How about a Million Gun March?

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Good point as mentioned previously, we should get to the local marches and send in the money we save by not traveling to DC to a national body for lobbying and legislative fights.

Of course, that means a few thousand from Hawaiians and Alaskans and $10 from local DC and Virginians.
I believe that it would be a large waste of time and resources. The Democrats/Progressives in Washington, and those who feed them are not trying to do away with the second amendment.

They know that they would never be able to do so. Heller helped us there. What they will do is the same thing they always do in every other situation. They will use a back door. i.e. AWB, Ammo Tax, Ban Carry. I honestly believe the AWB in its current form would never pass. Banning Hunting Rifles and all calibers 22 and up. It's ridiculous and they know it. This is why the bill has not left committee in 5 years. They also know that the industry is very strong right now, and has taken in Billions of dollars. If the congress tried to vote on this ban, the lobbyists would not just be from the firearm industry. Think of all the accessory manufacturers that would take huge losses. Even the power sports industry like Suzuki and Honda would stand to lose money if less people were buying quads to get into the woods with. It's not an issue for todays times anyway. They have bigger fish to fry right now.

Our time and money is better spent with NRA ( or similar organization ), and advocating Safe, Responsible, Legal Gun ownership.

If we were to march on Washington, it should not just be for the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, it should be for all of the first 10 amendments as well as our other rights that are infringed upon as a daily exercises by our government. This would show common people are sick of the self governing body that congress has become( and greatly add to our numbers ). We need to take control of our government back, and not just on the issue of self defense. On ALL issues!

The 535 is the biggest Enemy of The People. It's time to raise the standards for admission. My $0.02
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I would think logistically it would be easier to do marches in each of the state capitals. I would be willing to help out with organizing in Idaho if I could get some help from other likeminded Idahoans. PM me if anyone is interested.
NRA response to the march

I recently emailed the NRA about (aka

From me to the NRA
I have been reading about the Second Amendment March at What is the NRA's thoughts on this idea and will the NRA back and/or attend the march. Are there any reasons the NRA has that members like myself should not be involved with this.

Reply from the NRA:
Thank you for your suggestion that NRA promote a pro-gun rally in Washington, D.C.. While we have entertained the idea of sponsoring such an event in the past, we have decided against it thus far because of the huge logistical undertakings involved and the fact that the media, no doubt, would slant the coverage so badly that in the long run, such an event would not be beneficial to our cause. Additionally, if the turnout was anything less than anticipated, the media would report that support for the NRA and the Second Amendment was waning.

Please note that we have not permanently ruled out such a rally, and have organized several rallies at the state level in response to legislative emergencies. In fact, during the debate on the 1994 Crime bill, NRA encouraged and sponsored many of these rallies right in the districts of various lawmakers. Unfortunately rallies are not always successful in blocking anti-gun legislation -- as was evidenced by passage of Clinton's Crime bill despite numerous demonstrations. This points to a central flaw in relying on rallies as legislative tools -- no one-day event, however large or well-organized, can be seen as a "silver bullet" that will settle an issue once and for all. Only a sustained and concerted grassroots effort will ultimately spell victory for gun owners.

Please review this website for information on how you can get more involved on the local level:


Krista Cupp

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division

I agree with the NRA's concerns about a march backfiring and that no one march will be the end all be all. But I'm still for going to Washington D.C. and marching anyway. I do think we need to go big with such a march as well as maintain the grassroots efforts.
Anyone else having issues getting into / ?

Not as of 1126 pm.

I know some on here have said that this may be a mistake or that they would rather donate to the NRA. Thats your opinion and i respect it. But when is enough ..enough? What if each one of us donated 1 or 2 dollars to this cause. I know that many members on here are far away from DC, but what is wrong with doing a peaceful rally in your state? I just dont see how this could be negative to our fight.

I am worried about the future of my country and my 2nd amendment rights. I am a proud NRA member and will continue to donate to them. I just dont want to stand by and watch this administration reak havoc on our gun rights. I live in NJ and believe me, we already have some strict gun laws for law abiding citizens. I dont want to see NJ laws come to a national level. I will do whatever i can to prevent that.
Well, the NRA does have a point. The media can easily slant this negatively. If even a couple of marchers are stupid, the media would use them to vilify the rest of us.


Washington DC does not allow conceal carry and has no reciprocity with any other states. So what if one of our marchers decides to break DC law and carry anyway and then does something stupid and gets caught. Then the media and anti-gunners will say, "See! THIS is why we need more gun control. They can't be trusted with guns. They broke the law and what is to stop them from doing worse!?"

As for turnout not being a million+, the media would slant it in such a way as to make us look too few and far between AND without any resolve.

But I agree, enough is enough and at some point we have to exercise our power to protest and get our point across. Which is why, even with the possible shortfalls involved, I'm still planning to go.

And, per, Ted Nugent has agreed to be at the March in 2010. I think if more celebrities signed on, then the turn out would increase. So email all the gun friendly celebs we can! I seem to recall that Bruce Willis is pro gun:
"Everyone has a right to bear arms. If you take guns away from legal gun owners, then the only people who have guns are the bad guys."

May not be accurate, but a Google search found his addresses to be:

1453 Third St. #420
Santa Monica, CA 90401

1122 S. Robertson Blvd. #15
Los Angeles, CA 90035

22470 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90265

So everyone send him a letter! Heck, everyone send ten letters to each address.
Well, the NRA does have a point. The media can easily slant this negatively. If even a couple of marchers are stupid, the media would use them to vilify the rest of us.


Washington DC does not allow conceal carry and has no reciprocity with any other states. So what if one of our marchers decides to break DC law and carry anyway and then does something stupid and gets caught. Then the media and anti-gunners will say, "See! THIS is why we need more gun control. They can't be trusted with guns. They broke the law and what is to stop them from doing worse!?"

That might be the case... but LEOSA lets us carry in DC... just saying... having rank and file cops supporting the cauise would be awesome as well, no?

Just promise to put the squabbles about LEOSA aside. I heard enough of it.
Long ago I discovered a truth. This truth being : if I want it done right, I gotta do it myself.

To heck with giving more money to pro RKBA organizations, for now. Re-upped for 3 years w/NRA and so they are taken care of for the time being.

This Second Ammendment Rally/March/Show of Support is so much more than just another get together in DC.

It is THE WAKE-UP CALL to the traitors in .gov today. Has the potential to be the biggest thing since July 4, 1776. Obey the Constitution and Bill of Rights, traitors, or else we will be on your doorstep to oversee your incompetence. And be assured that you will be voted out of office.

Making plans to be in DC for this historic event along with my fellow American Brothers and Sisters. No excuses for not being there, other than on death bed, can't get up.
I have been working with the Second Amendment March since Day 6. That is, the idea for the march started on a Monday. The next Sunday, I had Skip Coryell on my radio show, as his first national media appearance.

I immediately sent him a hefty donation (well, hefty for me -- not for George Soros!) to feed the kitty. Seed money is critical on these things.

Many people and many groups have jumped on this -- to support it or to be nay sayers. Some of the groups who immediately want to be involved are the ones seeking/needing validation, and they are groups you do not want involved.

This is, first and foremost, a media event. It will have to be constructed carefully. There will need to be structured news rollouts every few weeks. It will need to be a "big tent" event where all supporters of the Second Amendment are welcome. This includes the Pink Pistols, Liberals, Leftists, Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, people who do not own guns, gun groups, civil rights groups, and anyone (especially!) that you wouldn't normally associate with guns.

There are many, many people who voted for Obama who would support this.

The moment it becomes an Obama bashing, it is doomed. The moment a speaker starts ranting about "liberals" it loses much of the effectiveness.

This movement has the potential to reach far into the next decade if done correctly. That will take vision, a plan, an understanding of how the media work, a willingness to be single-minded and not care about other issues when working with groups or people who will support the Second, and it will take a lot of money.

It's nice to have Ted involved, but if this becomes a Tedfest, it squanders the opportunity to show the public that we are diverse. There is a way to do this so that it has a real chance to change the way the public views gun owners and the Second Amendment. That, and only that, is the goal. All other calls to make it something else will need to be resisted.

Do not expect much support from the gun groups at first. There's too much of a turf war and a not-invented-here attitude at many of them.

And, since this is a "made for media" event, any roll the NRA has in this will need to be very carefully managed.

There will be some really loud voices telling us we should not do this. It might backfire (yeah, and then someone might introduce a bill to ban modern rifles, or to register guns, or . . . ), it might frighten the public (this is why it will have to be carefully controlled), etc. What some won't be saying, but will be thinking is "how can we make money out of this?"

This is a people's movement. We the people.

It is not a march ON Washington. It is a march in Washington. The difference is small, and it is huge. It is the difference between trying to beat your opponents into submission and understanding that the opposition will never admit that we are right, and we need to be talking to the public.

I'm on board. I'll be there. We'll be talking about it on the radio every week.
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Amen, it's not about any political ideology or us versus them, it's about Americans who value their 2nd Amendment rights, regardless of any other leanings.

Get that part straight and it will show the true diversity in our ranks.
I think it's a great idea. I think we just need to stress that anyone who comes should not actually be carrying their rifles because then it would be a recipe for disaster. As far as an American march for the 2nd amendment that's not a bad idea at all.
The folks organizing the march have made it clear that people should not bring guns to the D.C. march.

At other locations, where guns are legal, all that is being said is to obey the law.
DC gets an annual infusion of foreign guns every May when the National Law Enforcement Memorial Week takes place. You think every cop there is unarmed?

I know quite a few cops might be interested in showing support.
I'm signed up for their newsletters, and have passed the website link along to others, including the President of our local 2nd Amendment Club.

I may not be in DC, but my voice will be heard!
No one should carry while in a march in DC. There is no legal accommodation for permit holders with the District. The very idea is destructive to helping win the political and cultural struggle we are facing.

There's a lot of talk going on here, but not a lot of organizing to do anything. Perhaps the is the best way to get something done on this, but I would expect us to be able to come up with some ideas that would actually help make this come about.
If anyone in Washington State Or Idaho Drives Throught Montana to get there, Pick me up Ill help with the Gas Bill!
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