How Do Gun-Banners Gain When They Win?

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What do gun-banners gain?

I remember reading a succinct phrase once:

Gun control isn't about guns, it's about CONTROL.

That sums it up. When the gun-banners win, they gain control over a portion of your life, plain and simple.
I suspect there are four types of gun-control proponents:

1) Those that think that banning guns will truly cut down on crime. Of course I believe they're mistaken, but they honestly think that if there were no guns there would be no crime. They fail to see that even if you destroyed every gun in the world some portion of the population would commit crimes with knives, clubs, or whatever. These are actually the people we can reach by demontrating to them how mistaken they are. I'd be willing to get there are a lot of THR members who used to belong to this group.

2) The people Jeff Cooper calls hoplophobes. These people have a phobia about firearms. They can't (or are unwilling) to cope with providing for their own protection and therefore think no one else should have that ability. Forget these people, they're hopeless, no conversions there.

3) People who want to be in control of the rest of us. They probably don't mind having guns themselves, but don't want the "great unwashed" to have them. These people are elitists. These people are the very reason we need to remain armed.

4) People, usually politicians, who see gun control as a hot-button topic, a way of getting votes, or power, or money, or whatever. They're prostitutes who'd just on any bandwagon if it would gain them what they want. These would be the loudest 2A advocates IF they thought there were more 2A supporters than not. I put Schumer, Clinton, Kerry, etc in this category. If they end up relying on 2A supporters they can be very useful, but don't trust them, even if the tide turns our way, because they'll switch sides before you can say "Boo". For them it's not a philosophical position, it's completely poll driven.
But what do the gun-banners gain when they succeed in taking away our rights?

A warm and fuzzy feeling. I suspect for most anti-gunners this is what drives them. The issue of control is mostly true for politicians and social engineers, but for the rank and file is all about feel-good.

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