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How are your firearms stored? Gun safe/rack/display?

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Nov 23, 2006
Austin/Houston, Texas
I have a problem. My dad owns plenty of rifles (10-15 range). I personally own a few pistols and a few carbines.

My dad had his guns stored at his brothers house in big gun cases, but my uncle moved away leaving us with no where to store these guns. Right now my dad has them stacked in his closet, some in cases some not.

My guns are in holsters or cases stored in a large dresser.

Right now a gun safe is out of the question because of monetary problems etc.

Is there schematics for a cheapo gun rack that can be made from Home Depot supplies? I don't like simply storing guns in cases in drawers either.

How do you store your handguns? Long-guns? carbines?

thanks in advance.

You could make a cabinet out of cdx plywood for a fraction of the cost of a 15+ gun safe. However I highly recomend keeping one accessable that only you know about. I could even draw you a schematic if you like.
I store mine under the crib and in the playpen:uhoh:

Just kidding, no kids at my house. Get a locking gun cabinet (around $100) it's no safe but when bolted to a wall it will slow the determined bad guys buy 2 minutes and discourage the meth-head smash-and-grabbers. I got my 10 gun cabinet at Wal-mart for $79. If not make something like at Big 5-if not familiar, it's a 2x4 sizearm that has a locking swing-out face so one key could keep 5+ guns locked... something along those lines, with or with out a lock...it would keep everything safe from falling, etc.
I keep mine in a locked and alarm protected closet off the master bedroom.

The racks were made by hand with nothing but a circular saw and a power drill (with hole saw).

Handguns are stored in binder dividers bought form the office supply store.




The wood for the racks cost less than $10. I bought a very nice holesaw for $18 - there were cheaper ones but I didnt want to be drilling holes all day.

The binder dividers were $8 and work great.
In a safe.....in a locked closet....

in a locked bedroom, in a locked house with a monitored alarm. The pains of living in the city........chris3
Hopefully, Gixxerman1000 will come along and show you how to store massive amounts of weaponry in small areas. I thought I had his pictures saved, but I can't find them.
Probably the easiest would be to find a closet and put a lock on said closet, so no one can take your guns.

However, if you want it to look cool and impress relatives and social workers that come to your house, I suggest hanging them all on the wall. That's what I do, except all my stuff is airsoft except for 2 mausers :(



All you gotta do is get some long nails, like a little over 2 inches, and you can hang all the guns that will fit on your wall with no issues. Only issue, is that they're right there for someone to steal them.

Also, the social workers might get a little envious of your collection. ;)
Non-functioning, fancy looking guns are displayed (don't have any of those right now). Everything else is either carried or locked away.

Until you can get some type of safe I would reinforce that closet.

Locking deadbolt and harden the door - if its not solid core maybe fasten some 3/4 inch plywood on the inside and reinforce the frame and jam with wood, angle metal & long screws so it can't be kicked out.
I'd feel better with a few less rifles (sell some) and buy a decent gun safe. I finally got to the point where I had the money to buy a new gun, but decided to wait and purchased a safe instead. I felt a lot better leaving the house after putting the guns in the safe. Nothing is fool proof, but it's a lot better than the metal cabinet I previously used.
All my rifles are in a cheapo cabinet from Dick's Sporting Goods....I have a S&W 1911 and a S&W M&P40 stashed in two parts of the house, ready to go.

The pistols have no locks and are ready to fire (1911 has the safety on and the M&P has no safety).
I have mine stored in a gun cabinet that I've had since I was a teenager. I'm looking at getting a safe soon since my collection is growing in value and there are kids around now.
I thought something like this would be neat (and save floor space) if you wanted to do wall mount in a secured room/closet and display at the same time. I had to email an airsoft retailer to find out what the stuff is called since I couldn't find it elsewhere being displayed in this fashion. It's "gridwall" and you buy it at "store fixture" stores which sell commercial display materials. Looks pretty neat and modular, wouldn't require too much damage, and you can mix it up as your collection grows/changes.


I came across some info on retrofitting a closet or small windowless room into a "hurricane" shelter for hurricane-prone areas. Construction looked straight forward and appears suitable as a reasonably secure room. Sheets of plywood, reinforced studs and hardware, storm door, triple dead bolt. On the plus side, it could function as a safe room or storm shelter with some basic necessities, and you'd be pretty safe inside given the contents. Sounds very tempting.

Otherwise, everything not on "home defense rotation" sits in cases in a closet.
Look at the "job site" lockable tool boxes. They are made in several different sizes so you can probably find one to fit your needs. Then you'll have a great tool box when you can afford one of those big , nice safes! I think Home Depot and Lowe' both carry these. I have a safe but I'm about to out grow it.
hey hardtarget,
when you outgrow your safe just remember me being the youngest I am use to "hand-me-downs" and would give your old small safe a good home:neener:
Gun Safe. With the price of guns rising, you might consider the total value of your accumulation and the fact that without special riders, most renters or home owners insurance doesn't cover much value. Hence, the cost of a good safe begins to become more rational beyond just a place to stash the guns. Just food for thought when you are thinking about that $1000+ safe and trying to justify the cost.
I've got a stack-on 8 gun cabinet mounted to the wall. I'm actually hoping that in case of a robbery (we've already had 3, but none recently) they don't see it because it wouldn't take them very long to snatch it. It won't do them too much good because all my guns are cheap, but it would sure be bad for me. Some of my guns, like the ones I am doing work on are stored in my room.

I never have any loaded, but I was thinking of hiding my mossy 500a somewhere just in case.

It's just that all of the burglaries have taken place when nobody was there, and if someone were to interupt them while they were in possesion of a loaded shotgun, things would be bad because I'm the only gun guy in my family, and I'm only there on weekends.

For simple storage, the stack-ons are good values.
Don't mean to be nosey but I suggest you do something like me. Ammo is locked up seperate but when I'm home my pistol comes out and gets loaded (I keep a loaded magazine seperate and locked from the guns) When I leave and the pistol doesn't I unload it and lock it up and the magazine seperate...If your car keys and cabinet key are atatched and you leave the key in the cabinet when you retrieve gun you'll never forget to return/unload/lock-up gun when you leave.;)
Mine are off site in a safe.
They were in September of 2006 anyway when I last tossed a firearm in the safe.
Maybe come March I can drive back out and see for sure. IIRC it will be 2 years this March since I have really checked, wiped them down or anything...
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