How do you say FAL

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I have now seen the light and will never again call it a "fal" rhyming with "pal".Furthermore,I will no longer say that my favorite pistols are made by "Zig Zower" ,I will say Ess Eye Gee Sour:p

I don't get too bent out of shape over pronunciation: Guh-rand vs G'rand vs Garand almost rhyming with parent/car-been vs car-bine/Stayer-Schtayer-Steer-Styer and so on.The most creative use of hooked on phonics with guns I've ever heard was a Russian bolt action being called a "Nagissant".Of course I knew what he was talking about but I'm not quite sure how he came up with it.My family is spread out all over the country so sometimes I have to remember if I should refer to her as Ant Sarah or Ont Sarah and whether to ask for a soda/pop/Coke but as long as the point is conveyed,I tend not to argue semantics. I have an ant/ont that has lectured me that I shouldn't pronounce dawn/don/Don/Dawn the same way to the point I'd like to buttstroke her with a Nagissant.

I'm a Garand rhymer/carbeen/Schtayer guy myself:D
I say it as a word. I also pronounce AUG as a word. But, I do call a Browning BAR a B A R, not a Bahr.
But, I also pronounce SCSI as skuhzzi. Some acronyms sound better as words, others as individual letters like A R fifteen, A K fortyseven, T C P I P, I R Q (I knew a tech that used to say 'erk'. Confused the heck out of the other techs. 'You got an erk conflict!' A what?!).

I think it boils down to if I know or see the acronym spelled out the first time I see the word in print, then it gets stuck in my head as an abbreviation, and I say it as an abbr. But, in regards to FAL and AUG, I do believe I will try to start saying them as letters in the future.

Since we're talking about acronyms: What's WASR mean? :neener:
my understanding is that Europeans tend to spell things like that out while we tend to make into a word. I figure as long as everyone knows what everyone is talking about. btw, its Leupold, not Leopold scopes! That one annoys me a little bit, coming from the Leupold state of Ore-gun.
For me, ef ay el. Though 'fal' is today not incorrect.

Oddly enough, the only acronyms I pronounce as words is AUG and MAC. Everything else is spelled out.
Fal as in Pal

F. A. L. as in Eff A Ell

FNFAL as in Finn Fal

Heard 'em all and say them all (although the FNFAL is uncommon)

I know what they mean when they say L1A1, G1 or C1 as well as Rhodie and Izzy.

Got an Izzy and a Rhodie and a Franken FAL as well.:D
I must admit that while I say B.A.R. as the letters, I sound out "AUG" as a single word. Somehow neither "bar" nor "fal" sound appropriate to me for rifles, but Steyr "Aug" does. Guess it's a matter of personal preference.
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