How does a gun show work in IL?

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Oct 29, 2006
When you buy a gun at a gunshow in Illinois you still have to sit through the waiting period (one day for longs guns, three for handguns). How does this transaction work? The show only lasts one day, do you have to travel to pick the gun up for wait until the next show?
You will probably have to get the gun transferred to a local FFL, or if the dealer happens to be local, drive to their shop after the waiting period.
The last one I attended, waiting periods were in effect. There was one local dealer that was "holding" the guns while the 48 and 72 hour waiting periods passed. I've bought guns at shows in KY, Illinois residents still had to wait (I'd bought from an IL dealer). He found a FFL close to me to perform the transfer.
Just the same as walking in a buying one at a brick and mortar store. You'll have to come back and get it or pay to have it shipped to a FFL in your state.

Around here they pay the local FFL to process all the transfer after the waiting period is over. So you buy a handgun on Saturday and on Tuesday (if I remember correctly) you meet at the pre-arranged place and finish processing the paperwork. The NCIS check and everything are done on the day you purchase.
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