble with blacks, but the tweakers and cooks scare the hell out of me. My roommate took to carrying a fully loaded SAR-1 openly when we lived in the Butte to ward them off. They're all white, and they're all TOTALLY F'ING CRAZY. Worse than crack heads. Plus, some of them can actually shoot straight. There may be about six blacks living in the Mat-Su grand total, so you Stormfronters can't blame them. There's scum in every ethnic group. Indeed the biggest gang problem we have in Anchorage now comes from Samoans of all people. Specifically, the youngsters who've been kicked out of one town after another before ending up here.

The only real generalization you can make is that YOUNG MALES are the most dangerous creatures on the planet, and the killers among them come in all colors. If I see a pack of them, I don't care if they're black, white or Yupik. I have my piece ready to go. You want to see a place with ZERO crime? I'll take you to a gated community that bans any youngsters from living there. No theft, no murder, no rape. Just old people arguing over lawns.
lol...+1 for the most uninformed informed opinion I have encountered on the boards thusfar, cosmo...
beerslurpy's "It's a cultural problem, not a biological one." is correct. That view is a very elementary beginning to any understanding of our social problems.

From U.S. Census data, some 2/3 of all blacks are middle-class as to income. SFAIK, the same holds for citizen-Latins. When you look back on the relatively lower crime rates of the 1930s and the 25% unemployment, it's pretty obvious that poverty as such is merely a contributory facet.

One little piece of the overall situation is to consider some of the welfare-ghettos as pockets of sub-cultures where the concept of entitlement has become ingrained. Add to this the overall US cultural idea of instant gratification which is common through all ethnic and economic groups and you have problems.

One little piece of the overall situation is to consider some of the welfare-ghettos as pockets of sub-cultures where the concept of entitlement has become ingrained.

"Entitlement" is the great whipping-boy of the conservative pundits, but if you ask me, I'd say it's more like the concept of CRIME has become ingrained.

Add to this the overall US cultural idea of instant gratification which is common through all ethnic and economic groups and you have problems.

Agree 100% with this.

Well said.

I have folks related to my by blood near Houston. One, just retired from LEO. We have communicated in awhile, but he has said what Art shared , over the years.

I was in Houston recently, and it has changed, been changing. I was down that way before Katrina, during Katrina, and since. Yeah, some ingraining and changes going on for sure. Last time real evident.

This "kinfolk" and I have not seen each other in 20+ years, and he was busy with his boy getting back from Sandbox, and the both of them flying out to see the one that serving on a Sub, somewheres...

I was not their to see another kinfolk, she is still stuck in the 60's and in denial of changes. Her LEO son does best can.

I went to check on another old set of Mentors. They moved out to more peaceful spot, made money on Houston Property , just now time to enjoy small town and memories. They can still shoot, still do, just nice to go plinking, piddle and spoil grandcritters now. Nice to window shop, with the grandcritters and not be so concerned as they were.

They sure happy they bought this peaceful spot back when, some distance from Houston, in the middle of nowhere...been a get-a-way for years now, just now permanent "home".

Washburn Tunnel, is no place to be gawking, goofing off and not paying attention, don't matter which end, or in it, just don't.
The murder rate has been as high as 46 per 100,000 if not more, people in Baltimore , Maryland. The leadership accuse each other of artificially lowering the murder rates. When the shootings happen no one hardly notices any longer. Violent crime rates are just as bad in Washington DC if not worse. Both cities have stringent gun laws in place and DC has one of the worst gun laws in the country . Washington DC as we well know busted Marion Barry the DC mayor in a drug sting with a prostitute who only got reelected again. This same Mayor in the first week of January 2006 I believe got a pistol stuck in his face and got robbed at gunpoint by some teenagers of "Poverty". Housing is dirt cheap in the inner city if you want to buy up property and live there.
If you think God is going to discard your sins because you were not rich, you are listening to the wrong preacher...
for the most uninformed informed opinion I have encountered on the boards thusfar, cosmo

Yeah, kinda annoying to be condemned out of hand because of your roots--isn't it?


It was actually more of the "I never lived in Houston, but some other dude in LA told me it was a ****hole once...so man, that place must suck alot rendering moot the massive increase in crime over the last year or so"

But yeah...its a great shame I never blamed it on the skin color of this particular bunch of criminals. Live and learn.
The problem is that inner city property ISNT cheap. Even if you could fortify it and make the crime outside a non-issue, the property taxes and income taxes would kill you. The tax base is often collapsed and the city government is usually in trouble- they will just see you as another fresh host to attach to. And you better not need a job. Guess who else left the city when things were falling apart? Thats right, the employers.

In the end, the only people that are left are the people and businesses that lack the motivation or ability to leave. How are you going to rebuild the local economy on a foundation like that?

I think there is a lot of truth in that video of the mice when someone moves their cheese- some of the mice stay behind and whine that their cheese is gone, while the smart ones move on to find new cheese. Something the video never mentions is that large numbers of the whiny, lazy mice have an additional harmful effect that should be avoided as surely as the lack of cheese.

Let's illustrate the analogy-
Mice : Moving cheese
Companies : Products (gotta find new products or they will become commoditized. Then profits will fall off and your competitors will catch up)
Employees :Companies (When things go south in terms of compensation or work environment, guess which employees are left behind? And guess what will happen to the bottom line when all the good employees have left? And do you think that compensation and work environment will get better or worse when that effect manifests itself?)
Residents : Neighborhoods and Cities (everyone (with their eyes open) knows when their neighborhood is about to take a nose dive or when a new neighborhood is likely to go way up in value. The question is who is willing and able to walk away from a bad neighborhood when they cant prevent the decline? And who isnt? That's basically the answer to why economically depressed areas are full of bad people and vice versa. The two effects feed each other)

If anyone can find a simpler way of expressing this relationship, that would be sweet.
There is a sub group that can be statisticaly linked to a higher likelyhood of being murdered...and of murdering. Urban black, age 18-25, male. Certainly aren't the only people being killed or doing the killing, but on a basic of population they do stand out.

The "why" of it is proably a multi-level problem with no simple easy correction...more social than biologic or economic.

Being able to identify this section of population, then being asked to ignore the statitical relevance just becasue one factor is race (and all the political baggage tht carries with it) is counter productive to solving the problem.

Yelling "race discrimination" does in fact help perpetuate the problem...the powers that be tend to shy away from group-specific efforts/funds that might reduce the problem.
The only real generalization you can make is that YOUNG MALES are the most dangerous creatures on the planet, and the killers among them come in all colors. If I see a pack of them, I don't care if they're black, white or Yupik. I have my piece ready to go. You want to see a place with ZERO crime? I'll take you to a gated community that bans any youngsters from living there. No theft, no murder, no rape. Just old people arguing over lawns.

I agree. Young males pretty much raising themselves and doing a poor job of it are ticking time bombs.
Retirees are some of the friendliest people there are. I talked to one and we just went on about his landscaping, talked about the holly bushes in front of his house and how to be careful when the grandkids come over and not eat the berries because they are poisonous, he invited me in and showed off the sunroom addition that he built himself. I admired his work. Had a nice chat.:D
I'd agree it's a culture problem. The racial breakdown is largely a reflection of the pervasiveness of the culture problem within each racial category. The culture problem spans all races, and is going to be our ultimate undoing.


If a majority of violent crime in an area is committed by folks of a certain color...that would be a fact, not racism. Attaching color as the reason or cause for this would be a racist opinion.

We can't even identify where the problems are without being labeled racist...those labels shut down conversation, they do not foster open communication and problem solving. We need to solve our inner city crime problems. Yes, the police are hesitant to crack down where the crime is, because that is also where the minorities are and they get tremendous heat from the community whenever they have to shoot a crack dealer.

In Portland, there was a justifyable shooting, the community was up in arms over the "racist" shooting, making "Murderer" posters with the cops face on it. About a month later there was a spate of shootings in that area and the news had some local people complaining the police weren't doing enough to stop the crime there!:scrutiny: :D I involuntarily started laughing, absolutely absurd. If the people in the community would stop being "racist" and work with and support the police efforts to get rid of the criminals, no matter what their skin color may be, then progress could be made. Police can't choose the skin color of the people that decide of their own free will to commit crimes.
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